The ultimate dystopia. Is everything already over?
"The majority of people do not even know when they act maliciously and why they actually do it." A guest article by Werner Roth
The ultimate dystopia. Is everything already over?
By Werner Roth
Dec. 10, 2024
Source in German :
Translation : Suavek
by Suavek
It was a long time ago when I recommended the statements of Dr. Mike Yeadon and my Substack to the German journalist group APOLUT. I just couldn't watch quietly when they were only partially well informed at the time. And yes, they showed a keen interest in it. Since then, some of them have been writing articles that are very worth reading. What is also encouraging is that some of them actually seem to have recognized the depth of today's problems and know that both the "pandemic", the "SARS-CoV-2" virus and the "Covid" disease were invented. They know that it was all lies and only politically motivated. This article proves that.
A point of view from Werner Roth.
The “Popess” of empirical social research, Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, empirically demonstrated as early as the turn of the millennium that people in the value West form 80% of their world-view through the media. Since people find their way around the world primarily through stories, so-called narratives, they follow the stories that are considered to be true and which they receive via the media.
So whoever controls the media controls people's world-views! And thus what the truth is and what is not, i.e. what the truth should be in the sense of those in power.
Who controls the media today? These are the largest corporations with the help of the historically most powerful capital collection agencies, such as the well-known and popular BlackRock and its associates.
Behind this are the people with the greatest wealth, and they simply control everything and everyone.
This has contributed significantly to the fact that Western societies in particular have largely distanced themselves from reality and believe what the super-rich want. And this octopus, known among other things as the Deep State, has its fingers everywhere.
Interim question: Who has the power to direct all this money to the global destruction machine called the Pentagon?
Years ago, this Ministry of War defined an enormously important new battlefield and called it Mind war, alongside the previously usual battlefields of land, water, air, cyberspace, and space (=outer space). Significant successes have been achieved so far in the “war against the brain”. Further information can be found in Jonas Tögel's book “Cognitive Warfare”.
A desired effect is that the majority of people don't even know when they are acting maliciously or why they actually do it. They just do what they are told. They still feel good because they are confirmed from above that they belong to “the good guys”.
In the so-called modernity, our (over-)technologized world, our lives are more of a dream than a reality anyway. Just think of the constitutive idea for the USA: The American Dream. Anyone can do it! Nothing can be more wrong if you stick to empirical evidence.
You can, if you want, see a pincer attack from two sides on the foundations of the West.
What we are currently enjoying is total war, with one of the two main thrusts being the destruction of our ability to think. The ultimate brain manipulation methods based on findings from psychology, neurology, marketing and various mind control experiments such as MK-Ultra (Ash, Milgram, etc.) are used absolutely unscrupulously. The entire effort that went into decades was not in vain. Because:
Complete idiots are the easiest people to manipulate.
Hans-Joachim Maaz also calls our societies normopathic, which ultimately means that the vast majority have a lot to blame. Those who are still in their senses look around and feel as if all the lunatics had free rein.
But what tops it all off is the obvious consequence of it. The higher, the more important, the more influential, the richer, the more crazy the people who are there. Here, as everywhere else, the exceptions prove the rule.
The question inevitably arises: How could this happen?
On the one hand, this is based on the assumptions that form the fundamental framework of the Western world-view. A basic idea of our western world is to achieve the greatest possible individual freedom, of course with the highest security standards.
However, this “hyper-individualism” goes hand in hand with the instinctive feeling of “belonging” (or better: wanting to belong), which are actually incompatible with each other. Today, these two poles of feeling are alarmingly close to their maximum distance from each other. This then leads to extreme cognitive dissonance.
This inner conflict, this psychological imbalance, in turn produces, among other things, symptoms as a supposed solution to the psychological conflict, which in psychology is referred to as projection. Everything that we find in ourselves in the way of evil machinations (lies, intrigues, aggressive thinking and behaviour, deceit, villainy, etc.) is attributed to the other person.
You relieve yourself and at the same time finish off your counterpart.
Together with the increasingly bold lying, this is an elementary characteristic of communication behaviour today and can be observed everywhere, on both a small and a large scale. But this psychosis of projection, i.e. this mental illness, is only one of many civilization-related illnesses, both physical and mental, with which modernity is blessed.
In any case, excessive individualism as THE recipe for world happiness seems to have reached its end. Similar to how in painting, you can no longer top the abstraction with a white triangle on a white background. That's just the end of it.
One can quite plausibly conclude that the West has simply gone crazy to a large extent. It is difficult to determine to what extent all of this was brought about consciously using mind war methods, or whether it is already anchored in the basic assumptions of modernity.
A resolute “both-and” seems plausible here.
Can there be hope?
How should the state be made with these people again? What will become of a community in which the heads AND the hearts are broken?
This certainly does not apply to societies that are outside the West of values. They are anchored even more deeply and broadly in their old traditions. Above all, these are the ancient cultures in China, India, Persia and Russia, but also the Muslim world as a whole. Africa and Latin America are also increasingly turning away from the Western glittering façade and more towards their counterpart in the form of the BRICS.
To put it in a not even overly provocative way: The West is finished! Ending. Out of. End.
Added to all the mess is the not exactly new realization that money doesn't buy happiness.
Because in addition to the mental-cognitive and moral decline, the impression is becoming more and more solidified that behind all the madness that is now unfolding before us, another essential factor is the Western type of capitalism, especially the financial economy, which is the driving force.
Capitalism as it is currently operated is, in principle, simply a Ponzi system, i.e. a pyramid scheme. By far the largest of its kind, but a pyramid scheme. And that crashes at some point. The turbo speed gear was switched on at the latest with the installation of Kohl, Thatcher, and Reagan. As usual, the new miracle baby was packaged in the serious-sounding term neoliberalism.
The first really dangerous impact that was to be expected was around the turn of the millennium, and not only with the crash of the so-called new market. This went much deeper into the overall economy. But due to the well-known 9/11, this took a back seat again. What a coincidence.
The second huge impact came in 2008 with the subprime crisis, which was linked in the media to the Lehmann bankruptcy, and the subsequent turbulence. The entire system could just barely be saved. However, only for a certain time. Everyone who studied the prevailing economic structure in more detail knew this.
By the way: A little reminder. What was 2009 again? That's right, swine flu!
The ultimate boom for the financial system was in the summer/autumn of 2019. Then came event 201 and Corona at the beginning of 2020. But it's all just a coincidence.
The “event 201” is one of those simulation games, you could also say manoeuvres, that was carried out at the Hotel Pierre in New York in October 2019 to play through and practice the mechanisms for combating a pandemic that has occurred.
If you watched the hour-long video on YouTube (this still worked without any problems in 2020), you could easily see that from March 2020 everything went exactly according to this plan.
It is also not entirely unimportant who took part there and which NGOs, official bodies and foundations sent their representatives there. Here in the text, however, only nebulous whispers about the usual suspects are intended in order not to endanger the style of the usual conspiracy stories.
If you have no idea, please do your own research.
If you then know that a few months earlier the highest-ranking representatives of so-called high finance came together for a crisis summit like in 2008 to discuss the renewed impending - and then final - collapse of the world financial system, this 201 event takes on a particularly explosive note .
Thomas Röper, one of the remaining real journalists, has proven many times that this event in 201 was just one of many for at least 20 years. He published this in a remarkable book called “Inside Corona”. It takes your shoes off.
Now there is physical war in Ukraine and the Middle East. But the overall picture of the whole war is
“more total and radical than we can even imagine today,”
These were the appropriate words of a little club-foot from Cologne at another time.
Because all perceptible crises such as depolarization, deindustrialization in Europe, population modification through migration, constantly fuelled fears such as climate hysteria and pandemic panic, infantilization or dumbing down programs through the media and educational institutions and what else do I know, are partial aspects of one thing, global war, commonly called world war.
In the end, the whole circus that is put on for us only serves to distract from the core problem of the bankruptcy of so-called neoliberalism, as well as the oath of revelation of the Western world-view. Because that is the ultimate end of 500 years of world domination by the West.
Just my 2 cents…
Thanks to the author for the right to publish the article.
This article first appeared on December 9, 2024 at
Image source: Noska Photo / shutterstock
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Please add Dr. Yeadon's and my Substack to the recommended list in your Substack. This will help spread the messages we post and allow you to actively participate in the freedom movement's enlightenment work with just a few clicks. Thank you very much in advance !
Your Suavek
For the most reliable information about the "Covid" scam and deceptions of the system, read Dr. Mike Yeadon's daily statements :
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :
Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends :
When searching for Dr. Yeadon's videos only two browsers are recommended : Yandex and Mojeek. But you can also try other, smaller browsers, too.
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.
Many statements and videos from Dr. Mike Yeadon can also be found on Suavek's Substack, which is recommended by Dr. Yeadon on the main page of his Substack.
Both links lead to Suavek`s Substack :