With convincing sources.
"Difficult decision" - Le Nain Brothers, unsigned, oil on canvas, France, 17th Century,
a private collection in Germany.
A foreword
The article contains, among other things, the evidence based on the now outdated, conventional medical nomenclature. There was no real “pandemic”, no “SARS-CoV-2 virus” and no "Covid". I ask for your understanding that in this article I want to reach both the supporters of the terrain theory and the germ theory. No matter which side you want to look at the medical-political fraud from, the evidence that we have been lied to from A to Z is clear.
A suggestion for your “special reading glasses”.
In order to correctly interpret today's world events, we would be well advised not to forget that the USA is a heavily indebted country and that its empire is crumbling. The US dollar, which until recently was printed at the price of paper, is becoming less and less in demand. More and more countries are fighting for their right not to have to exchange their own raw materials and goods that require hard work and sweat for the US dollar. The mandatory petrodollar required to purchase raw materials was a form of forced theft, theft of autonomy and the subjugation of many countries to the dictates of the US empire. The USA has enforced that raw materials must only be traded using the petro dollar. It is a kind of slave labor by the majority for the few. But not only that. For every purchase of essential goods that you buy and consume every day, you pay about a third of it for the interest and compound interest that the producer of these goods pays to the mafia banking structure. He is forced to do this in order to be able to produce and sell at all.
After many countries refuse to accept the free printed dollars despite sanctions, the US empire is trying to make up for its lost robbery profits through its pharmaceutical companies. For this purpose, among other things, sales in the pharmaceutical industry are artificially increased, although it has been no secret for decades that we are dealing with mafia-like structures and questionable treatment methods in this industry. It is a system that primarily benefits shareholders, not the patient. The obvious fraud did not just start in 2020 with the alleged new virus. The unfounded fear of viruses is taken to the extreme. It is not the infectious pathogens that cause illness, but rather the weaknesses of the human body, which can usually easily cope with various challenges with a healthy lifestyle. If not, he will be successfully helped with tried and tested medical preparations. Only when life comes to an end can a weak immune system no longer be of any help. Nevertheless, the new technology gives people false hope, as if Mother Nature was so stupid and could be tricked sustainably and without loss of health by paying money to the pharmaceutical industry. Our immune system has been constantly refined over millions of years of evolution. To date, we have only managed to understand this amazing system and its complexity in fragments. There are actually helpful advances in medicine. But what the packaging label promises us is rarely what the contents could actually offer us. Sometimes I think we have to choose between two opposing principles, like owning fish and owning an aquarium, even though we really want to have both. If we applied this idea to medicine, it would either be about the ethics of medical treatment or about money. It is not possible to apply both principles equally and at the same time.
There are many advanced doctors and scientists who rule out the existence of viruses. In the context of the lack of study results for successful infection, this seems like a conclusion long overdue. However, I am reluctant to get involved in these differences of opinion because I would very much like to argue for the proponents of both theories at the same time. Above all, I don't want to miss out on being able to use the arguments of conventional medicine to prove the "Covid" fraud. The fact is that the enemy can sometimes be defeated more quickly with his own weapons than with weapons that first have to be explained through a lot of hard work. Plus, I don't feel qualified enough to open all the drawers at once at the moment. It is neither my job to question the pillars of medicine nor to discuss its age-old lies, which has no place and cannot take place here. I don't see myself capable of doing that at all. If I want to prove a liar's lie using his own arguments, then I have to refer to the official sources and quote the orthodox textbook opinions. On the basis of this official doctrine, the idea that Covid exists is untenable and can be refuted relatively quickly. My main goal is to prove the non-existent "Covid" and the also non-existent "SARS-CoV-2" virus.
I can only admire and applaud anyone who believes they can convince people on a different basis. As we all know, all roads lead to Rome. I try to make sure that after reading this article, a clear judgment can be made immediately: there was no “Covid” and no SARS-CoV-2 virus.
I hope that the data collection presented here and the links to valuable study results from committed truth finder will help. These are highly qualified scientists who sacrificed their time and effort for the common good under the most adverse circumstances imaginable and were brutally bullied and censored by the perpetrators. I am merely the messenger who carries their words to the outside world.
The flu that supposedly disappeared
Prof. Stefan Homburg
Prof. Stefan Homburg spoke at the 2nd Coronavirus Symposium in the German Bundestag on Nov. 11, 2023, where he and numerous others, including Dr. Michael Yeadon ( however, his statement was censored by the AfD in the published video film) , Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Prof. Dr. Stefan Hockerz, Prof. Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen, destroyed the official COVID narrative with science and facts. AfD was the only German party that tried to clear up the Corona fraud.
Published on December 16, 2023 @SHomburg
Prof. Stefan Homburg explains, with surgical precision, why there was no pandemic starting in 2020 :
"There were no more severe respiratory ilnesses than usual in 2020 and 2021. Corona came, influenza disappeared."
"Age-standardised mortality was not higher in 2020 than usual. Mortality only increased since 2021 [just after the "vaccine" roll-out started]."
"The idea of a 'pandemic' arose exclusively from new types of mass testing... [which] led the public to believe that there were more sick people and deaths than usual, which was not true."
"One must also ask whether the measures [masks, lockdowns etc] were really intended to prevent infection, which they clearly did not, or rather served the purpose of breaking down vaccine hesitancy."
Source :
Twitter channel from Prof. Homburg :
You can view further statements from Prof. Stefan Homburg directly on his YouTube channel and check whether new statements and information have been added there :
The numbers that speak for themselves
Image 1 :
Image “The missing flu” from the official German health authority RKI (Robert Koch Institute). Here as an image translation into English. The picture probably doesn't need any additional description. It speaks for itself.
Source :
Image 2 :
Overview of weekly laboratory-confirmed influenza reports since the 2017/18 season. The seasonal sections shown correspond to the reports from week 40 to week 39 of the following year.
Note on comparability between individual seasons: As of January 1, 2019, the case definition for influenza was changed to make it easier for health authorities to deal with influenza reports. Therefore, the cases reassessed from previous seasons cannot be compared 100% with the current reporting figures. Further information on case definitions from the Robert Koch Institute can be found at
Note on the current flu season: Due to the continuous reports during the week, significant changes in the number of cases are to be expected, depending on the day of the week, especially for the current calendar week (last column on the right). Source: Robert Koch Institute, SurvStat,, data as of January 7, 2024*
Source :
Image 3 :
No new, additional illness has emerged.
Proof that nothing extraordinary happened in 2020/2021 ( dark blue line ) compared to other years.
The incidence of severe, acute respiratory illnesses / number of patient admissions to hospitals in Germany. Official information from the Robert Koch Institute. (Here as an image translation into English).
The picture published above only shows serious respiratory illnesses (with hospital stays) and not, for example, heart diseases that are caused by the "vaccination". It also means that at least no respiratory diseases (including the alleged “Covid”) were caused by the 5G masts in 2020/2021.
The same picture 3 in the original (in German) :
Source :
“Covid” was just the renaming of flu-like illnesses :
"Covid" was just the common cold/flu rebranded.
There was never a novel SARS CoV 2 virus. Nothing was leaked or released from a lab in Wuhan.
The entire thing was an exercise in medical and statistical fraud, facilitated by fraudulent PCR testing, and recording all deaths of any cause "within 30 days of a positive test” as "Covid deaths".
The statement of Dr. Mike Yeadon on video
A topic that is often ignored and pushed out of consciousness out of convenience : the intention to use the new “vaccine” technology to harm people, make them dependent on the pharmaceutical industry and shorten their lifespan.
World leading scientists speak to UK Members of Parliament - 4th December 2023 - Dr. Mike Yeadon :
Source 1 / Orig. in Engl. :
Source 2 / English with dubbing in German : ( Englisch mit deutscher Synchroisation ) :
Source 3 / other :
Executed as planned : a worldwide crime
Did you actually think the flu was gone in 2020 and 2021? ... In these unfortunate years, incorrectly treated influenza without antibiotics sometimes resulted in inflammation of the lungs in people at high risk. Yes, it was pneumonia due to a secondary bacterial inflammation that was either treated incorrectly, not at all, or too late. Often the flu was not treated at all until the patient became seriously ill and had to be hospitalized.
Such inflammation alone without the background information does not justify a pandemic. At that time it was a fragmentary half-truth spread by propaganda, which was also formulated incorrectly. The only thing that was correctly conveyed in the media at the time was the long-known fact that you can sometimes get sick, but that's all. The rest was a lie planned for over 20 years. Pneumonia is bacteriological and not viral. It is a secondary illness after an untreated or incorrectly treated flu or cold. Pneumonia can occur if you don't take care of yourself, are inadequately dressed in cold weather, or if you ignore a normal, seasonal illness and overwhelm your body. In some cases you need medicines, which, however, have criminally disappeared from store shelves in recent years and have been banned by the authorities.
At the time, many alternative media outlets reported on the differences in official statistics between North Dakota and South Dakota. One of the federal states has introduced much fewer “measures” against the alleged “Covid”. There were no “unusual incidents” in this state. The doctors there treated the flu IMMEDIATELY and VERY NORMALLY.
Not only in Germany, where I live, doctors were not allowed to treat patients in the early stages of the flu. They said: “Stay at home and call the ambulance in case of emergency.” This was an order from the highest authorities, presented as a special measure to protect doctors from the alleged infection. This measure also contributed to the creation of a false image of "pandemic" and had nothing to do with the scientific findings at all. This was not a mistake, but a measure that diametrically contradicts science.
The false and deadly hospital protocols ( remdesivir, respiratory depression drugs, sedatives etc.) and the disappearance of important medications (antibiotics, IVM, etc.) have reinforced this view. Of course, this must have contributed to the development of pneumonia, among other things. At this point it is a bacteriological disease. The fraudulent PCR test turned it into “Covid-19”.
Despite the criminal “measures” and global fraud in the field of statistics, no relevant excess mortality could be determined in 2020. Actually, without the relevant numbers as evidence, this psychoplandemic should have failed and those responsible should have been brought to justice. Actually... What many of us still don't want to believe is that we now live in a dictatorship in which there is obviously no longer any protection from the judiciary. In other words, the justice system does not protect us, but rather the perpetrators. Such a harsh truth is of course easier to suppress than to swallow it and understand the seriousness of the times. The exceptionally high excess mortality has only been recorded since the introduction of “Covid” injections. The evidence is overwhelming. The study by Prof. Denis Rancourt is particularly noteworthy here: There was no excess mortality before the introduction of “vaccinations”, but there were 17 million deaths due to the toxic mRNA injections. This number of victims is growing and is far from complete ( ).
Secondary illness
NOTE : I deliberately use terms here that sometimes sound very conventional because in this article I want to argue within the orthodox concept and prove diagnostic fraud. I'm not saying this is necessarily the best solution. But it's about symptoms that are deliberately misattributed for political reasons. The “experts” paid by pharmaceutical companies refer to terms such as “science” and “scientific findings”. For this reason, I try to argue within the conventional medical concept that applied until 2020. Of course, what we have been experiencing since then has nothing to do with any scientific concept.
The flu can also do a number on the immune system, which can leave people vulnerable to other illnesses ( and inflammation ) —like pneumonia, for example, according to the American Lung Association.
And while pneumonia is often referred to as a complication of the flu, it's also not unusual for a person to come down with it once their initial flu symptoms have passed. "It happens quite often," said Sharon Nachman, MD, chief of the division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Stony Brook University School of Medicine. "People feel poorly, then they start to feel better, and all of a sudden they feel poorly again, and they wonder why they're not getting better. And actually, it's because you don't still have the flu; you have a new, secondary infection."
Those inflammation are sometimes bacterial, said Dr. Nachman ( (in the exact wording he used the term “infection” ), which means that antibiotics are likely needed to treat them. It can be normal to feel like you're not at 100% following a bad case of the flu, said Dr. Schaffner—but if you don't feel better after a few weeks, talk to your healthcare provider to rule out something more serious.
Source :
The “Covid” dead live longer :
What is pneumonia?
Pneumonia is an inflammation in one or both of your lungs. It causes the air sacs of your lungs to fill up with fluid or pus. Pneumonia can range from mild to severe, depending on what caused it, your age, and your overall health.
What causes pneumonia?
According to officials : Bacterial, viral, and fungal infections can cause pneumonia. However, there are many advanced doctors and scientists who rule out the existence of viruses. In this case, only the bacteria and fungi remain. I do not get involved in these disagreements because I would very much like to explain and argue for the supporters of both theories at the same time.
Bacteria is officially considered the most common cause. Proponents of the terrain theory often assume that the proliferation of bacteria cannot be the cause of the disease, but is usually only of a secondary nature.
Bacterial pneumonia can develop after certain illnesses, such as a cold or flu. Several types of bacteria can be involved in pneumonia, including :
Legionella pneumophila; this type of pneumonia is often called Legionnaires' disease
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Chlamydia pneumoniae
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Source :
How easily can pneumonia be confused with other respiratory diseases ?
The different forms of pneumonia are classified according to the bacteria, fungi and ( only according to the official authorities : types of pneumonia ) viruses that are mainly involved in the disease.
It can be hard to know what pneumonia feels like since it typically presents with symptoms similar to other illnesses, such as coughing, difficulty breathing, and fever. Many types of pneumonia exist, and some symptoms can vary based on a person's age. However, pneumona symptoms are basically the same across multiple types.23
Overall, healthcare providers will need to use risk factors and patient factors in addition to symptoms to confirm a diagnosis of pneumonia and what caused it.12
MedlinePlus. Pneumonia.
Pneumonia vs Bronchitis, Colds, and Influenza
Diagnosing pneumonia requires healthcare providers' knowledge of your medical history, a physical exam, and diagnostic testing like blood or sputum tests and chest X-rays. Because pneumonia shares symptoms with other illnesses, it can be hard to tell which condition you may have.
Below is a comparison of symptoms for pneumonia, bronchitis, colds, and the flu.
Picture : What Does Pneumonia Feel Like? A Comparison to Other Similar Illnesses
Source :
Pneumonia and early treatments
Here is a quote from the article "An explosive discussion with ex-CDC scientist Norman Pieniazek" by Prof. Norman Fenton and Prof. Martin Neil :
The bacterial pneumonia hypothesis suggests that early treatment - hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and antibiotics address bacterial infection. Norman confirmed bacteria are everywhere in our bodies including in the lungs, creating an ever-present potentially hazardous predisposition that, given the right circumstances, might cause a deadly bacterial pneumonia infection.
Well-understood remedies such as the stockpile of antibiotics, as recommended by Fauci, were cast aside in 2020. Bacterial infection can cause sepsis hence we need antibiotics. A Cytokine storm is caused by bacterial infection in the lungs, filling them with fluid; this lowers the oxygen level in the blood because of poor lung function.
In-person diagnosis by a physician based on physical symptoms was largely replaced by the PCR test, and with the rise in tele-health visits, social distancing etc physicians stopped using stethoscopes to listen to a patient’s chest. This is an essential diagnostic tool to enable a doctor to audibly tell whether a patient has crossed the line into a bacterial infection which will then require antibiotics.
Source :
Other recommended article. The authors : Dr. Jonathan Engler and Prof. Martin Neil :
TCW reveal "It was pneumonia, not Covid, what done it!"
The Conservative Woman (TCW) report on our substack article on the pneumonia hypothesis
Source :
Sep 12, 2023
Professors Martin Neil and Norman Fenton have proven that the cause of serious illness and death in the case of so-called "corona infection" ( in reality a group of respiratory diseases that was renamed “Covid” to spread panic ) is primarily the refusal of treatment with antibiotics. Such treatment used to be the gold standard, but was banned at the start of the pseudo-pandemic.
The publication in Nature on February 3, 2020 also contributed something to clarifying the lie.
The clinical features of the alleged patient zero, from whom the genome of the “new virus” was allegedly sequenced, according to the MSM reports, were typical of normal bacterial pneumonia. He showed no unusual symptoms and therefore this was clearly not a routine medical response to what appeared to be a typical respiratory infection.
Source :
Whodunnit ? ( unabridged ) :
Whodunnit ( abridged ) :
Dr. Mike Yeadon on the easy way to fake a pandemic, with 2 informative links.
( Source : March 16, 2024 ) :
[ Norman Fenton & Martin Neil : False positives : the elephant in the room : ]
A useful short article by Prof Norman Fenton.
I placed this comment below the piece.
Best wishes
<<<In terms of positive test results when the entity notionally sought isn’t present, they’re all false positives, as you said.
When this occurs, as it has repeatedly in the past, we call that a PCR FALSE POSITIVE PSEUDO EPIDEMIC.
Here’s one, in case people think “Surely that could never occur, because it would involve all doctors, other medical staff and all patients mistakenly assuming their symptoms for a different disease than what they actually had! Sounds mad, does it?”
Yes. That is exactly what can happen, irl.
Now, if PCR FALSE POSITIVE PSEUDO EPIDEMICS can happen to honest people, can you imagine how easy it would be to fake one?
Answer: very easy, such that FOUR YEARS LATER, few people, even so-called experts insist there’s been a pandemic, when there hadn’t been.>>>
A good explanation why the Covid PCR test must always be 100% wrong
( A comment on the article by Norman Fenton ) :
Rudolph Rigger
Riggery Pokery
Liked by Norman Fenton
I usually use a silly example to make the point.
Suppose you have Prof McBonkers who invents a test for a virus that doesn't even exist. The test is rather good. Should the virus ever come into existence it has a 99% sensitivity and specificity.
He decides to test 100,000 people and, lo and behold, finds that 1,000 people are "infected".
Every single one of these is a false positive - because the virus doesn't even exist. At a 'population' level there's a 100% false positive rate, even though at the 'test' level the false positive rate is only 1%
Another way I use to illustrate this is to think of a binary communication channel in which only the symbol '0' is transmitted. Errors on the channel mean that some of those end up at the receiver as the symbol '1'. Every single one of those is an error. All of them.
You can then adapt this model to the occasional transmission of the symbol '1' (representing the prevalence). Intuitively you can see roughly that if you're sending about one '1' symbol for every 100 transmissions, then an error rate of 1% on the channel means that any '1' that is received is only 50% likely to have come from a genuine signal.
Source :
Few are brave enough to tell the full truth. Dr. Mike Yeadon never waited. Since 2020, he has been several months ahead of the others.
"My contention is that there are multiple deliberate toxicities built into these materials."
- Dr Mike Yeadon
Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice president at Pfizer, tells Dr. Drew that the experimental mRNA injections rolled out en masse from late 2020 onwards, were deliberately designed to cause blood clots, in addition to the immune system attacking itself :
Interview with DR. MIKE YEADON :
Ad-free here : Source 1 / Dr. Yeadon / Short video :
Source 2 / Dr. Yeadon / Short video : :
Source 3 / Full interview : :
Other videos with Dr. Mike Yeadon :
Prof. Denis Rancourt
Staggering 17 Million Deaths After Covid Vaccine Rollout -Drs. Denis Rancourt, Marine Baudin & Jérémie Mercier
By Glen / December 3, 2023 :
I will have to devote a separate article to the work of Professor Dninis Rancourt at a later date. First of all, it should be emphasized that this is one of the most important studies in recent years that exposes the extent of medical fraud.
Prof. Denis Rancourt on the misattribution of the symptoms to the alleged “Covid”.
" ( ... )
Medical myth: happy hypoxia and covid
Silent hypoxia (low blood oxygen in the absence of breathing distress) is a generic condition that routinely occurs with lung infections, depending of the pathophysiological circumstances
So-called happy hypoxia is not specific to so-called COVID-19 postulated to be caused by a virus named SARS-CoV-2
Conclusion: Clinicians and influencers can come to idiotic conclusions during periods of pandemic propaganda
( ... )."
Source :
Further links to the results of Prof.Denis Rancourt's research :
Zero “Covid” / Null “Covid” / Zéro « Covid » / Ноль «Ковида» / Zero „Covida” / Cero “Covid” /Nula "Covid" / 零“新冠病 / ゼロ「コロナ」
Why did all the excess mortality start after the "pandemic" was over, from 2021 onwards?
And why was there less excess mortality in 2020, during a "deadly pandemic", than the previous five years?
Source :
Prof. Klaus Püschel
April 21, 2020
In 2020, the WHO more or less banned pathology studies on people who allegedly died from “Covid-19”. Supposedly for security reasons, which is ridiculous. Pathological work has always been the basis of knowledge. But why shouldn't we know what we're dealing with in 2020? A German pathologist Prof. Klaus Püschel carried out this work in 2020 and...he found NOTHING unusual. All those who died were old (average age 83 years) and had several comorbidities !
Prof. Klaus Püschel on the German MSM television news
The forensic doctor at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Prof. Klaus Püschel, explained that all of the people who died from alleged "Covid-19" that he autopsied had previous illnesses and would not have survived this year anyway. He had to take a lot of criticism for this. The media later presented the results of his work differently, completely in the opposite sense, than they actually were.
German MSM news, unfortunately only available in German. It still counts as evidence :
Source :
Good News
Slowly the truthful narratives seem to be gaining ground. Such statements like “There was no pandemic” and “Covid never existed” are now more widely and comprehensively understood. Even journalists from numerous alternative media outlets struggled to grasp the full extent of the fraud, despite the fact that the evidence had been around for a long time and was readily accessible to everyone. Natural News finally struck a different note today, April 11, 2020. After the journalists there never questioned the existence of "Covid" in the last few months, they suddenly surprised me today with a plain text. A little uncertainty still shines through in the text, but I'm still happy about the progress.
Here is the good news :
NOTE: This article quote is not intended to support the conventional medical view of respiratory or other viruses. It merely serves as evidence of the changed consciousness :
A fragment of the article ( written using the now outdated, conventional medical nomenclature ) :
" (...)
Abracadabra -- the top 6 illnesses that conveniently vanished during the "Covid-19" scamdemic
1. The Flu (seasonal influenza)
2. Strep throat (Streptococcus)
3. The common cold (over 200 rhinoviruses)
4. Bronchitis
5. MRSA - hospital superbugs resistant to antibiotics
6. Pneumonia
( ... )."
A document that nullifies the alleged PCR-based clinical diagnostic test. Dr. Mike Yeadon was involved in drafting the document. To date (May 2024), no scientist has disputed the accuracy of the document.
Published November 30, 2020.
External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results.
“ ( … ) The published RT-qPCR protocol for detection and diagnostics of 2019-nCoV and the manuscript suffer from numerous technical and scientific errors, including insufficient primer design, a problematic and insufficient RT-qPCR protocol, and the absence of an accurate test validation. Neither the presented test nor the manuscript itself fulfils the requirements for an acceptable scientific publication. Further, serious conflicts of interest of the authors are not mentioned. Finally, the very short timescale between submission and acceptance of the publication (24 hours) signifies that a systematic peer review process was either not performed here, or of problematic poor quality. We provide compelling evidence of several scientific inadequacies, errors and flaws.
Considering the scientific and methodological blemishes presented here, we are confident that the editorial board of Eurosurveillance has no other choice but to retract the publication. ( … ).”
Source :
“Covid” was an invention and a fraud. People were dying from mistreated bacterial pneumonia because hospital protocols were deliberately misleading. Dr.Mike Yeadon talked about this a long time ago. Here is one of the proofs of the correctness of his statements.
Further evidence that treatable pneumonia was significantly under-diagnosed in the covid era.
May 07, 2024
Surgeon, professor and medical commentator, Dr. Marty Makary :
"The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the US government." — Surgeon, professor and medical commentator, Dr. Marty Makary.
"Misinformation that Covid was spread through surface transmission, that vaccinated immunity was far greater than natural immunity, that masks were effective... That myocarditis was more common after the infection than the vaccine."
"We've seen something which is unforgivable, and that is the weaponisation of medical research itself... Public health officials were intellectually dishonest. They lied to the American people."
Source : The original source on YouTube gives the date of publication as "1 year ago". That would be May 2023.
The supplementary articles :
Source :
You can watch Prof. Stefan Homburg's statement directly on his YouTube channel and check whether new statements and information have been added there :
Source :
The lie about the alleged "Long Covid" disease has collapsed like a house of cards. Here is the proof. New study - first published online February 12, 2024 :
Source :
Important topic update:
Massive Admission from CDC: “COVID-19 is like the regular flu”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published updated guidance on dealing with respiratory viruses. Many Americans point out that the agency is too late in advising people to treat the “virus” like the flu or other respiratory illnesses.
The update states:
The health consequences for COVID-19 positive people are similar to other viral respiratory diseases, such as influenza and RSV.
The federal government even boasts that the ineffective draconian measures imposed on the public during the Covid pandemic are the reason the virus can now be treated like the flu.
Due to the effectiveness of protective measures and a high level of immunity in the population, there are now fewer hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID-19. More than 98% of the US population now has some level of protective immunity against COVID-19 through vaccination, previous infection, or both.
The announcement also recognizes natural immunity as a form of protection, which was not the case during the peak of the pandemic.(...)
It's also worth noting that the CDC does about the dramatic and inexplicable increase in excess deaths across the country resulting from the rollout of the mRNA "vaccines." not appear to be concerned.
An article in German :
On my Telegram channel :
Why hide what happens in the first two weeks after vaccination?
Hiding part of the data leads to wrong conclusions
The article will be expanded soon !
A couple of important topics have been neglected in this article, including: The purely harmful design of the pseudo-"vaccines" and the deadly treatment protocols.
Above all, links to the sources and the videos should be added here. Time is known to be an expensive commodity. For this reason, I am already publishing this approximately 95% finished article.
You can now make good use of this article for educational purposes. You can also visit my Substack page again later once all the improvements and additions have taken place.
Please watch it again later.
Thank you for your understanding and see you soon !
Dirck van Baburen, ( c. 1595 – 21 February 1624 ), one of the three Utrecht Caravaggists. German private collection.
Please note :
This work linked above was revised today, February 17, 2024. Among other things, the term “infection” has often been replaced by the term “inflammation”. With this in mind, I would like to add a few things here. But I'll get to it later. I would like to thank you in advance for any criticism or suggestions regarding the text !
For the most reliable information about the "Covid" scam and deceptions of the system, read Dr. Mike Yeadon's daily statements :
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :
Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends :
When searching for Dr. Yeadon's videos, only two browsers are recommended:
Yandex :
and Mojeek :
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.
Many statements and videos from Dr. Mike Yeadon can also be found on Suavek's Substack, which is recommended by Dr. Yeadon on the main page of his Substack.
Both links lead to Suavek`s Substack :
Dr Drew & Dr Peter McCullough… two of the BIGGER NAMES (supposedly fighting on behalf of the “medical truth and freedom movement”)… doing all in their power toward helping legitimise the “Great Covid-19 myth!”