Sitemap - 2024 - Fraud Prevention Hotline

TOXIC BY DESIGN - PART 8 : The most censored statement in Earth's history is explained in detail here. Such toxicity mechanisms can only be intentional.

Former slave details how we end tyranny for good ! Foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon.


The arguments for "NO VIRUS" - PART 10. Dr. Stefan Lanka : The history of the "virus" scam.

The arguments for "NO VIRUS" - PART 9. Dr. Mike Yeadon : "They’ve omitted the step involving addition of material purporting to contain the “virus” in question & yet obtained identical results..."

The arguments for “NO VIRUS” - PART 8 : Dr Mike Yeadon explains the path of his discovery.

Prof. Denis Rancourt : The summary of his planned presentation. Everything was a lie: the health threat, the alleged "pandemic", "SARS-CoV-2 virus" and "Covid".

TOXIC BY DESIGN - PART 7 : The most censored statement in earth history. And : Dr. Mike Yeadon, Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova : "Vaccinations" and hypersensitivity reactions to foreign substances.

Dr. Mike Yeadon against the "Covid" cartel – PART 4 : Who is twisting the words of Dr. Mike Yeadon and why ? An exact transcript of his statement.

Dr. Mike Yeadon against the "Covid" cartel – PART 3 : The additional statements about early treatment.

Dr. Mike Yeadon against the "Covid" cartel – PART 2 : The statement about business of fear.

Dr. Mike Yeadon explains why the bioweapon called "vaccine" can never protect. And : Allen's summary of medical fraud.

The lackeys of the perpetrators -PART 1 : The alleged "resistance heroes". Foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon. Afterword by Allen.

Dr. Mike Yeadon against the "Covid" cartel - PART 1. And : The new TONED syndrome ( The TREATMENT OF A NON-EXISTENT DISEASE syndrome ).

Please take action in case of Telegram censorship and recommend Dr. Mike Yeadon's and my Substack to your friends. Telegram founder Pavel Durov has been arrested.

Dr. Mike Yeadon : Additional statements on the topic of ivermectin and alleged contagion.

Dr. Mike Yeadon : Reproductive damage - PART 5. The Ivermectin and the "healers" of the non-existent "Covid" as shameless beneficiaries of the depopulation agenda.

The roulette with conventional "vaccinations" - PART 9. Dr. Mike Yeadon : On no account agree to being injected with anything remotely claimed to be a “vaccine”.

Dr. Mike Yeadon : Gain-of-function research. Don't believe the official news.


What was already known back then, and why doesn’t everyone want to know this to this day? Are we dealing with gaps in knowledge or memory?


THE RKI-PROTOCOLS - PART 8 : The liars responsible claim to have ended the "pandemic" through "vaccinations". And : Advanced Search in the protocols for everyone.

THE RKI-PROTOCOLS - PART 7 : The stupid German "Corona" pseudo-enlightenment and the trick of tunnel vision.

The illusion of regulation of medical products - PART 7 : Dr. Mike Yeadon and Hedley Rees reveal how the poison broth came and continues to come to us from the criminal, supranational gang.

The arguments for “NO VIRUS” - PART 7 : A deep look into biological matter. Dr. Mike Yeadon talks about the elusive chaos in biology.

The PCR fraud and the false epidemics have been known for decades. Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Jonathan Engler and Allen solve the scam.

The illusion of regulation of medical products - PART 6. Katherine Watt : Don’t take avian influenza tests or any other avian influenza countermeasures.

The illusion of regulation of medical products - PART 5 : The bird flu "vaccination"-Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) without standard tests. Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Meryl Nass.

The WHO treatment protocols, 13 March 2020. A leaked document from the terrorist organization WHO.

The mass murder is obvious, but continues. A new peer-reviewed study. Dr. Yeadon : Any experienced medic or biologist promoting these materials as a beneficial agent is a liar, a fraud and a criminal.

The climate lie - PART 6 : Dr. Mike Yeadon exposes the scam and recommends informative articles about it.

The arguments for “NO VIRUS” - PART 6 : Dr. Mike Yeadon : The discussion reaches the mainstream media. And : Prof. Rancourt discreetly promotes the “no virus” theme.

THE RKI-PROTOCOLS - PART 6 : Dr. Yeadon was right. The mass murder will soon be solved ! A whistleblower from the Robert Koch Institute has passed on the complete data. Original files in the article.

The illusion of regulation of medical products - PART 4 - Katherine Watt : On Trump's role and secret military-led continuity of government for purposes of swamp-draining.

Long-awaited report by the research group of Prof. Denis Rancourt and colleagues. The analysis of global excess mortality during the "Covid" period. Including iatrogenic deaths.

Life as a kamikaze - The Europeans for the interests of the US financial elite. And how useful is the toxicity of mRNA for war ?

The climate lie - PART 5. Dr. Mike Yeadon : From top to bottom a lie. Mistakes were not made. And : The Club of Rome.

Black pedagogy - PART 5 : Prof. Dr. Gerald Huether

Black pedagogy - PART 4 : Goals and Methods in Black Pedagogy / Bachelor Thesis, 2012.

Black Pedagogy - PART 3 : Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Correlationship Between Control and Contentment

Black Pedagogy - PART 2 : The false self

Black Pedagogy - PART 1 : Alice Miller and others

The roulette with conventional vaccinations - Part 8 : Science died in the 1980s.

Dr. Mike Yeadon and others about reproductive damage - PART 4 : mRNA and conventional “vaccines”

The roulette with conventional vaccinations - PART 7 - Dr. Mike Yeadon : All vaccines are to be distrusted. And : Niki protects children from pharmafia.

The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup. By Jeffrey A. Tucker. Foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon. Warning : A title with nudging properties.

We have experienced a coup. The narrative of "corruption" or "government failure" ignores this fact and is therefore false. The authorities are Potemkin villages, infiltrated and hollowed out.

A study from Italy now also shows statistically that the life expectancy of vaccinated people is shortened by up to 37 percent.

The climate lie - PART 4 - The purpose : taking over smaller banks and introducing CBDC slavery. And: the temperature measurement scam. Foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon.

The hospital protocols of death - PART 3 : The only place people died was our hospitals. And that’s just because they died from the treatments. Foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon.

The preparations for war against Russia and prejudices as triggers of human catastrophes.

The illusion of regulation of medical products - PART 3 - Katherine Watt & Dr. Mike Yeadon : They’re not vaccines, and they’re not medical products.

The roulette with conventional vaccinations - PART 6- Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi : No single “vaccination” prolongs life.

TOXIC BY DESIGN - PART 6. Dr. Mike Yeadon : The intentionally induced autoimmune disease. And : The forgotten topic of aspiration.

The arguments for “NO VIRUS” - PART 5 -Dr. Mike Yeadon : They refuse to acknowledge the evidence of failed symptomatic transmission or contagion.

The total capital. A guest article by Felix Feistel.

The illusion of regulation of medical products - PART 2 - No mistakes are made here. Any mRNA dirt will soon be "approved".

A journalistic attack on Klaus Schwab and his CIA arm WEF

Form of B12 Deficiency Affecting the Central Nervous System May Be New Autoimmune Disease

Dr. Mike Yeadon - TOXIC BY DESIGN - PART 5 : Prof. Francis Boyle also calls the pseudo-vaccination a "biological weapon."

Prof. Michael Hudson, Paul Craig Roberts, and Reiner Fuellmich : The deindustrialization of Europe, the end of the petrodollar and the Stockholm syndrome of the Europeans.

The climate lie - PART 3 : The theft of 1,000 billion euros of EU taxpayers' money is a done deal.

War as a tool for control - Do we have the courage not to go to their war? In Engl. & German. With comments by Dr. Mike Yeadon.

I'm With Stupid - The inner voice of a "vaccination" doctor. And : Yet another study that says that the “vaccinated” die faster.

Julian Assange is free !

Prof. Jonathan J. Couey - Why the Covid Narrative is biologically impossible ?

Do you want to defend yourself and resist?

The Spanish Flu : What a pandemic ? A man-made medical disaster. Dr. Mike Yeadon and others clarify.

The climate lie - PART 2 - Prof. Ian Plimer : This is an absolute con. Dr. Mike Yeadon : The most important scientific journals are owned by liars.

The Central Banking-Warfare Model, the spokesmen of the US Department of Defense and their distraction from intentionally toxic design.

The hospital protocols of death -PART 2. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg : '‘They killed people in hospitals treating them wrongly…with remdesivir and placing them on ventilators.’’

The Climate Lie - Part 1 : A wonderful business.

The hospital protocols of death -PART 1 - The story of the attempted murder of John O’Looney. Foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon.

THE RKI-PROTOCOLS - PART 5 - Dr. Mike Yeadon : The "Sars-CoV-2" fraud is considered proven.

The arguments for “NO VIRUS” -- PART 4 - Dr. Mike Yeadon : The fundamental weaknesses of the virus hypothesis should not be ignored.

Dr. Mike Yeadon : Bird flu - the next scamdemic.

Dr. Mike Yeadon about reproductive damage - Part 3

Dr. Mike Yeadon - TOXIC BY DESIGN - PART 4 : Mistakes were not made. The location defines the illness.

The PCR test and bird flu scam aimed at taking over an economic sector by globalist thieves and “vaccine” murderers.

The arguments for “NO VIRUS” -- PART 3 - Dr. Mike Yeadon : Actually easy to understand, but hard to believe. The lack of control experiments.

Dr. Mike Yeadon - The holy relics of the Pharma : antibodies, PCR tests and viruses - PART 2 : The question Steve Kirsch didn't want to ask.

Dr. Mike Yeadon - The holy relics of the Pharma : antibodies, PCR tests and viruses - PART 1 : How can we teach this to Steve ?

Dr. Mike Yeadon : The Saudi Game. And Suavek : Which hand ? Summarizing the geopolitical context of medical fraud.

Dr. Mike Yeadon : TOXIC BY DESIGN - PART 3. The beginning of the end of the most heinous crime against humanity in the history of this world.

THE RKI-PROTOCOLS - PART 4 - A very important statement from Prof. Stefan Homburg : This was utter nonsense, disproportionate, basically a kind of coup and high treason.

Dr. Mike Yeadon : What contagion ? Pseudo-vaccinations for the purposes of population control and totalitarian power.

The UN, WHO and WEF were declared terrorist organizations in Florida

The illusion of regulation of medical products - PART 1 - Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt. Foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon

Dr. Mike Yeadon - TOXIC BY DESIGN - PART 2 - How do I explain to the judiciary that Paracelsus once existed ?

The alleged contagion, the antibody and PCR tests – it was all just a trap. Sasha Latypova, Dr. Mike Yeadon and Prof. Denis Rancourt.

The Dark Origins of the Davos’ Great Reset. By F. William Engdahl. Foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon.

Paul Craig Roberts : You Will Own Nothing

Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts - Two statements on the significance of Prof. Denis Rancourt's evidence.

Historical videos by Dr. Mike Yeadon - they were a kind of Noah's Ark for many.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg : Institutional corruption and the WHO as a plandemic sales agency / Dr. Mike Yeadon & others : Weaponizing the Specter of “Avian Flu”...

Leading Japanese oncologist Prof. Fukushima : mRNA vaccines are 'basically murder'. And : Dr. Mike Yeadon about the politicians.

Dr. Mike Yeadon : The renaming fraud, Polio & the Nobel Prizes for the poisons (DDT & mRNA).

Dr. Mike Yeadon about reproductive damage - Part 2

THE RKI-PROTOCOLS - PART 3 : As Dr. Mike Yeadon said at the time, it was all fabricated and a lie.

A letter from Germany to the world. Everything was a lie. Policies that harmed, disenfranchised, and destroyed the economy were based on claims that were fictitious.

Dr. Mike Yeadon : Examples of the life-threatening healthcare system. Screening, blood pressure lowering, anticholesterol, antidepressant drugs, and the fear.

Dr. Mike Yeadon about reproductive damage - PART 1. And : Dr. Stebel's examples of intent to harm : Damage mechanisms through binding of ACE2. "This danger is known from 11th grade biology lessons".

Some people say this and some say that. Foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon.

The arguments for “NO VIRUS” -- PART 2 -Dr. Mike Yeadon : The alternatives

Dr. Mike Yeadon: The alleged “Covid” symptoms and the PCR tests are two scams that support each other.

The dismantling of a lie : Dr. Gullible-Borgia's `novel` symptom after an overdose of Corona information.

Dr. Mike Yeadon : Please stop referring to ILI as "COVID". And Dr. Thomas Binder : Zero COVID ! This modifiedRNA genocide is the greatest medical crime in human history.

The articles that should be promoted for good reasons. Part 1 : Everything was just an act.

The arguments for “NO VIRUS” -- PART 1 : Dr. Mike Yeadon is battling the virus.

The trust that kills : The historically documented psychopathy of the elite and the story of Kayvan Soufi-Siavash ( Ken Jebsen ).

THE RKI-PROTOCOLS - PART 3. As an afterword : Statements by Dr. Mike Yeadon and Prof. Norman Fenton.


Dr. Mike Yeadon : “Covid” was a scam. Conventional early treatment of vulnerable groups for seasonal illnesses makes sense.

The roulette with conventional vaccinations - Part 5 : Prof. Baxas, Prof. Bhakdi, Dr. Hooker and Miri AF. Foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon.

TOXIC BY DESIGN - PART-1 : A statement by Pfizer's former Vice President Dr. Mike Yeadon. With video. ( A greatly expanded/updated article ).

How revolutions are controlled and abused.

Dr. Mike Yeadon : The fight back starts with self realisation.

Market radicalism, incorrectly called neoliberalism, is a robbery and disenfranchisement of citizens for the benefit of the financial elite.

Palestinians are also legitimate descendants of Israelites. Prof. Shlomo Sand : The invention of the Jewish people.

The processing trap | By Felix Feistel

Because the last village idiot refuses medical “protection”, the doctors are now waking up.

Dr. Mike Yeadon & Prof. Denis Rancourt : The damage was intentionally inflicted. We should all finally raise our voices together.

FLORIAN SCHILLING : Biological Meltdown. Also warmly recommended for highly trained medical professionals !

The perpetrators' last line of defence

How a dashboard created billions of idiots. A PANDA article with a foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon.

PANDA : - Articles you don't want to miss.

The roulette with conventional vaccinations - Part 4. - With a foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon.

Dr. Mike Yeadon : The intention to harm and the statement of Prof. Masayasu Inoue. April 13, 2024.

THE BLOD CLOTS - PART 2 & BEYOND : The statement of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi. Video with practical transcript.

HOW DID THEY DO THAT ? -- The shortest explanation of the “Covid” deception

Anthony Fauci found 2008 in his study that secondary bacterial pneumonia was the primary cause of death in the spanish flu.

THE RKI-PROTOCOLS - PART 2 : Flu more deadly than "Covid" ( ! ) and the deleted "shock paper" from the German government to scare citizens

THE RKI PROTOCOLS -PART 1 - The biggest fraud of all time ! People were poisoned with mRNA without any emergecy. Prof. Stefan Homburg : EVERYTHING WAS A LIE.

The tricks and lies of the Big Pharma mafia in 1897, 1925 and the anti-psychiatry in the 1960s.

Intention to harm using mRNA technology -- PART 2 : No amount of censorship can cover up a mass murder for long.

The turbo cancer, DNA contamination, Pfizer's criminal record and the intent to harm.

Dr. Judy Mikovits : A short statement about the "vaccination" and the immune system

THE INDOCTRINATED BRAIN - Tucker Carlson interviews Dr. Michael Nehls, and other scientific works.

Paul Schreyer : How the Corona fraud was prepared over 20 years.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg - discovered and brought down the swine flu fake pandemic 2009/2010.

Jane Burgermeister - an early warning of the attempt on your life ( 2009/2010 )

Even back then, with "AIDS", the PCR test was fraudulent, and the drugs were deadly. With a foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon.

Dr. Mike Yeadon's news that makes history : "My letter to PC Ben Bates."

The roulette with conventional vaccinations - Part 3

The roulette with conventional vaccinations - Part 2 - articles mostly in German

The roulette with conventional vaccinations - Part 1

The Little Guide to Justice Under Adverse Circumstances - Part 1

Don’t let them get away with it ! March 12, 2024 : Dr. Mike Yeadon reiterates the criminal and harmful intent behind the design of the pseudo-"vaccination". The explanation.

Totalitarianism – how does it feel at the beginning ?


Dr. Mike Yeadon about the PCR fraud and fake pandemic.

Who is the ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ ? - The Enlightenment Article for the Beginner

mRNA Vaccine Toxicity - a book by Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi and others. For free download in many languages.

The intentional overdose of hydroxychloroquine and other drugs produced the alleged “Covid” deaths

Dr. Mike Yeadon: Urgent warning in several languages about converting all vaccinations to mRNA technology. This should be taken very seriously !

What are the words of Dr. Mike Yeadon worth while the perpetrators are busy covering their tracks ?

The latest data manipulation by the criminal plandemic inventors

The blood clots - Part 2. Additionally : cardiovascular diseases and the role of Dr. John Campbell.

We are facing the greatest robbery in history

Sharing made easy : A link to Alexander's Substack and his convenient enlightenment.

The Banality of Evil. Catalog raisonné and quote collection by Hannah Arendt.

World War III seems to be a done deal.

The echo of the analysis of iatrogenic excess mortality by Dr. Wilson Sy. And : how the mood changes.

A new study : Excess Deaths in the United Kingdom : Midazolam and Euthanasia in the COVID-19 Plandemic.

Prof. Norman Fenton`s evidence of the "pandemic" scam and his selected works on exposing fraudulent scientific studies.

Dr Mike Yeadon : "EVERYTHING WAS A LIE !"

Own research ? Online access to reports of suspected side effects. Also important in relation to veterinary medicine and mRNA-bioweapons.

The blood clots - Part 1

Respiratory depressants ( midazolam and other benzodiazepines ), euthanasia and excess deaths in the plandemic.

This video is clearly normalization of the genocide on kids

The animals and the vaccination fraud - By Catherine O'Driscoll

Dr Mike Yeadon : “ And in the community, people were denied life saving antibiotics and died of bacterial pneumonia. ”

DR. MIKE YEADON : "There is proof that the injected purported to be “vaccines” are in fact constructions designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility in survivors"

How long did the deadly treatment protocols last for the non-existent “Covid” disease ?

Dr Mike Yeadon exposes : lies and absurd contradictions of the official narrative.

The lie about the alleged "Long Covid" disease has collapsed like a house of cards. Here is the proof. New study - first published online February 12, 2024.

They are covering their tracks...

LITHIUM -collected, loose information, often without background and without sources.


The spike proteins in the brain and uncontrollable laughter at the mourning ceremony.