The Age of Depopulation - PART 1 : They tell you to your face. Foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon.
"The designers intentionally created products which would be expected to cause harms including death and sterility.” - Dr. Mike Yeadon.
“There is no reasonable conclusion to this analysis other than that the designers intentionally created products which would be expected to cause harms including death and sterility.”
— Dr. Mike Yeadon ( Source : )
Dr. Mike Yeadon, October 15, 2024 :
EVEN IF there’d been a pandemic (& I don’t believe they’re immunologically possible, which is why every claim to such events are demonstrably fraudulent), some things follow:
1. No one in their right mind would reach for a “vaccine” as a solution. Making a new, complex biological product takes far longer than the longest period of time that any alleged pandemic has ever lasted.
2. Even if you could magick up a “vaccine”, you’d NEVER insist on offering it to everyone, regardless of their risk profile. This because every treatment carries risks and these are never fully understood in the early stages of commercial use. So, three categories of people to whom you’d NEVER even offer it, let alone coerce people to accept:
A/ those who have had & recovered from the alleged illness. They must be immune. If they’re not, then you won’t be able to render them immune with a “vaccine”.
B/ those at no risk from the illness. Healthy children, for example. No deaths in Sweden, even though primary schools never closed.
C/ pregnant women. Since thalidomide, no new or recently launched product is even offered to pregnant women, even when there’s an argument that they might benefit. This because new products, especially those for which basic reproductive toxicology has not even been conducted, are considered presumptive fetal toxins.
For avoidance of doubt, I’m using narrative speak to make my point.
There hasn’t been a pandemic.
Acute respiratory illnesses aren’t infectious in nature nor contagious.
Consequently there’s no new virus & nothing was “spreading”, nor is covid19 a new illness. Instead it’s deliberate misattribution of other, pre-existing illnesses.
The materials masquerading as “vaccines” are cleverly designed toxins, intended to injure, kill and reduce fertility in survivors.
They tell you to your face
by Suavek
They tell you to your face, but the framing of "depopulation" is dishonest. The accurate and honest term should have been “mass murder" and “sterilization of the world population”.
— Suavek ( Source : ).
One of the most important US think tanks, founded in 1922, writes the following :
The Age of Depopulation
Surviving a World Gone Gray
By Nicholas Eberstadt
November/December 2024 Published on October 10, 2024
Although few yet see it coming, humans are about to enter a new era of history. Call it “the age of depopulation.” For the first time since the Black Death in the 1300s, the planetary population will decline. But whereas the last implosion was caused by a deadly disease borne by fleas, the coming one will be entirely due to choices made by people.
( ... )
Full article :
Dr. Mike Yeadon, October 19, 2024 :
Someone helpfully posted this in Chat.
Though the AI voiceover is slightly annoying, the challenge to official population statistics is well worth the 3-4 minutes of the video.
I had started looking at exactly this just a couple of days ago, adding up the official statistics for the X largest cities. Either the city numbers are wrong (exaggerated) or there are an implausible number of people hiding in places that aren’t cities of even modest size (<300k people).
The approach used in this short video comes up with a total world population well under 3 billion, set against the official UN figure of just over 8 billion.
I no longer believe any official information. We’re lied to systematically in whatever way advantages the Useless Eliters & having got used to doing it, it’d be hard to understand why they’d ever tell the truth when a lie suited them better.
The reason I even thought about world population was that the biggest lies being utilised at the moment are supranational threats of “infectious disease pandemics” and “anthropogenic global climate boiling change”.
These are both demonstrably nonsense, but both claims stem from the Malthusian myth that, left to their own devices, the human population will increase indefinitely, exhausting earth’s carrying capacity and precipitating war, famine, pestilence & a mass die-off.
Fans of Malthus have been warning of this since he first raised his concern.
In practise, it’s unusual for a species to outgrow its available resources. Competition for whatever is first to become limiting tends to moderate birth rates long before any nightmarish scenarios could be approached.
“The world is overpopulated” is just another Useless Eliters lie. However, it helps wear down resistance because it’s surprisingly common for people to say, even when they realise they’ve been lied to about “pandemics” and “climate change crises”, “Yes, but there really are too many people on Earth, you know”.
No, there aren’t. Let’s see the empirical evidence for “too many”, not models please.
Best wishes
Some comments on the above article by Dr. Mike Yeadon :
Michael, October 19, 2024 :
I'm not saying the UN's population data is correct or not but the world is definitely overpopulated.
Habitable land has reached its limits since pastoral, agricultural and especially wildlife land has been encroached upon. Wildlife has been reduced enormously. Abnormally dry infertile regions are being used as farmland requiring tons of fertilizer, etc, to be shipped to those desolate areas. That's unsustainable.
Most land on earth comprises either water, mountains, desert or ice.
Cities are connecting to one another. Go to China and India and you will see what overpopulation is doing. Single story houses are becoming thing of the past and now hundreds of high rise apartments are spread over the landscape.
I refuse to live like a rat on top of one another in small concrete rooms as they do in Hong Kong.
Depopulation is necessary but by ethical means, definitely not the way these misfits have been doing to us for centuries. Nature will naturally provide its way to depopulate by means of floods, drought, natural disasters and disease.
Helen Seymour answers Michael, October 19, 2024 :
I am so glad we are going to be killed "ethically “🤔Difficult to choose between drowning,being crushed,dying of thirst,or deadly disease.
Thank you Mother Nature…..
No seriously, we do need to look at how we use the Earths resources, there are many natural ways to restore soil,create space for Endangered Species etc,etc.
We are being lied to about everything……as Mike says.
Clare Wills Harrison answers Michael, October 19, 2024 :
Polite question. Have you ever been up in a light aircraft over the UK and seen the acres and acres of land we have where no one lives?
You could fit the whole of the world's population into Texas, even with the funky numbers we are told we supposedly have.
There is enough room and enough resources. It's just that the parasitic class, that like to call themselves elite, steal alot of the latter and mismanage the rest on purpose through their wanton beaurocracy and ridiculous "laws", whilst big Corp plunders the planet for profit and chucks all it's waste into our waterways and seas
The overpopulation rubbish is just another strategy of tension operation to keep people in fear and begging for more and more authoritarian measures
Jane Von Bieberstein, October 19, 2024 :
I was going to comment on this myself. I have flown to Europe quite a few times this year and it’s clear there is no over population when you look down and see miles of countryside completely free of people . The same in USA.
They lie about everything.
by Suavek
Dr. Mike Yeadon has been warning people since 2020, since the beginning of the political-medical fraud, that the so-called "Covid" vaccination is in fact a depopulation bioweapon. You will find plenty of evidence for this in this Substack, for example in the article series "TOXIC BY DESIGN".
It is the age of worldwide mass murder and mass sterilization of the world population.
Why do so many who like to call themselves “freedom fighters” keep quiet about this ? Dr. Mike Yeadon has never kept quiet about it. Neither has Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.
What many people call "side effects" of the so-called "Covid vaccination" are not "side effects" at all. In fact, they are the effects that have been carefully planned. Please read the article by Dr. Mike Yeadon and watch the video by Paul Schreyer linked in it :
Paul Schreyer: Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era?
About the toxicity mechanism of the biological weapon that was used against 6 billion people under the name "vaccination", please read here :
When listing the intentionally induced toxicity mechanisms of the bioweapon disguised as a "vaccine", Dr. Yeadon writes the following in point 28 :
“There is no reasonable conclusion to this analysis other than that the designers intentionally created products which would be expected to cause harms including death and sterility.”
Dr. Mike Yeadon summarizes the article, October 20, 2024 :
Some valuable information in the small but growing number of comments.
That overpopulation is an inappropriate concern is not a recent idea. Obviously it’s the dominant narrative because liars have the loudest voices.
Best wishes
For the most reliable information about the "Covid" scam and deceptions of the system, read Dr. Mike Yeadon's daily statements :
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :
Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends :
When searching for Dr. Yeadon's videos, only two browsers are recommended:
Yandex :
and Mojeek :
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.
Many statements and videos from Dr. Mike Yeadon can also be found on Suavek's Substack, which is recommended by Dr. Yeadon on the main page of his Substack.
Both links lead to Suavek`s Substack :
The mass murder had been planned for over 20 years.
Source :
UPDATE from November 30, 2024 :
VAERS has since made only minor visual changes to the graph, but the meaning of the statistical numbers has been greatly distorted. On this occasion, the years 2023 and 2024 were added to reassure us. Please see how the first, large red column has been moved slightly, or rather the scale has been made more unclear. Now it is no longer as clearly visible as before that the problem began exactly in 2021. It was the year in which the bioweapon called "vaccination" was forced upon people. Here is the later, new picture, from November 30, 2024 :
The link to the source remains the same as in the first image above :
I started looking into the lie of overpopulation also, after understanding how much of the information pool is contaminated by false information issued by governments and think tanks.
Colin Clark's work on land use and population is useful, especially his books written in 1960s and 1970s. He (wrongly but understandably) believed vaccination had improved child survival, but also had incisive critiques of overpopulation fear-mongering, from his perspective as an economist.
Population Growth and Land Use - 1967
Population Growth and Land Use, 2nd Edition - 1977
In Chapter 10, added to the second edition, he observed:
"Some attempt should be made to analyse the extraordinary fall in reproductivity which has taken place, in so many countries, since the text of the first edition of this book was written...But in spite of these minor qualifications, we are left with a picture of a decline of unprecedented rapidity and severity. Its effects will be principally felt in the early decades of the coming century, when dras- tically reduced numbers of men of working age will have to support a very large number of old people, probably also at the same time trying to reverse the downward trend in reproductivity.
Perhaps the best comment is that of the French historian, Chaunu, that the births which have been already lost since the early 1960s will create, in the coming century, a demographic disaster comparable only with that caused by the Black Death."
Most likely, the drop in fertility from the early 1960s to the late 1970s was a result of both self-sterilization (contraception and abortion) and sterilization-by-government through mass vaccination of women of reproductive age, from the 1955 polio campaign onward.
other prophetic tabletop exercises worth knowing about:
event organisers Cargill, CNA, Mars, World Wildlife Fund (“WWF”) and the Centre for American Progress
“The most eye-catching result [ ] was a deal between the US, the EU, India and China, standing in for the top 20 greenhouse gas emitters, to institute a global carbon tax and cap CO2 emissions in 2030,
good reportage on pre-plandemic tabletop exercises across europe (in french - i know mike speaks the language)
project phoenix, a tabletop exercise for a tampa hurricane
up next:
According to Leake, Syra Madad, senior director of the System-wide Special Pathogens Program at NYC Health + Hospitals, told summitt attendees that her agency is planning a bird flu “full pandemic tabletop exercise” on Oct. 21.