Totalitarianism – how does it feel at the beginning ?
Milton Mayer : They Thought They Were Free. The Germans, 1933-45.
My own foreword :
The term “totalitarianism” is simple and actually self-explanatory. But it is more difficult when you are suddenly confronted with it directly. One of the most important aspects of totalitarianism, namely the structure of power, seems easy to understand if you read about it and deal with it theoretically. In real life it can be completely different. No matter which side we look at this issue from, it is always about the non-democratically legitimated power of a relatively very few people over the majority. But propaganda and brainwashing can easily obscure this condition and make it invisible. Especially when the habit of relative freedom blinds a person who is inexperienced in this regard because the unimaginable is outside the horizon of thought. Simply put, what shouldn't exist is most quickly overlooked and anyone who speaks plainly is called a stupid conspiracy theorist. By the time you realize reality, it will often be too late. If the trap closes, freedom becomes more difficult. Back in 1945, after the devastating losses and the destroyed homeland, many Germans were still not aware that they have been taken in by propaganda and deceived for years. Some Germans never recognized it. It seems as if humans compare certain aspects of reality with their own experiences. Without appropriate experience, it will be extremely difficult for them to correctly classify events and recognize dangers.
The translation into German / Die Übersetzung ins Deutsch :
Mein eigenes Vorwort :
Der Begriff „Totalitarismus“ ist einfach und eigentlich selbsterklärend. Schwieriger wird es aber, wenn man plötzlich direkt damit konfrontiert wird. Einer der wichtigsten Aspekte des Totalitarismus, nämlich die Struktur der Macht, scheint leicht zu verstehen, wenn man darüber liest und sich theoretisch damit auseinandersetzt. Im wirklichen Leben kann es ganz anders sein. Egal von welcher Seite wir dieses Thema betrachten, es geht immer um die nicht demokratisch legitimierte Macht einiger weniger Menschen über die Mehrheit. Aber Propaganda und Gehirnwäsche können diesen Zustand leicht verschleiern und unsichtbar machen. Vor allem, wenn die Gewohnheit der relativen Freiheit einen diesbezüglich unerfahrenen Menschen blind macht, weil das Unvorstellbare außerhalb des Denkhorizonts liegt. Einfach ausgedrückt: Was nicht existieren sollte, wird am schnellsten übersehen und jeder, der Klartext spricht, wird als dummer Verschwörungstheoretiker bezeichnet. Bis Sie die Realität erkennen, ist es oft zu spät. Wenn die Falle zufällt, wird die Freiheit schwieriger. Noch im Jahr 1945, nach den verheerenden Verlusten und der zerstörten Heimat, war vielen Deutschen noch nicht bewusst, dass sie jahrelang der Propaganda auf den Leim gegangen und getäuscht worden waren. Einige Deutsche haben es nie erkannt. Es scheint, als würden Menschen bestimmte Aspekte der Realität mit ihren eigenen Erfahrungen vergleichen. Ohne entsprechende Erfahrung wird es für sie äußerst schwierig, Ereignisse richtig einzuordnen und Gefahren zu erkennen.
Christine Anderson : "You cannot comply your way out of a tyranny... Start rebelling. They are out to get you if you do not resist."
"You cannot comply your way out of a tyranny... Start rebelling. They are out to get you if you do not resist."
German MEP, Christine Anderson: The so-called "pandemic" was a beta test—orchestrated by globalists—to determine how easy it would be to seize totalitarian control, under the pretext of a global "emergency".
"The goal, ultimately, is to transform our free and democratic societies into totalitarian societies. Their goal is to strip each and every one of us of our fundamental rights, of freedom, democracy, the rule of law. They want to get rid of all of this."
"In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite concerned about the well-being of regular people, and it isn't any different now."
Source :
Democracy on the brink? - Rainer Mausfeld
A lecture in German. The effort to have Prof. Rainer Mausfeld translate is always worth it. There are good reasons for this. He is the best expert on the manipulatory propaganda of those in power worldwide. Automatic translation is easy to do on YouTube.
Because of the larger letters in the translated subtitle, I recommend you watch the lecture directly on YouTube :
Fragments of the lecture by Prof. Mausfeld :
What is and what is democracy for ?
Media-generated collective memory loss.
Early insights into the history of civilization :
Civilization of power
Robust protection beams must be developed against the emergence of parasitic elites.
Power always strives for more power, possession for more possession.
The law of the strongest prevents a well-ordered society.
A parasitic desire for more (pleonexy) at the expense of the community threatens social cohesion and leads to the self-destruction of society.
The reasons for the invention of democracy in Greece were clearly protection against parasitic elites.
This results in :
All power structures must prove their right to exist and justify themselves to those subject to power, otherwise they are illegitimate and must therefore be eliminated.
Central idea of egalitarian democracy :
Every citizen should have an appropriate share in all decisions that affect their own social life.
The culminating effect of the parasitic extraction of value by the elite
“RAND, the US government's think-tank, examined the cumulative effect of parasitic value extraction for the period from 1975 to 2018. They asked how much greater is the skimming of collectively earned profits by a small elite. And it turned out that Elite skimmed more and more of the collectively earned income. How does she do that? Above all, it does this so gradually that you don't notice it at all, through small changes to the legislation.”
A new book by Prof. Rainer Mausfeld, unfortunately only in German. It will definitely be translated into English soon.
Original title:
Hybris und Nemesis
Wie uns die Entzivilisierung von Macht in den Abgrund führt - Einsichten aus 5000 Jahren.
The title translation :
Hybris and Nemesis
How the decivilization of power leads us to the abyss - insights from 5,000 years.
An excerpt from
They Thought They Were Free
The Germans, 1933-45
Milton Mayer
Please read the excerpt from Milton Mayer's book here :
( Bitte lesen Sie hier den Auszug aus Milton Mayers Buch hier ) :
The trap that can be overlooked. By the time she is recognized, it is already too late.
( In German : Die Falle, die man übersehen kann. Als sie erkannt wird, ist es bereits zu spät ).
When the truth threatens to expose the totalitarian system...
Censorship is introduced so that the system is not exposed. In this way, those in power can ensure that the majority of citizens continue to live in their illusion and that the knowledgeable minority is intimidated and silenced.
The censorship at the time : the burning of books
Whether in front of the trade union hall in Braunschweig, on the Berlin Opera Square or on the summit of the Kandel, book burnings by the National Socialists took place at over 160 locations in Germany from March to November in 1933. They were planned and carried out by the NSDAP, the Hitler Youth, SA bodies, the German Student Union and other Nazi associations. Shortly after they came to power, the National Socialists' inhumane ideology was evident in these actions.
While the burnings initially were part of the SA's political street terror, in the first few months they developed into large-scale productions. The best known here is the book burning on Berlin's Opera Square, where the works of persecuted authors were thrown onto the pyre accompanied by fire sayings.
Wenn die Wahrheit droht, das totalitäre System zu entlarven ...
Damit das System nicht bloßgestellt wird, wird Zensur eingeführt. So können die Machthaber dafür sorgen, dass die Mehrheit der Bürger weiterhin in ihrer Illusion lebt und die sachkundige Minderheit eingeschüchtert und zum Schweigen gebracht wird.
Die damalige Zensur : Die Bücherverbrennung
Ob vor dem Gewerkschaftshaus in Braunschweig, auf dem Berliner Opernplatz oder auf dem Gipfel des Kandel, an über 160 Orten in Deutschland fanden 1933 von März bis November Bücherverbrennungen durch die Nationalsozialisten statt. Sie wurden von der NSDAP, der Hitlerjugend, Körperschaften der SA, der Deutschen Studentenschaft und anderen NS-Verbänden geplant und durchgeführt. Schon kurz nach der Machtübernahme zeigte sich in diesen Aktionen die menschenverachtende Ideologie der Nationalsozialisten.
Waren die Verbrennungen Anfangs noch Teil des politischen Straßenterrors der SA, so entwickelten sie sich in den ersten Monaten zu großen Inszenierungen. Am bekanntesten ist hier die Bücherverbrennung auf dem Berliner Opernplatz, wo begleitet von Feuersprüchen die Werke verfolgter Autor:innen auf den Scheiterhaufen geworfen wurden.
The photo above : Austria : Book burning in Salzburg 1938
Das Foto oben : Österreich: Bücherverbrennung in Salzburg 1938
The photo above : The book burning in in Pirna, Germany, on Broad Street ( Breiten Strasse ) 1933.
Das Foto oben : Die Bücherverbrennung in Pirna, Deutschland, in der Breiten Straße, 1933.
A copy of the former regulation on unwanted writings.
Eine Kopie der früheren Verordnung über unerwünschte Schriften.
How did totalitarianism feel in China ?
The Cultural Revolution: all you need to know about China's political convulsion
Parents beware: Johns Hopkins HEAT wants to brainwash your school-aged children.
Totalitarians always come after your kids.
Every totalitarian tyrannical state since Sparta (900-192 BC) relied on a combination of violence and brainwashing, using cult ideology(ies) to instill mass compliance. A totalitarian state always aims at separating the children from the influence of the family, lest they develop state-unauthorized independent critical thinking.
I encourage all my readers with K-12 children to pay close attention to what your kids are being taught and subjected to at school. In addition to the DEI nonsense, we have a covidian cult now! Who is approaching them with offers of “leadership opportunities” and what do those entail? If you cannot afford to homeschool, you need to pay close attention to what is happening with your kids when you are at work. Start a conversation with your children, before the state gets between you and them. Attend school board meetings and tell them you object to the indoctrination. Most importantly, you need to be the role model, when the state will start unrolling yet another wave of “health” tyranny - do not comply !
"America, the land of the free ..."
Billy Roberts "Hey Joe"- first ever recording 1961/62
A warning from 17th century France
The untroubled children dance while dark clouds visible in the background of the picture foreshadow a thunderstorm.
The Children's Dance - Mathieu Le Nain, France,17th Century :
The Children's Dance 1st Half of The 17th Century, Antoine Le Nain (1588-1648 French) Private Collection, Paris :
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