The roulette with conventional vaccinations - PART 7 - Dr. Mike Yeadon : All vaccines are to be distrusted. And : Niki protects children from pharmafia.
Despite a century of clear evidence, the cause of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) remains “unknown” ?
Dr. Yeadon, December 21, 2023 :
All vaccines are to be distrusted. I don’t need to examine them all, having realised the uselessness of several & their intentional toxicity.
The public health emergency laws & the associated emergency use authorization path plus PREP Act all must be revoked.
Editor`s note :
To compile this information, I have used statements from doctors who are knowledgeable about the subject of "vaccines" but who have not always understood the complete fraud in medicine. This means that I cannot always agree with the statements of these doctors in other fields. However, I found their criticism of "vaccines" insightful enough to be able to publish them here. Only with regard to Dr. Mike Yeadon can I always guarantee that he strictly adheres to scientific findings on every topic. With the other authors and statements in other medical fields, this could be a matter of pure luck. Some of you may be caught up in old errors propagated by the pharmaceutical industry. For example, you may believe in the existence of "pandemics" or in the effectiveness of drugs that are in fact useless. As always, those who think critically and like to question things have an advantage.
Niki protects children from the Pharma mafia :
Niki and the children
Niki, December 22, 2023. Thanks to Dr. Mike Yeadon for his valuable enlightenment work. Niki lovingly cares for small children in a Buddhist monastery in Nepal. With her small pension she supports the most needy children as much as she can. She would certainly be very grateful for any small donation. ( This text was not agreed with her ) :
Niki's substack with lots of photos of her and the kids :
Thank you 🙏 for what you are doing Dr. Yeadon. I trusted you since day one, while I kept on seeing many dangerous inconsistencies in too many other people. Dr. Malone is only the most blatant. I follow you on Telegram, please go on! Thank you to you and a few other people I could build a documentation that convinced my abbot to refuse the jabs for our 52 children!❤️❤️❤️
Niki and "her" children
Vaccine Science and Myth : Important Insights from a Medical Doctor
I am a conventionally trained medical doctor who was taught, during the 1970s, how vaccines were a vital protection against infectious disease and responsible for the massive reductions in infectious disease. I now believe the opposite - vaccines are driving many diseases of Westerners from autoimmunity and autism to allergy and arthritis. Why so? What is the history of this volte face?
My first wake up moment came from Dr. Andrew Wakefield in the early 1990s. I telephoned him at the request of a patient whose son developed autism a few weeks following his MMR vaccination. Despite being a busy paediatric gastroenterologist he gave me 30 minutes of his valuable time detailing a biologically plausible mechanism that could explain this clinical fact. Dr. Wakefield's original article can still be read, albeit with 'REDACTED' in large red letters written all over it.[1]
My second wake up came from Dr. Jayne Donegan. She was working as an NHS GP and in 2002 supported a single Mum who refused her two daughters to be vaccinated. The father objected and took mother to court. Jayne argued the case and won! Father reported her to the GMC where her views were dissected. Again, she was exonerated! She acted as her own expert witness and the essence of her defence was to go back to the original vaccine trial papers and present the original science. What she showed was that there was little or no scientific basis for vaccination. The decline in infectious disease could be entirely attributed to better nutrition and improved hygiene thanks to the clean water and sewerage systems built by Victorian engineers.[2],[3]
During the above decades I had learned that good diet and nutrition was all that children needed to protect themselves against acute febrile diseases of childhood. Acquiring measles, chickenpox, rubella, mumps and other such could be safely treated with vitamin C, zinc, iodine and other such effective treatments. This management not only conferred immunity for life but is protective against heart disease and cancer! As importantly those girls who would grow up into breast feeding mothers could protect their babies from acute febrile disease during their vulnerable early months of life because their breast milk was full of protective antibodies.
Hitherto I had not stumbled across any book that had gone through all these issues in a logical and scientific way until I read "Turtles all the way down - vaccine science and myth".[4] This should be compulsory reading for all health professionals and students of such.
This book "Turtles" has been written anonymously, initially in Hebrew in 2019, by doctors from Israel who dare not reveal their identity for fear of personal attack and professional sanction. They spell out the inconvenient truth that vaccines have never been properly tested and are not "safe and effective". Hitherto this mantra has never been challenged by any authority. The title of the book is explained by the following story from the 19th century:
( … )
( … )
Vaccines mean that we have swapped normal childhood diseases (harmless to the well-nourished child) for chronic lifelong disabilities.
The fact is that in the 1960s, 1.8% of American children had a chronic condition such as asthma, visual and hearing problems and mental issues.[11]
By 2008 this had risen to 43%. One in 7 children had asthma, one in 11 suffered ADHD and one in 5 were taking regular prescription medication.[12]
NOW "Over 1 in 2 kids today has a chronic illness". Dr. Elisa Song, a self-described "holistic pediatrician," wrote. "Our kids are getting sicker & sicker".[13]
Editors Note :
This article cannot convey more knowledge than the author has learned. In the next part of the article you will read the following sentence :
“Vaccines DO NOT always afford herd immunity”.
Meanwhile, after the major medical fraud that has been going on since 2020, many scientists have taken the trouble to sift through the available medical study results. Now in 2024, many of them are finding that not even a single "vaccination" does more good than harm. I know that my expression "many scientists" seems unscientific because it says nothing about the actual percentage of scientists who have turned against the "vaccinations". Please note that no one can give you such exact data without first having conducted a sophisticated study. You can be sure that those responsible for the recent medical fraud would never want to conduct such studies. Moreover, we should not orient ourselves according to a majority, because the well-paid pro-vaccination propaganda has now lasted well over 120-140 years and has been entrenched in people's minds for generations. Since 2021, the majority of people in the world have been "vaccinated" with a lethal injection, which does not necessarily mean that the majority is right.
Among professional doctors, it will certainly be the minority who can tell you the truth. The salaries of doctors are strictly linked to the number of "vaccinations" performed. Detailed research proves to be dangerous for the doctor because it could significantly reduce his monthly income.
You can read the whole article here :
Despite a century of clear evidence, the cause of SIDS
( sudden infant death syndrome ) remains “unknown” ?
What Makes All Vaccines So Dangerous ?
Andrew Moulden was a Canadian Ph.D. neuroscientist who focused on childhood development and acquired brain injuries, and then subsequently became a doctor specializing in neuropsychiatry.
Routine childhood vaccines cause sudden infant death syndrome ( SIDS ) :
By Rhoda Wilson on July 12, 2024
Incredible Statistics: Dr. Paul Thomas Blows Up the Conventional Vaccine Narrative (2022-04-08) :
It is amazing that none of the conventional "vaccines" have ever been tested in a randomized placebo control trial.
However, a real randomized placebo control trial was done on sheep. It found that the aluminium was toxic. The sheep became very sick and their behaviour changed. They became antisocial. Many of them died compared to the sheep that got real placebos.
About conventional "vaccines"
A Substack author who is cautious about his general judgment on conventional "vaccines" and yet shows that the information provided by the pharmaceutical industry and the official bodies is not enough. Nevertheless, he has managed to issue a well-argued warning about "vaccines" with this article. Since I expanded my research to include conventional "vaccines", I have been putting the term "vaccine" in quotation marks. They are useless and harmful poisons. But how can we know that? This is due to the weaknesses of the studies on them, which are always financed by the pharmaceutical industry. The bias in the trials is obvious. It is as if a judge only admits evidence that supports the innocence (or guilt) of the accused. Other evidence is not even sought or is excluded from the evidence. Oh, it takes some time to figure that out. Here is the link to Jeremiah's article :
Vaccination? No thanks.
"There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunisation of children does more harm than good."
Dr J Anthony Morris, former Chief Vaccine Control Officer, US Food
and Drug Administration
"The greatest threat of childhood disease lies in the dangerous and
ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunisation."
Dr R. Mendelsohn, Author and Professor of Paediatrics (How To Raise A Healthy Child In Spite Of Your Doctor)
"In our opinion, there is now sufficient evidence of immune malfunction following current vaccination programmes to anticipate growing public demands for research investigation into alternative methods of prevention of infectious disease."
Dr's H. Buttram and J. Hoffman (Vaccinations and Immune Malfunctions)
"All vaccination has the effect of directing the three values of the blood into or toward the zone characteristics of cancer and leukemia...Vaccines DO predispose to cancer and leukaemia."
Professor L.C. Vincent, Founder of Bioelectronics
"Every vaccine carries certain hazards and can produce inward reactions in some general, there are more vaccine complications than is generally appreciated."
Professor George Dick, London University
"Official data have shown that the large-scale vaccinations undertaken in the US have failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection."
Dr A. Sabin, developer of the Oral Polio vaccine (lecture to Italian doctors in Piacenza, Italy, Decemebr 7th 1985)
"In addition to the many obvious cases of mortality from these practises, there are also long-term hazards which are almost impossible to estimate accurately...the inherent danger of of all vaccine procedures should be a deterrent to their unnecessary or unjustifiable use."
Sir Graham Wilson (The Hazards of Immunisation)
"Laying aside the very real possibility that the various vaccines are contaminated with animal viruses and may cause serious illness later in life (multiple sclerosis, cancer, leukaemia, etc) we must consider whether the vaccines really work for their intended purpose."
Dr W.C. Douglas (Cutting Edge, May 1990)
"The only wholly safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used"
Dr James A. Shannon, National Institute of Health, USA
With reference to Smallpox;
"Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance, it should have no place in either hygiene or medicine... Believe not in vaccination, it is a world-wide delusion, an unscientific practise, a fatal superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without end."
Professor Chas Rauta, University of Perguia, Italy , (New York Medical Journal July 1899)
"Vaccination does not protect, it actually renders its subjects more susceptible by depressing vital power and diminishing natural resistance, and millions of people have died of smallpox which they contracted after being vaccinated."
Dr J.W. Hodge (The Vaccination Superstition)
"It is nonsense to think that you can inject pus - and it is usually from the pustule end of the dead smallpox victim … it is unthinkable that you can inject that into a little child and in any way improve its health. What is true of vaccination is exactly as true of all forms of serum immunisation, if we could by any means build up a natural resistance to disease through these artificial means, I would applaud it to the echo, but we can't do it."
Dr William Howard Hay (lecture to Medical Freedom Society, June 25th 1937)
"Immunisation against smallpox is more hazardous than the disease itself."
Professor Ari Zuckerman, World Health Organisation
With reference to Whooping Cough;
"There is no doubt in my mind that in the UK alone some hundreds, if not thousands of well infants have suffered irreparable brain damage needlessly and that their lives and those of their parents have been wrecked in consequence."
Professor Gordon Stewart, University of Glasgow (Here's Health, March 1980)
"My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the US each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given to children. The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is the most likely villain , but it could also be one or more of the others."
Dr R Mendelsohn, Author and Professor of Paediatrics (How To Raise A Healthy Child In Spite Of Your Doctor)
"The worst vaccine of all is the whooping cough is responsible for a lot of deaths and for a lot of infants suffering irreversible brain damage.."
Dr Archie Kalokerinos, Author and Vaccine Researcher (Natural Health Convention, Stanwell Tops, NSW, Australia 1987)
With reference to Polio;
"Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin polio vaccine, being made of monkey kidney tissue has been directly responsible for the major increase in leukaemia in this country."
Dr F. Klenner, Polio Researcher, USA
"No batch of vaccine can be proved to be safe before it is given to
Surgeon General Leonard Scheele (AMA Convention 1955, USA)
"Live virus vaccines against influenza and paralytic polio, for example, may in each instance cause the disease it is intended to prevent..."
Dr Jonas Salk, developer of first polio vaccine (Science 4/4/77 Abstracts)
More quote collections :
Thinking About a Flu Shot ? Watch This First !
Part 2 of 3 :
Former NIH Director on Vaccine and Autism Link
By Dr. Mike Yeadon, July 15, 2024 :
Thanks to Suavek for assembling several sources to underwrite the article title.
I’m reminded of a old saying :
Some see.
Some see when shown.
Some will never see or ever know.
Best wishes
Editor`s note : In this post, Dr. Yeadon linked the article in his Telegram channel. Thank you for that.
By Suavek :
A very special thank you goes to Niki. Her particularly astute internet research helped ensure that 52 children in a Buddhist monastery in Nepal did not suffer any damage to their immune systems.
I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to the abbot of the monastery.
Namasté ❤️,
Also sharing in this thanks is :
Mike ❤️
For the most reliable information about the "Covid" scam and deceptions of the system, read Dr. Mike Yeadon's daily statements :
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :
Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends :
When searching for Dr.Yeadon's videos only two browsers are recommended :
Yandex :
and Mojeek :
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.
When I saw my photo with the children I had a shock. It took a while to understand that it was real 😂
Actually I only brought the documentation about the disaster of the poisonous jabs, the abbot was the hero of the situation. It was his decision that saved the children.
I risked to be thrown out of the monastery, I have been lucky. My children have been lucky.
This shows that we have to go on trying to wake up people, even if we think that the chance of success is small. 😊
With love and compassion we can reach them.
Have a good day, and good awakening to everybody