My Substack is one of the few promoted by Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice president of Pfizer and top expert in immunology and respiratory disease. This is the best recommendation I can show you. I would like to thank Dr. Yeadon very much for this. A small explanation: I attribute this recommendation to the fact that I attach great importance in my articles to ensuring that true science is not mixed with elements of perpetrator propaganda. Unfortunately, we see this far too rarely. One of the examples is the fact that I recognized very early on that there was never a health risk, except from the lies from the pharmaceutical industry, politics and the mainstream media. There was neither the supposedly deadly SARS-CoV-2 virus, nor the completely fictitious disease called "Covid". This is proven by the data from the world's most renowned scientists, which you will find in my Substack. Several articles come from my collaboration with Dr. Yeadon. I sincerely ask you to share the information.

Best wishes,

- Suavek, ( Telegram channel Queue for brain )

My Substack recommendation on Dr. Yeadon's Substack page :

Source :

Dismantle the False Narrative with Evidence

About me and why I recommend my work to you. Why subscribe ?

My work on Substack primarily serves one purpose: as enlightenment work and information material for free use and sharing with your loved ones, friends and acquaintances. The texts are provided with links to scientific papers and studies, which will hopefully save you from long persuasive discussions. In other words, this is an enlightenment work that in turn is intended to simplify your enlightenment work. After all, we all want our loved ones to avoid the harm and danger, rather than being unwitting victims of the deceptions of the political system that clearly doesn't want the best for us.

The enlightenment of people who have had little time to deal with political issues and are caught in the childish idea that politics - like their parents once did - only wants the best for them is particularly problematic. Belief in authority then becomes an authority trap and enlightenment work proves to be particularly difficult. Passing on the information provided here is intended to make your persuasion easier and save your nerves.

I apologize for my imperfect English language. I am not an English speaker at all and rely on translation services. Unfortunately, I can't find the time to learn foreign languages at the moment. Of course it was a bit of a crazy decision not to write in the languages I knew. However, the need to write in English arose by chance. It was my chance contact with Mike Yeadon that suddenly found me in the middle of people who were primarily English speakers. And it has remained that way to this day. On the other hand, I spend too much time researching and storing information. It would be a real shame if I kept this information to myself and didn't pass it on. I wish you a pleasant time reading and success in sharing !


The satirical drawings and cartoons that I include in the texts are intended to make the difficult topics a little easier for you. Of course, I am aware of how serious our issues are. It even turns out that the seriousness of our problems very often goes beyond the imagination and therefore beyond the absorption capacity of a human being. While one person is good at chopping wood, another is better at cooking and vice versa. It is no different in terms of understanding current events. I have been very fortunate to have been using alternative media every day for around 20 years. So in 2020 I had at least a basis of knowledge and knew roughly what the power structure of our world looks like and what forces we might have to deal with. And yet it quickly became clear that, given the size of the global fraud, my previous knowledge was insufficient, so I had to rely on other people's knowledge.

In memory of dr. Thomas Jendges

The then director of the clinic in Chemnitz said on camera online that he needed 1,500 hours of research on the internet to get a rough idea of what was going on in the world in 2020. He said something like,

"I can assure you that what's going on has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with health.”

He's found out that it's about installing a world dictatorship and has us warned about it.

His name was Dr. Thomas Jendges. A short time later he was dead. Here is a link to his video, in German, with English subtitles :

Dr. Thomas Jendges

Published November 20, 2021.

Dr. Thomas Jendges allegedly committed suicide by jumping down from the roof of the clinic. However, this is contradicted by the fact that he had 2 underage children at the time and his warning video was proof of his social, solidarity and emphatic character. That's why I find it hard to believe that he would have voluntarily abandoned his children.

Source :

An important additional note :

You can now only find films like this on the Yandex search engine (highly recommended! : ) When I looked for this video now, at the beginning of 2024, it couldn't be found anywhere else.


Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer

Dr. Mike Yeadon

Dr. Mike Yeadon, PhD immunologist and former Pfizer Chief Scientist worldwide for respiratory pharmacology and product development speaks from a thirty-year career in pharmacological research and development, new product development,and as a Bio-tech entrepreneur. He has been a courageous Whistleblower since fall of2020, warning about the damage to pregnancy development as a result of the spike protein, similarity to a critical placental protein, and lipid nanoparticle damage to the ovaries and testicles. He is also Chief Scientific Advisor for Truth for Health Foundation and an expert witness on damage from the COVID gene therapy injections. His warnings two years ago are clearing being played out in the damage to people we are seeing now. He brings a global perspective to the vaccine injuries, and overall agenda with the COVID shots.

When you need the most important and exactly truthful information in a short time :

If you want to know a lot in a short time and have little time to read, then I recommend that you search for Dr. Mike Yeadon's latest videos in the Yandex search engine. In my opinion there is no better source of knowledge than the videos of this very personable man. The former vice president of Pfizer was able to get to the heart of the matter in a very understandable manner in a very short time. His films are also on my Substack, which is continually being updated. Highly recommended !

The best way to find Dr Yeadon's warning videos is on Yandex Browser

Please note that a false Telegram channel from Dr. Yeadon can also be found in the Yandex Browser. I have posted the links to the real channels right below.

Here you can also find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :

The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :

There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends :

Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :

Several videos and statements from Dr. Yeadon are also featured on my Substack :


Dr. Mike Yeadon promotes my Substack, in which some articles are published that were created in collaboration with him.,

June 21, 2024 :

Source :

Text by Dr. Yeadon :

“ Another well assembled clutch of pieces by Suavek.

Please would you consider subscribing to his Substack? Most of his output is things like this and it’s more useful if we can publicise it as widely as possible?

I try to repost here, but I may miss some!

Best wishes & thanks,

Mike ”

Linked in the post above :


By the way, here is my Telegram channel :

Photo : Suavek on the laptop

Update from April 18, 2024 :

My Substack was recommended by Dr. Mike Yeadon

My Substack was recommended by Dr. Mike Yeadon for the second time and this time he also subscribed to it. This is a great honor for me, for which I would like to thank you very much ! :

Here is my letter to Dr. Mike Yeadon from April 18, 2024 :

Dear Mike,

Thank you very much for your appreciation and promoting my Substack! When I received a letter from you a few years ago, I had only been on Telegram for a day, which I installed just because of you. I knew your videos, but without knowing beforehand that you were also on Telegram. I had never had anything to do with social media before and I had no idea about the system settings on Telegram. When I received a letter from you after a few initial comments on your channel at the time, I didn't know whether my answer would appear privately or be published. It was private, but I didn't know that at the time. That's why, as a precaution, I didn't introduce myself in my answer as to what I would do next. I apologize to you for this faux pas! Best regards and thank you again ! Namasté !

-- "The man from Germany", Suavek


By the way, I'm the man who suggested simplifying the "vaccine" harm narrative for the sake of general understanding (the "non-self" narrative ). You then applied the idea in Florida and shared it with other scientists.

Source :

I received a request regarding my answer published above, so I should explain something here. The question was :

“Would you mind elaborating on your suggested simplied narrative? I badly need some input as I am still thinking of a good way to explain to a young teen about the jabs.”

I responded with a text that allowed me to explain a little more :

The explanation, shortened in the form of a slogan, is :

“Your immune system doesn’t just kill the synthetic spike proteins that your body’s cells produce (express) after the mRNA ‘vaccination’. Your body cells that do this are also killed by your immune system."

At the time, I pointed out that this formulation was also understandable and memorable for laypeople, so that it could be easily remembered and shared. There is nothing new about this statement. This is a well-known fact in immunology. But this statement can only develop its “viral” explosive power in such a shortened form. Previously, this mechanism of action was embedded in a long story by many scientists and explained in detail in 1000 words. Furthermore, it is only one mechanism of action among many, but the only one that can develop viral explosive power if shortened to a slogan. At the time I thought it would be a shame if this mechanism of action wasn't communicated clearly enough. The speed of dissemination of a truthful statement can be just as important as its content. Of course, I was very pleased that Dr. Yeadon immediately shared this idea with the other scientists.

I wish you much success !



I think that this mechanism of action of mRNA technology is also the best proof that Dr Yeadon's narrative is correct : the design indicates an intention to harm.

In my opinion, the same applies here: It is just one piece of evidence among many, but it is easy to understand and therefore very convincing.

Source :


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Enlightenment work on the topic : “Systemic fraud”. / Telegram name : Suavek / Telegram channel :