The arguments for “NO VIRUS” - PART 8 : Dr Mike Yeadon explains the path of his discovery.
"Note that nobody asks where they caught angina from. Or diabetes. Or headaches".
Dr. Mike Yeadon, August 30, 2024 :
Source 1 :
Source 2 :
I’m looking for help from those of you who know where the bodies are metaphorically buried. Armed with the crucial references, I am inclined to make this my next Substack article. Thank you in advance 😊.
Acute respiratory illnesses like colds and flu are not caused by submicroscopic infectious particles termed viruses.
I reached this conclusion, which I’m well aware runs counter to everything we’ve been taught ( “programmed to believe” ) about these illnesses, because of the following information.
For more than a century, doctors have attempted to investigate how the presumed transmission of these illnesses from a symptomatic person (I term them the donor) to a well person (recipient) occurs.
Here’s the shocking findings. On NO occasion did the recipients become unwell in the weeks after sharing space with a donor, any more often than did recipients after sharing space with another recipient.
Sick people were incapable of causing these acute respiratory illnesses in well people; no matter how long they spent together; even exchanging breath; even having the donor cough into the face of the recipient; even if they shared a bunk; even if washings from a donors nose & throat was sprayed into the eyes, nose and lower airways of a recipient.
There are at least 30 studies reported in the literature, stretching from 1918 to the 1980s.
In the first big study, done in 1918, it proved impossible to demonstrate transmission of symptoms of American service personnel, allegedly suffering from the Spanish Flu, to their healthy peers. In a part of that study, the donor & recipient were required to sleep in the same bunk.
When the summary of findings from this paper & many others was first described to me, in more or less the same way I’m doing here, I remember immediately dismissing it as intentionally misleading information. Why? Obviously because, like almost everyone else, I “knew for certain” that of course colds and flu are caught from people sick with these illnesses and can be transmitted onword to others.
Had I ever tested the evidence for my previously held opinion, that I think I’d then have classified as fact, as unequivocally true? No. Of course not. We just don’t. Here’s the clever part of this type of propaganda. The lie is so consonant with everyday perceptions that you’re unaware that it might even be possible that the main point is incorrect. When we consider something to be well-established fact, we’re very unlikely ever to ask questions like “How do we know that?”
When I did finally look at quite a selection of these papers, I was in a bit of a daze. Like many scientists with whom I’ve shared summaries like this, my initial interpretation was that the transmission studies “must have been conducted badly” (what, all of them?). To be fair, they’re not all top quality, but it’s worth knowing that even today, much clinical research isn’t particularly well conducted.
But isn’t it interesting that, even then, while reading the papers, my radar was on high alert for errors in the methodology, or a series of unreasonable assumptions made, or lack of proper controls, or a premature end to the readout (eg did they restrict read-out to symptoms a mere 24 hours after exposure?).
It’s interesting because (in retrospect) even a person (me, for example) qualified to review papers which are broadly in the biological sciences camp, and someone who’d long ago realised that the so-called covid-19 injections were definitely harmful, was still casting about, trying to avoid having to accept something so fundamental was all lies.
Important to know a few things:
The burden of proof by those claiming transmission as described is on those making the claim. Those claiming that transmission occurs, sometimes very readily, of whatever causes acute respiratory illnesses, from a sick person to a well person, have no evidence for it, beyond anecdote.
A person pointing out that available evidence directly invalidates a previously widely accepted view is NOT obligated, while pointing out that evidence that we’ve been lied to, to supply an alternative explanation. It’s no use saying “Well, how do these illnesses arise?” The fact is that the universally taught claim is INCORRECT. You & I agree it’s easier to take that on board if you’ve an alternative explanation for various phenomena. But please be clear. This is a false binary, which goes something like this. “I can see that the published information proves that the model we have in our heads isn’t true. But because I haven’t heard a convincing alternative explanation for how these illnesses come about, I’m going to carry on pretending that the original untruth is actually correct”. It is absurd, put like this. Unfortunately I’ve had dozens of conversations that finish something like this.
I have given much thought to how it might be that these illnesses come about & also how else to explain a few of the most common beliefs we have that hinder making the leap. They’re in the form of posts here on my Telegram channel. In an ideal world, I’d patiently trawl back through possibly thousands of posts and comments & present them for you here. I don’t have the patience or the searching skills, but I’m pretty sure someone here knows where those posts are and will help us out by sharing them here! I will say that I’ve developed some quite good hypotheses which I believe are as good or better a fit to the objective observation than is the conventional & incorrect, “official position”. Similarly, somebody has formed a sound listing of all the relevant respiratory papers, in which transmission was attempted and was simply not observed.
Why am I even bothering reporting this again here? It’s because it’s importance cannot be overstated. If the symptoms of acute respiratory illnesses cannot be transmitted person to person, a whole bunch of other things also cannot be true, and yet these other things are THE central pivot upon which the perpetrators of the global crime that is the fake (PHIEC) pandemic & that is being used to smash our freedoms and to impose authoritarian rule upon us.
I think it’s fair to say that there’s little else that has the power to completely destroy the lies and fearmongering, which is the reason for the lies in the first place.
Best wishes
Ps: this was originally to be a short comment below another persons comment and article. It simply grew long enough to be worth reposting on my own channel. Thank you.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, August 31, 2024 :
The algorithm is currently tolerating videos by Dr Sam Bailey. This one is particularly interesting, though there are very many, well worth taking a look at.
Having recapitulated some of the evidence that destroys the contagion / transmission notion for influenza, someone asked the inevitable question of how could evolution of language possibly be relevant to things happening now, centuries later?
For many, the answer will be a step too far.
Best wishes
A screenshot posted along with the above post :
Editor`s note : Dr. Yeadon writes under the pseudonym @GT380man. His comment can be seen at the bottom of the screenshot, which should normally be in text form under the linked YouTube video (see below). Despite a long search, however, it could not be found. It has probably been deleted in the meantime. The transcript I made (below the screenshot) will help you with the translation if necessary.
Dr. Mike Yeadon :
Now that you`ve been shown that acute respiratory diseases are not caused by submicroscopic infectious particles called viruses, none of which have ever scientifically been demonstrated to exist, it surely crossed your mind that other claimed diseases of “viral transmission or contagion” are also lies ?
This is not a mistake. It´s been carefully inserted into our culture over long periods of time.
You might think “How could something like this happen given people have short lives ?”
The answer is families. Certain families have been very powerful and influential for many generations. Many of the significant players in the world today are descendants of those who were inserting new meanings, words and concepts into our culture last century and the one before that.
I recommend Sheep Farm podcasts. There are many but of particular relevance to your questions is the series called “Huxleys Brave New World Order”.
Linked in the post above :
The Truth About Contagion
Video :
While I was searching in vain for the text of Dr. Yeadon's comment, I found another comment by him under the linked video, the text of which gave me pleasure. Here you can see the question and his answer :
3 weeks ago ( Editor`s note : that means the comment was from around September 1, 2024 ).
If pathogens do not exist, what made me very, very ill in 1968, if it wasn't influenza ?
Dr. Mike Yeadon :
3 weeks ago ( Editor`s note : that means the comment was from around September 1, 2024 ).
It isn’t known what exactly causes influenza or indeed common colds. I think imbalances in the mechanisms that control airway secretions are important. I’ve been in respiratory R&D for decades yet because I didn’t work on so called infectious diseases, I had no cause to examine the false narrative. Now that I am, I can outline several hypotheses that are at least as good as the lie of contagious, disease causing submicroscopic particles. Note that nobody asks where they caught angina from. Or diabetes. Or headaches. They’re endogenous, arising from disorders of various systems that in a healthy person are in an equilibrium that is consistent with continuing good health.
This comment was also found :
Dr. Mike Yeadon, approx. September 1, 2024 :
Yes, language evolves. But I doubt you’ll find other examples of where the same word today means something completely different than it’s original meaning AND this new meaning is a flat lie. None of these “modern meanings” is the result of accidental or natural evolution. The situation we’re in should be understood as the result of a deliberative process. If you don’t yet have that understanding, that a small group of powerful families have organised the way the world works with increasing precision down the centuries, it will be harder to see the otherwise “hidden hand”. I recommend listening to recent interviews given by Mike Williams aka Sage of Quay.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, September 22, 2024. ( A comment under this article ) :
Thank you. It’s been quite a journey. I now have no difficulty accepting that almost everything we’re told by authorities, if it’s told to almost everyone & especially if it’s repeated over time, is lies.
The natural world continues to be astonishing and beautiful.
Most humans are not plotting to injure or kill you.
However, a tiny group of self appointed “elites” (I call them “useless Eliters” or “the perpetrators”) have taken it upon themselves to take total control of everyone & everything. They’ve been at it for generations. The true control system they use within their own ranks is so revolting and evil that normal people reject it.
Do not comply.
For the most reliable information about the "Covid" scam and deceptions of the system, read Dr. Mike Yeadon's daily statements :
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :
Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends :
When searching for Dr. Yeadon's videos only two browsers are recommended:
Yandex :
and Mojeek :
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.
Many statements and videos from Dr. Mike Yeadon can also be found on Suavek's Substack, which is recommended by Dr. Yeadon on the main page of his Substack.
Both links lead to Suavek`s Substack :
"You don´t need it. and it will probably kill you, but I´m gonna let you have it because science." ( Bob Moran on the "vaccinations" ).
Bob Moran
“ No one you teach to think can obey as before. Not from a spirit of rebellion, but because of the habit of examination of all things when in doubt. ”
— Hanna Arendt
in terms of the changes of word meanings, the world is full of those examples. In my view, translations of the new testament have played a significant role in obliterating the original teachings of Jesus, by reading subsequent theology into them, starting as early as with Paul.