Dr. Mike Yeadon: Urgent warning in several languages about converting all vaccinations to mRNA technology. This should be taken very seriously !
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World leading scientists speak to UK Members of Parliament - 4th December 2023 - Dr. Mike Yeadon :
Source : https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/126498.html
Mike Yeadon: Address to parliamentary special meeting 4/12/2023 [December 4, 2023]
Mike Drop "Shareable informative videos from Dr Mike Yeadon’s Telegram channel: https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannel"
December 5, 2023
Backup: https://www.bitchute.com/video/47kqv4ps06r8/
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: On the video posted on rumble and bitchute there is a running transcript; my transcript differs mainly in very minor instances of punctuation and capitalization.
See also Dr. Yeadon's post: https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannel/270
TEXT ON SCREEN: Dr Mike Yeadon's address to members of parliament
Telegram channel: Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel
TEXT ON SCREEN: On the 4th December 2023 UK MP Andrew Bridgen was joined in a special parliamentary meeting by Dr David E. Martin, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Pierre Kory, Professor Angus Dalgliesh & Steve Kirsch who gave their testimony on the Pandemic & its consequences. Two video presentations by Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Mike Yeadon were due to be shown, but unfortunate technical issues prevented this happening.
Telegram channel: Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel
TEXT ON SCREEN: This is the presentation by Dr. Yeadon that parliament was meant to hear
Telegram channel: Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel
[Dr. Yeadon appears, wearing a blue-and-white checked shirt and directly addressing the camera]
DR. MICHAEL YEADON: Hello. My name is Dr. Mike Yeadon. Probably know by now that I'm a career research scientist biologist. I've worked in the biopharmaceutical industry for over 30 years. Famously a former vice president at Pfizer, I left in 2011 as vice president and worldwide head of Respiratory Research. I was responsible for everything from idea to clinical proof of concept.
In the 10 years after leaving Pfizer I worked an an independent. I consulted to 30 biotech companies. I also founded, led and sold my own biotech, Ziarco. And we were written up in a 2017 article in Forbes magazine, I think it was Converting Pfizer Discards into Gold, and it was written by a former Pfizer board member.*
So 3 years before this alleged event started, I was very well regarded in the industry.
I'm going to tell you that the design of the so-called vaccines was intentionally to harm people. And I'm going to give you several examples of that based on my extensive industry experience of rational drug design. Not a single atom or molecule in a synthetic drug is in there by luck. It's in there because people chose it to be in there and they intended certain things to flow from their choices.
But just very briefly, you should know, I hope, there has not been a pandemic. Dennis Rancourt's** data shows that the all cause mortality evidence data did not increase at all in the run up to the declaration, fraudulently, by WHO of a pandemic. There is no public health emergency except that created by our governments. An inappropriate, fraudulent PCR test was used to give people the impression that they had a particular disease where they didn't. There were all the normal diseases.
And then what happened was in three different ways people were treated badly, through changed medical procedures that were imposed above the level of nation. Briefly, mass ventilation of people inappropriately in hospitals that led to lots of deaths. In care homes many people were given sedatives and respiratory depressants, which led to their deaths. My PhD was specifically in that area of opiates and respiratory depression. And in the community, people were denied life-saving antibiotics and died of bacterial pneumonia.
There's your pandemic. There is no other pandemic. And based on this lie, we were told that vaccines were coming our way and would be our savior.
Two things. As I say, first, there's no pandemic so you certainly don't need a experimental, rushed medical intervention.
But secondly, even if you did, as someone who's worked in the industry for over 30 years, I am telling you, it's absolutely impossible to invent tests, clinically evaluate and manufacture and then launch on global scale a complex biomedical product. It's absolutely impossible. It's not just close, it's years wrong. The fastest record price of this was 6 years. And friends of mine who've worked all their lives in manufacturing of complex biological products tell me, the methods development alone for the development of a reproducible manufacturing process itself takes a number of years. So whatever it is you think was done, I am telling you, it was not the development of a proper medical product.
What I think happened was the advancement of materials that are intentionally toxic. And then they were sketchily advanced and jammed into people's arms, often coerced, sometimes even mandated, with the unsurprising effect that millions of people have died. I don't have time today to explain what I think they're going to do in the future, but suffice to say, more injections are coming if we don't stop this.
So, like I said, I'm skilled in the arts of rational drug discovery. So why am I saying these materials are intentionally toxic?
Let me give you the first example. How do you think your body plays nice with itself, but when it's infected or detects a cancer, it goes to war? And the answer is, it distinguishes self, things that are meant to be inside you, from non self, from foreign things that are not meant to be inside you. And it is trained exquisitely to detect and attack non self, foreign things.
If you inject a person with a gene that encodes a foreign piece of protein, like a spike protein, from a foreign organism, your body will detect that. Every single cell that takes up that material and expresses foreign protein will be attacked and killed by your immune system.
Now if you think that's advanced immunology, let me put you right. It's in the first chapter. Distinguishing self from non self is one of the foremost lessons of immunology. And every single person involved in the train of delivery of these materials to doctors' hands knew what I've just told you, they will inevitably cause injury.
Then, on top of that, it's not just bad enough that you're making a foreign protein, you're making a specific material called spike protein. Those materials are biologically active. That is, if you add them to human blood for example, they start to coagulate. It clots. Those materials are biological toxins.
So now you've got a genetic sequence that forms foreign proteins. That means your body attacks and kills every cell that does it. And if should you release any of that protein in your blood, it will form blood clots. If it releases it near nerves, for example, you will get one or other of several neurological defects.
And of course it's not just nerves or blood. There's a third major factor, and there are many others, but let me give you the third one. These materials are formulated, it's normal to formulate drugs, these are formulated in fatty globules called lipid nanoparticles. What they do is disguise the foreign genetic information so your body doesn't see it initially until it gets inside your cells and it goes all around your body. It will glide through the cell wall as if it wasn't there. And that was the entire point of it.
So that means these materials don't just go to your lymph nodes and they certainly don't stay in your arm where they're injected. They go all around the body, including into your brain and your blood and every organ in your body.
But here's the thing. Ten years ago, there were papers published, and it was well-established and well-known in the industry, that lipid nanoparticles, lipid nanocarriers, deposit their cargo preferentially in the ovaries. And that was confirmed with a Pfizer product in an animal experiment performed for the Japanese regulators.***
So, by design, these agents caused an autoimmune attack on every tissue. They make your body form a well-understood biological toxin that can damage multiple organs in your body. And they
deposited their cargos preferentially in the reproductive tissues of women and girls.
So if you think that's by luck, then you're mistaken. There is no doubt in my mind that anyone of my caliber, and this is my peers that worked on this, absolutely understood what they were designing and manufacturing.
So I think, having, having heard what I've just said, there was no pandemic and the lie was maintained in order to inject people en masse, I think 5 and a half billion people, with an intentionally dangerous substance, 17 million of whom have died so far, what do you think is happening? And what do you think is your role as an individual is in stopping this crime?
Thank you for listening.
Dr. Mike Yeadon: Why The Depopulation Agenda Is Real & What We Can Do About It :
Deutsch / German
Der Link oben hat am 30.04.2024 nicht funktioniert. Ich bitte Sie nach den Videos mit Dr. Mike Yeadon in Deutsch auf dem Yandex Browser zu suchen. Hier sind ein Paar Filme, die ich auf diesem Wege gefunden habe :
Den Film hatte ich schon gehabt. Das Aufnahmedatum muss ich noch herausfinden. Die Aufnahme müsste vom Anfang 2024 stammen :
Ein zusätzlicher Film mit deutschem Untertitel :
Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt Letztes Interview - Aufdeckung der großen Gefahren von mRNA-Impfstoffen
& :
Un film supplémentaire sous-titré en français :
La dernière interview du Professeur Arne Burckhardt révélant les dangers graves des vaccins ARNm
Polski / Polish
Uwaga ! Moje reklamacje dotyczące nieprawidłowego tłumaczenia spowodowaly, ze Robert F. Kennedy Jr., na którego koncie na platformie Rumble byl ten film prezentowany, zdecydowal sie na naprawe tej usterki. Moje prawidlowe tlumaczenie zostalo mu dostarczone poprzez dr. Mikea Yeadona i zmiana tlumaczenia już nastąpiła. Link u dolu znowu działa.
W jednym miejscu pozostalo jednak slowo “wyraża”, które może być źle zrozumiane :
“ układ odpornościowy zaatakuje tkankę, która je wyraża . ”
Tu chodzi o tkanki ciała, które PRODUKUJĄ syntetyczne białka nazywane spajkami. Zamiast wyrazu “produkują “ użyto słowa używanego w tym kontekście właściwie tylko w medycynie : “wyraża”.
Inaczej mówiąc, nasz układ odpornościowy zabija nie tylko wszystko to, co jest nienaturalne, ale także tkanki ciała, które produkują syntetyczne i nienaturalne elementy. Dlatego technologia mRNA jest toksyczna i nigdy nie powinna być używana.
Tą scenę, w której znajduje się wyżej wymieniony tekst, widać tutaj :
Inny film z polskim tekstem / Other video in Polish :
Ostatni wywiad z patologiem Arne Burkhardtem na temat zagrożeń związanych z mRNA :
Inne filmy w jezyku polskim / Other Films in Polish :
The pulmonologist Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg recapitulates the background to the Corona crisis. Using public sources and documents, he shows how this crisis was artificially created and literally ignored. The result is a real crime thriller that convicts the perpetrators. It remains exciting to know whether these will continue to be unmolested.
In different countries, different drugs have been used that have led to the deaths of alleged “Covid” patients. Besides midazolam, other benzodiazepines, remdesivir, Hydroxychloroquine was also there. Dr. Wolgang Wodarg spoke about this.
A transcript of Dr Wolfgang Wodarg's statement translated into English (from the fragment of a film linked below ) :
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg :
“ ( … ) The WHO was always behind it, those who were in charge at the WHO. And this looks like an evil plan. The whole thing was shown to us as if it were Covid-19 victims, but there were coffins with people who had been killed through incorrect therapy. And they did that in such a way that the hydroxychloroquine was overdosed. The dosage was in the highly toxic range. It has been recommended and registered by WHO. Nobody prevented this in any way. It happened without supervision.. Those were deadly studies that were then quickly stopped when people started talking about them, when this was discussed in public. Then suddenly it was over and they stopped it. ”
Image : Ein Screenshot from the film linked above: The overdose of hydroxychloroquine.
The Eternal Dangers of RNA-Vaccines
Sucharit Bhakdi MD, Karina Reiss PhD and Michael Palmer MD
This open letter explains the dangers posed by mRNA vaccines, namely, that cells and tissues which take up the vaccine particles will suffer destruction at the hands of the immune system, and furthermore that cells which evade destruction may end up being genetically modified. The risk of genetic modification also pertains to egg and sperm cells and therefore to future generations. Both risks are inherent in this vaccine technology — they are not limited to the mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 alone.
To facilitate the international spread and distribution of this letter, it has been translated into many languages. We ask you to please download the letter in your native language and help distribute it in your own country.
Download the PDF versions of the letter in multiple languages :
Please continue reading here :
Protect the children !
Former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad : This is deliberate depopulation. Only 1 billion people are said to remain :
An interview with US military lawyer Todd Callender :
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