The PCR test and bird flu scam aimed at taking over an economic sector by globalist thieves and “vaccine” murderers.
And : The mysterious death of Kary Mullis.
The PCR test and bird flu scam
Anyone who has read the last articles in my Substack ( ) and is familiar with the statements of Dr Mike Yeadon and others knows that this takeover of food production by the perpetrators is mainly based on the fraudulent PCR tests. The narrative of the alleged bird flu virus was already tested worldwide in 2007, but was exposed as a fraud at the time. Now we are seeing a new edition of the long-forgotten fraud of that time. Why are the farmers so poorly organized? Do they believe in the correctness of the PCR test ?
Australian MSM : "There are fears of an egg shortage in Melbourne... after a bird flu outbreak at a farm."
"The farm has been placed in quarantine and 400,000 birds have been euthanised to prevent a wider outbreak."
Taking over an economic sector is more than just selling tests and "vaccines".
All alleged "pandemics" are based on the fraudulent PCR test.
Why do food producers allow these thieves’ dogs onto their property ?
Why don't they organize themselves together ?
Source :
Published end of May 2024.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, June 19, 2024 :
Just say it as deserves:
The sky is falling in!
Chicken influenza threatens civilization!
The food supply must be destroyed in order to preserve the food supply!
If a cow gets the ‘flu, we cannot risk the devastating numbers of other cows who’ll get the ‘flu!
Give them a hot lemon and sympathy?!? Nooo! The food supply must be destroyed in order to preserve the food supply!
The early history of the alleged bird flu virus N5N1 and the discovery of its power to instill fear.
By Suavek
According to Wikipedia, the alleged A/H5N1 virus first appeared in gallinaceous birds in Scotland in 1959. 62 years later, in 2021/22 in Europe, 47.7 million different birds were allegedly "found in affected farms", although most birds generally do not stay on farms but fly around freely and cannot be culled or "vaccinated". This alone exposes the whole "scientific" approach as a bad joke.
When do you think H5N1 has been portrayed as a "danger" due to a potential pandemic for people worldwide?
Well, the alleged virus was first mentioned in 1997 in Hong Kong, where it was said to have emerged.
The usual mass killing of birds is said to have put an end to the supposed danger to people. However, the potential of H5N1 as a method of scaring people was quickly recognized, because in May 1997, 18 people in Hong Kong allegedly contracted H5N1 and 6 of them died. From the 18 cases and six deaths, the EU concluded that "an influenza pandemic could be imminent", which is why governments of the EU member states responded with preventive measures. However, the preventive measures were preceded by a meeting of a so-called ad hoc group on communicable diseases on January 14, 1998, initiated by the DGV, Directorate General 5 of the European Commission.
As early as 1998, there was hope that H5N1 would make a lot of money. The members of the ad hoc group discovered to their horror that there were no vaccines against the newly discovered H5N1 virus. As usual, this discovery led to millions of euros of taxpayers' money being invested in research into a vaccine against H5N1.
In 2007, the WHO finally declared a bird flu pandemic. However, it soon turned out to be a fraud. The idea was abandoned until the perpetrators tried again in 2009 with a swine flu plandemic. In 2020, they finally managed to make a corona plandemic relatively credible worldwide. However, the costs of the propaganda and censorship of real science were enormous. But that doesn't matter, because the taxpayer financed most of it.
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The UK’s I newspaper skipped straight to asking the important questions: “Is bird flu present in the UK and should I be worried?”
Of course, none of the MSM interrogated the situation any further than copy-pasting WHO press releases. But, for anyone who followed the early development of the Covid “pandemic”, the details of the supposed “bird flu” death sound eerily familiar.
For example, the patient was already seriously ill with kidney disease and type-2 diabetes. In fact he had been bedridden for three weeks prior to the onset of his “acute symptoms” of bird flu.
Further, the diagnosis of Bird Flu was only “confirmed” post-mortem by PCR testing.
The death reportedly occurred on April 24th, and yet is only making the headlines now. The report also volunteers that the man had “no history of exposure to poultry or other animals”.
…which rather begs the question: So why was he tested for Bird Flu at all?
More specifically, why were they testing him for a strain of Bird Flu that had supposedly never infected a human being before, let alone killed one?
Are they just testing everyone for Bird Flu just in case? Because that’s another Covid thing.
Whether or not they were doing that before, they’re probably going to start doing it now, since the WHO’s recommendations following this case include “strengthening routine surveillance”, which essentially means testing more.
North of the border, a new report published today claims good old-fashioned H5N1 bird flu has killed “dozens” of dairy cows across the US, before noting in the small print that the cows “either died or were slaughtered“.
Making it possible, or even likely, that none of them died of “bird flu” at all. Which, again, sounds very familiar.
Full article :
Source :
PCR tests to detect disease?
If Kary Mullis had still been alive, neither the fake corona pandemic nor the bird flu hoax would have been possible. This is an opinion you hear very often.
Mullis would have brought down the "Corona" narrative on his own. Everyone who has dealt with the PCR knew from the beginning that the Drosten-Corman paper was a fake that made the plandemic possible in the first place.
The Mysterious Death of PCR Test Inventor Kary Mullis – Fauci’s Most Notable Critic
1-Kary Mullis was an American biochemist. In recognition of his role in the invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith and was awarded the Japan Prize in the same year.
2-Kary Mullis was an outspoken critic of Anthony Fauci:
"Guys like Fauci get up there and start talking. And he doesn't know anything really about anything. And I'd say that to his face. Nothing. The man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope. And if it's got a virus in there you'll know it. He doesn't understand electron microscopy. And he doesn't understand medicine. And he should not be in a position like he's in.... Those [administrative] guys have got an agenda. Which is not what we would like them to have. Being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way. They've got a personal kind of agenda. They make up their own rules as they go. So they change them when they want to. Tony Fauci does not mind going on television, in front of the people who pay his salary, and lie directly into the camera."
[Most people can't judge who is and isn't a really good scientist.]
"Who do we trust? Fauci?! Fauci doesn't know enough. If Fauci wants to get on television with somebody who knows a little bit about this stuff and debate them, he can easily do it 'cause he's been asked. I've had a lot of people... ask if he'd come and debate me on stage in front of the student body. Because i wanted somebody who was from the other side to come down there and balance mine....But Fauci didn't want to do it."
Source :
Here you can watch the same movie with German subtitles :
Source :
3-Kary Mullis died on August 7, 2019.
Some sources say he died from pneumonia. Other sources say he died from heart and respiratory failure.
4-Supposedly first discovered in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, the first U.S. case of alleged “covid 19” was reported in 2020. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared it to be a global pandemic on March 11, 2020.
5-The Mysterious Death of PCR Test Inventor Kary Mullis – Fauci’s Most Notable Critic
Narrator : Mullis invented PCR analysis, which was not designed to test for a virus. He explains why.
Mullis : "PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.... If you can amplify one single molecule up to something you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there's just very few molecules that you don't have at least one single one of in your body. So that could be thought of as a misuse of it, to claim that it's meaningful."
Narrator : "The PCR test can potentially find anything you're looking for, depending on how high you turn it up. And this is exactly what has been done. The official protocol given for the PCR testing of covid 19 created a floodgate of false positives to skew the results. They call it asymptomatic, 'cause it's a lie. These people don't have symptoms, because they don't have covid 19. They do it today because they've done it in the past and always gotten away with it.
Thirty years ago Anthony Fauci, head of the NIH, made a name for himself by pushing for higher doses of the deadly drug AZT in old cancer chemotherapy, too dangerous for approval, onto AIDS patients. Kary Mullis was hired to measure HIV in people's blood samples with his PCR. He was working under the premise that HIV was the probable cause of AIDS. But when he went looking for the proof he found there was none. They just made it up."
Mullis : "Where is that paper? Who do I go to for that? And I looked around and I asked a couple of virologists at that company. And they said 'no, you don't have to reference that' and I said 'I have to reference that 'cause I don't know where that came from. How do I know that?' And it turned out that nobody knew it. And I was getting really freaked about that. That's when I first started saying 'they don't know! Nobody really knows. This whole thing is a big sham!'"
Narrator : "Mullis pointed out how the CDC was losing money. And how the HIV/AIDS connection brought their profits back in the black. And how the men at the highest levels were all in on it. Kerry Mullis knew these men were dangerous."
Mullis : "They don't want men like me walking up and asking them those kinds of questions. And they're willing to go to great lengths to prevent that. They're out on a limb. I wouldn't wanna be there with them."
Narrator : "But he was still outspoken. When ABC approached him about doing a documentary about his work Mullis convinced them to cover the HIV debate after nearly a decade of ignoring it. In a 1994 interview with Celia Farber with Spin magazine Kari Mullis expressed how he really wanted to expose Anthony Fauci and Robert Gallo.
He said that he'd be willing to 'chase the little bastard from his car to his office. A Nobel Prize winner trying to ask a simple question from those who spent $22 billion and killed 100,000 people. It has to be on TV. I'm not unwilling to do something like that."
Narrator : “Unfortunately not many people were listening back then. And on August 7, 2019, just about 3 months before the first utterance of covid 19, Kerri Mullis aged 74, a Nobel Prize winner, inventor of the PCR test, a man who was once willing and eager to expose Anthony Fauci, quietly died of pneumonia. The timing of it all is mysterious to many of us.”
Source :
Kary Mullis -- The Full Interview ( 1996 ) :
A few comments under the article published above :
2 years ago
Reply to Carmine
Yeah. PCP pneumonia. The rare strain that 17,000 AIDSvictims succumbed to , treatable by the commonly prescribed sulfa antibiotic, Bactrim. The off-label, inexpensive, safe and effective treatment denied them by … drumroll… Faustus. Coincidence? Doubtful.
1 year ago
Reply to Gail
Its not a coincidence by any stretch of the imagination. He knew and they knew he was about to expose them and blow the lid off of the “ covid” plan and the “ vaccines” that followed…just think of the money they have made from the death and destruction. Smh. I wish more ppl would investigate this and learn the truth.
2 months ago
Reply to Ryan VOROBIEV
it was and is a scam perpetrated by Fauci who used the same earmarked playbook to for the use of AZT and then Remdesivir both mimic the symptoms of each illness they are administered for AZT for HIV and Remdesivir for Covid but both drugs are deadly and killed many, many ppl.
Vor 2 Monaten
Auch der RT-PCR-Test scheint seine Probleme zu haben. Ihr Erfinder Kary Mullis, der für die Erfindung der PCR-Herstellungstechnik den Nobelpreis erhielt, soll gesagt haben, dass sie nur Forschungszwecken und nicht der medizinischen Diagnose diente. Im März 2020 wurde aus China eine Falsch-Positiv-Rate von 80 % gemeldet (4).
Ein Hersteller des „SARS-CoV-2 RNA, Qualitative Real-Time RT-PCR (Testcode 39433)“ gibt in der Packungsbeilage an: „Der nachgewiesene Erreger ist möglicherweise nicht die eindeutige Ursache der Krankheit.“ Zu den „Einschränkungen“ gehört: „Negative Ergebnisse schließen eine SARS-CoV-2-Infektion nicht aus und sollten nicht als alleinige Grundlage für Behandlungen oder andere Entscheidungen zum Patientenmanagement verwendet werden.“(5)
Tatsächlich berichtete ein Schweizer Institut für Mikrobiologie, dass „Antigentestmethoden, die auf Echtzeit-RT-PCR basieren, seit Mitte Januar, dem Beginn der Pandemie in China, als Referenzprotokolle anerkannt und von der EU weitergegeben – wenn auch nicht validiert – wurden Weltgesundheitsorganisation". Sie fanden außerdem „eine falsche degenerierte Base (S), die nicht mit der SARS-CoV-2-RNA-Sequenz übereinstimmt“ und erklärten, dass weitere Verbesserungen am RT-PCR-Test vorgenommen werden sollten, um die Spezifität zu verbessern.(6 )
Es ist besorgniserregend, dass zumindest in einigen Fällen und möglicherweise in allen Fällen weder Antikörper- noch RT-PCR-Tests klinisch validiert zu sein scheinen oder ausreichend belastbare Indikatoren sind, auf denen Empfehlungen für die medizinische Behandlung oder möglicherweise größere Veränderungen im Leben des Einzelnen basieren könnten.
Dr Kary Mullis Gives Talk About PCR Testing And Proper Diagnostics Usage Regarding Diseases :
Dr. Kary Mullis inventor of PCR :
“ The PCR test allows you to take a tiny fragrant, a minuscule of anything and MAKE it measurable, then blow it out of logical perspective and misinterpret because all PCR results are inferred. If you can amplify one single molecule in the body to cycle something that you can measure, which PCR can do, and there are very few ppl that don’t have one single molecule in their body that can not be made to be measurable and then claimed to be meaningful. PCR is used to make a whole lot of something into something, But it doesn’t tell you that you are sick. It can’t tell the difference between virus particles or active live viruses.”
Murder by Injection the 1976 Swine Flu hoax, they've done this before :
Source :
First a pandemic is invented, then the "vaccines" are sold and in the last step the unwanted side effects and permanent health damage are trivialized on Wikipedia. Of course, the fraud is presented as a regrettable mistake.
1976 swine flu outbreak
In 1976, an outbreak of the swine flu, influenza A virus subtype H1N1 at Fort Dix, New Jersey caused one death, hospitalized 13, and led to a mass immunization program. After the program began, the vaccine was associated with an increase in reports of Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), which can cause paralysis, respiratory arrest, and death. The immunization program was ended after approximately 43 millions United States citizens had been administered the vaccine.[1]
Richard Krause, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases from 1975 to 1984, writes that the government response to the swine flu outbreak was considered to be too fast.[2] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states, "Those who received the 1976 swine flu vaccine had a slight increased risk for developing GBS of approximately one additional case of GBS for every 100,000 people who got the swine flu vaccine."[3]
Source / full article :
1976 H1N1 swine influenza outbreak.
President Gerald Ford receiving his vaccine for the swine flu.
Related articles - About the fraud using the PCR test :
Dr. Yeadon Explains For First Time How The Covid Tests Can't Detect Proteins Like WHO Purports! Pandemic THEORY Is Wrong & We Will PROVE IT! Pandemics Do NOT Exist.
WHO recommended those tests - because they are so wise we need to pay them MORE $ for more great tests... Time to cut off the pseudo science cabal. What a racket!
Source :
Dr. Mike Yeadon - The next scandemic :
"H5N1": Canadian Food Inspection Agency still can't find valid evidence that it exists
June 10, 2024
Jun 10, 2024
I have always found the best possible enlightenment in the statements of Dr Mike Yeadon. You can find some of them in this Substack. Or here:
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :
Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends :
When searching for Dr.Yeadon's videos only two browsers are recommended :
Yandex :
and Mojeek :
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.