by Suavek
For many people, Dr. Yeadon's historical videos represent nothing less than their own survival story. If you don't know what's happening, your chances are slim.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice president of Pfizer and now whistleblower, has been tirelessly warning the world about the "COVID" pseudo-vaccines since 2020. Those who believe him can survive.
Dr Mike Yeadon's narrative is not just an opinion. It is a statement whose correctness is confirmed by reality every day. The "devil" is in the design of mRNA. The mechanism of action of this genetic substance has nothing to do with medical protection. The toxicity was known before its introduction. The claim of the alleged protective effect was based, among other things, on the fact that the victims of these injections were still recorded in the statistics as "unvaccinated" for almost 1 month (usually 28 days) after their second pseudo-"vaccination". It was said that the alleged protective effect could not develop before this time. But most deaths and injuries due to this toxicity occurred within 2 weeks of each injection. The stupid claim that this could be some kind of protection is based not only, but also, on this incorrect counting method. It was a fraud that makes any reasonable person hold their breath.
Since 2020, Dr Yeadon has evaluated many scientific studies, conducted research and, as a forward-thinking researcher, has in some cases arrived at new findings that make medical fraud look even worse. Nevertheless, his warnings remain current and so do most of the findings from 2020-2023. You have information here that is of both historical and enlightenment value and that you can put to good use.
The readers of the articles published in this Substack know exactly what is currently going on in the world. But the concept of the Substack and its main idea lie in the practical possibility of sharing information in a compact form where it is necessary. My personal guiding principle is: God helps those who know how to help themselves." I wish you the best of luck with your enlightenment work.
The famous garage video
I'm sorry I have to add the recording dates later.
Dr. Mike Yeadon - Covid death shots is medical murder
An anonymous comment under the video :
Just the sheer volume of “news”(Propaganda) that we were bombarded with was an indicator that something wasn’t right with this “Pandemic”.
Dr. Mike Yeadon : Toxic by design :
Full title :
Dr. Mike Yeadon Interview - Pfizer's “Covid-19” mRNA “vaccines” are toxic by design.
Linked to this video are the following two articles that Dr. Yeadon published on his Substack :
My letter to PC Ben Bates
Evidence of criminal activity re: the rollout of the Covid ‘vaccine’
Dr Mike Yeadon
Mar 17, 2024
Statement by Mike Yeadon
Apr 19, 2024
Dr. Mike Yeadon - The Horrible Truth and The Answer
Dr Mike Yeadon - Medical Fraud, Fear and, Herd Mentality
Recorded July 21, 2022.
Source 2 :
Source 3 :
We are always told to trust the science and listen to the experts.
If only our governments had listened to our guest this episode, Dr Mike Yeadon, whose credentials are impressive.
His time as Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer at Pfizer along with his PhD in respiratory research should make everyone sit up and take notice of what he says.
In this discussion Dr Yeadon gives an overview of where we are with this so-called ‘pandemic’ and shares his view on how we have been lied to, how fear has been used to control us and how herd mentality has shut down debate and conversation.
It is an honour to have Mike join Hearts of Oak to share his wisdom and insight.
Please share this interview widely.
Dr. Michael Yeadon is an Allergy & Respiratory Therapeutic Area expert with over 23 years in the pharmaceutical industry. He trained as a biochemist and pharmacologist, obtaining his PhD from the University of Surrey (UK) in 1988.
Dr. Yeadon then worked at the Wellcome Research Labs with Salvador Moncada with a research focus on airway hyper-responsiveness and effects of pollutants including ozone and working in drug discovery of 5-LO, COX, PAF, NO and lung inflammation. With colleagues, he was the first to detect exhaled NO in animals and later to induce NOS in lung via allergic triggers.
Joining Pfizer in 1995, he was responsible for the growth and portfolio delivery of the Allergy & Respiratory pipeline within the company. He was responsible for target selection and the progress into humans of new molecules, leading teams of up to 200 staff across all disciplines and won an Achievement Award for productivity in 2008.
Under his leadership the research unit invented oral and inhaled NCEs which delivered multiple positive clinical proofs of concept in asthma, allergic rhinitis and COPD. He led productive collaborations such as with Rigel Pharmaceuticals (SYK inhibitors) and was involved in the licensing of Spiriva and the acquisition of the Meridica (inhaler device) company.
Dr. Yeadon has published over 40 original research articles and now consults and partners with a number of biotechnology companies. Before working with Apellis, Dr. Yeadon was VP and Chief Scientific Officer (Allergy & Respiratory Research) with Pfizer.
Mike Yeadon: Address to parliamentary special meeting 4/12/2023 :
With German Subtitle :
Mike Yeadon: Ansprache an britische Abgeordnete :
Dr. Mike Yeadon`s warning to the Croatian Parliament
December 1, 2023 ( published : December 4, 2024 ).
Subtitles in Croatian :
The Saborski Address Obraćanje Saboru
Subtitles in Croatian :
Mike Yeadon: Obraćanje britanskim zastupnicima
Dr. Mike Yeadon - “There is an Ultimate Goal To Kill Large Number of People”
First published on July 28th, 2023.
Dr. Mike Yeadon & James Delingpole
July 7, 2023
other Links :
Dr. Mike Yeadon in different languages ( & 1 transcript ):
Mike Yeadon AKA Mr Sparkle at MD4CEI - Study Hall - 3/21/2024, 5:28:24 PM
Source :
March 21, 2024.
NOTE : When I click on the link, the censorship warnings appear. To get to the video, I just click through and ignore the warnings.
Michael Yeadon warning about vaccination
In English :
English, subtitles in Spanish :
Dr. 'Michael Yeadon' "The 'UN' & Their Evil 'Agenda 2030'. Scientist 'Michael Yeadon' Interview
March 10, 2023
Dr. Mike Yeadon: Why The Depopulation Agenda Is Real & What We Can Do About It
November 21, 2022.
On November 21st 2022, Dr Mike Yeadon took part in a ‘World Council For Health’ General Assembly Meeting in which he revealed why the depopulation agenda is real and what we can do to stop it.
Source 2 :
Watch the rest of the meeting :
An article on this topic :
Mike Yeadon: The Case Against Big Pharma Engaging In Systematic, Premeditated, Criminal Fraud
Links below the Rumble video :
Mike Yeadon Videos:
Mike Yeadon: The Case Against Big Pharma Engaging In Systematic, Premeditated, Criminal Fraud
Dr. Mike Yeadon: Why The Depopulation Agenda Is Real & What We Can Do About It
Dr. Mike Yeadon: "I'm Ashamed That I Was Pro-Vaccine. I Didn't Do My Homework."
Maajid Nawaz Interviews Pfizer's Former Global Head Of Respiratory Diseases, Dr. Mike Yeadon
How Some COVID Vaccines Were Intentionally Manufactured To Be More Dangerous Than Others
Dr. Yeadon, former CEO of Pfizer talks with Dr Jane Ruby
( On Rumble you will also find links to videos from other freedom fighters ).
How Some COVID Vaccines Were Intentionally Manufactured To Be More Dangerous Than Others
April 29, 2024.
Dr. Mike Yeadon: Corona vaccines batch scandal
The U.S. vaccine error reporting system VAERS recently published a set of tables showing which Covid 19 vaccine batch caused damage reports and at what frequency. According to ex-Pfizer vice chairman Dr. Michael Yeadon, there can only be strategic intent here, not mishap or even coincidence. Conclusion: vaccination must be stopped immediately with united forces.
The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) recently published a set of tables showing which Covid 19 vaccine batch has caused adverse event reports and how often. According to ex-Pfizer vice chairman Dr. Michael Yeadon, there can only be calculated intent here, not mishap or even coincidence. Take the time to listen to Yeadon's highly significant assessments, here a 30-minute excerpt. Dr. Michael Yeadon is not alone in his assessment. Now politics, media and public prosecutors are called on to enforce an immediate Covid 19 vaccination stop until the facts and suspicions mentioned are transparent and completely clarified for everyone. But since experience shows that the previously mentioned groups will not get off the ground without massive pressure from the public, it is up to you, dear viewer, to build that pressure. Call your constituency representative(s). Or call on the public prosecutor's office to take action. In the links shown here you will find more information about this. You will also find the links below. Above all: Forward this broadcast to your media-deceived fellow citizens. Take action and build the pressure that will get long overdue changes rolling.
Other links to the same video :
An article about this interview with further links on this topic :
Dr. Yeadon, former CEO of Pfizer talks with Dr Jane Ruby.
"Who And What Are Powering The Global Covid Lies?"
The date must be added later. I'm sorry.
“ They are lying to you about the reason for needing it.”
“ They are lying to you about the reason for needing it. ”
Dr Mike Yeadon, ex VP of Pfizer speaking to the crowd at Truth Be Told in London on 25th March 2023.
Do not take anything with the word 'vaccine' on it. Especially if it comes with 'emergency' or 'mRNA'. DON'T TAKE IT! They are lying to you about the reason for needing it.'
Source :
Dr. Mike Yeadon's interview with Mark Devlin
Podcast published on June 9, 2024.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, June 10, 2024 :
Source :
I respect Mark Devlin enormously. He took exceptional risks when he realised the business he was working in was corrupted beyond belief.
I’m very pleased to be in touch and to have recorded this exchange.
Best wishes
Ps: please consider subscribing to Mark’s YouTube channel. It’s free and helps amplify his wider message about the world of “culture”.
Linked in above post :
VIDEO / Source :
If YouTube deletes the podcast, please look here :
NOTE : In the first 2 minutes you will only hear music.
Dr. Mike Yeadon :
Klaus Schwab Has Infiltrated The Governments Of The World.
Published on 08 May, 2023
Source :
Published on 09 May, 2023
Source :
Dr. Mike Yeadon Issues Dire Warning
Published on 19 May, 2023
Source :
Former Pfizer VP Dr. Mike Yeadon: ‘COVID Jabs Were Designed—Intentionally—to Harm, Maim & Kill, And Reduce Human Fertility’
Video recording date : October 20,2023.
The speech was delivered last year in London on Oct. 20, 2023, where 15 MPs including Andrew Bridgen also called out the excess deaths in the UK, attributing them to the jabs.
Source :
The Covid jabs are intended to “harm, maim and kill people,” warned ex-Pfizer Vice President Dr. Michael Yeadon.
“If you’ve followed me, you’ll know I’ve over 30 years in research in the pharmaceutical industry and biotech,” Dr. Yeadon said speaking at a vaccine awareness event.
“That gives me the credentials to stand as it were in the shoes of the designers of these vaccines and answer the question: ‘What were you thinking when you made these design decisions?'”
Dr. Yeadon went on to sound the alarm over the vaccine scheme, saying he’s “sure” of it, “not slightly, but sure.”
“These materials were designed. intentionally to harm, maim and kill, and to reduce human fertility. That is my verdict.”
Dr. Yeadon added, “If you add together the lies, the economic destruction, the murder and the intentional harm from the injectables, I’m afraid the only conclusion I come to is [that] somebody up there wants to reduce the population.”
Published on December 15, 2023
By Vigilant Fox
Dr. Yeadon now has a different opinion regarding Ivermectin. The drug has a negative effect on the reproductive system. Therefore, he recommends keeping a closer eye on the drug and upcoming scientific studies.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, June 16, 2024 :
Source :
Isn’t that odd?
Almost as if someone wanted people to take a specific drug.
A drug that, by sheer coincidence that heavily & adversely affects fertility.
Watch this space.
I cannot adequately explain how angry I am at this realisation.
Especially at the pushers of ivermectin.
Text under the video by Vigilant Fox :
The world was subjected to thought control by big tech, big media, big pharma, academia, and big government.
“If you want a study to fail, that’s dead easy.”
And that’s how the message got out that ivermectin was an ineffective “horse dewormer.”
“If you look at these innumerable failed policies, there’s only one way to understand them. They are literally written by pharmaceutical companies. They can design trials to fail to disprove the use of cheap medicines, and they can make things appear that they don’t work,” testified Dr. Pierre Kory.
Source :
Watch the Full Documentary, The War on Ivermectin, below:
Placeholder for future updates
The article will soon be supplemented with more videos.
A biography that testifies to astonishing expert knowledge
Dr. Mike Yeadon is an Allergy & Respiratory Therapeutic Area expert in the pharmaceutical industry. He trained as a biochemist and pharmacologist, obtaining his PhD from the University of Surrey (UK) in 1988.
Dr. Yeadon then worked at the Wellcome Research Labs with Salvador Moncada with a research focus on airway hyper-responsiveness and effects of pollutants including ozone and working in drug discovery of 5-LO, COX, PAF, NO and lung inflammation. With colleagues, he was the first to detect exhaled NO in animals and later to induce NOS in lung via allergic triggers.
As Pfizer's former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory, he spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired ( Author's note : the link leads to assumptions by Dr. Yeadon, most of which are no longer current. It has now become clear that there was neither a "novel SARS-CoV-2 virus" nor the alleged "Covid" disease. There were merely misleading PCR test results ). from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field.
Joining Pfizer in 1995, he was responsible for the growth and portfolio delivery of the Allergy & Respiratory pipeline within the company. He was responsible for target selection and the progress into humans of new molecules, leading teams of up to 200 staff across all disciplines and won an Achievement Award for productivity in 2008.
Under his leadership the research unit invented oral and inhaled NCEs which delivered multiple positive clinical proofs of concept in asthma, allergic rhinitis and COPD. He led productive collaborations such as with Rigel Pharmaceuticals ( SYK inhibitors ) and was involved in the licensing of Spiriva and acquisition of the Meridica (inhaler device) company.
Dr. Yeadon has published over 40 original research articles and now consults and partners with a number of biotechnology companies. Before working with Apellis, Dr. Yeadon was VP and Chief Scientific Officer (Allergy & Respiratory Research) with Pfizer.
Source :
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :
Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends :
When searching for Dr.Yeadon's videos only two browsers are recommended :
Yandex :
and Mojeek :
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.
A thank you from CatsRule2023, February 15, 2024 :
Source :
Dear Dr. Yeadon,
This is a bit off topic, but I wanted to thank you for your early warnings about the jibby jabs.
The information you provided enabled me to politely push back when my doctor heavily pressured me to take the shot in early 2021. My family history includes heart disease and a clotting disorder, and my refusal of the jab likely saved my life - thanks to you.
Also, I see from your recent interviews that you believe your message is not reaching a wide audience, and sometimes you seem sad about that possibility. But I believe you've reached many more people than you know. My circle of friends/family (a large circle) follows you closely, shares links to your interviews, and works daily to inform others of potential harms.
You have educated many, and saved many lives. Thank you!
by Suavek
Thoughts on the difficult art of persuasion
Dr. Yeadon expresses himself with astonishing precision. Nevertheless, he is often misquoted, in many cases even intentionally. Communicating vital information is made much more difficult by thousands upon thousands of young, well-paid journalists. Compared to the experts they try to defame using scripts, they are best compared to illiterates. It is not uncommon to find real school dropouts among them who cannot know anything about medicine. They therefore get their "opinion" from real, corrupt doctors, of which there are plenty. The truth about the toxicity of mRNA and the fate of other people do not seem to play a role in collecting the money. People who are supposed to be enlightened have never before had to deal with such powerful and well-paid propaganda. The constantly repeated slogans of the pharmaceutical lobbyists often lead to a person believing the voices of strangers more than the loved one they have always been able to rely on. The difficulties also come partly from the naive person who cannot believe in anything that he has never experienced. However, "not wanting to research" can cost one's own life and the lives of one's children.
In order to maintain the old, false and naive understanding of the world, people operate with all kinds of arguments, which are often based on incomplete information or on the slogans of propaganda. What we observe, not without surprise, is that the personal understanding of the world and everything that a person believes in is an important part of his personality. I had no idea about this before 2020. Only afterwards did it become clear to me why the struggle to maintain one's own beliefs can be so important. For some people, being right and keeping it means nothing less than letting their own personality survive and protect it. This is a very poor basis for being able to absorb new information. In such cases, there is a risk that your enlightenment work, which is too intensive, can lead to psychological self-destruction. It took me a very long time to learn to dose my strength a little better and to accept the limits of my effectiveness. If your willpower cannot always have the desired effect, then this is not necessarily due to a lack of strength or stupidity. I think that stupidity is more related to not being able to perceive and accept my own limits and the limits of another person. In my opinion, linking one's own performance too closely with self-esteem is often a basis on which an illness can develop. Difficult work does not necessarily have to be self-destructive.
I hope that the precise information that Dr. Mike Yeadon offers can help you to be just as precise with your argumentative skills. If things get particularly difficult, you can simply send a link to this article and hope for the best. I wish you the best of luck.
Saving Substack videos
Someone told me that:
Saving Substack videos is very easy, if you do the following :
1) Use Firefox;
2) Install the "Allow Right-Click" extension;
3) Enable that extension and Right-click on the video screenshot;
4) Choose the "Save Video As..." option;
5) Name the video and Choose where to Save it.
He was important for me in recognising the nasti nature of the jabs but Bakdhi and Wodarg plus many people in finance - Fitts, Werner, Ernst Wolfe, Fabio Vighi etc really highlighted that this had nothing whatsoever to do with health. Mike’s supreme honesty coupled with his credentials gave me a sense of peace around my decision.
However it was a member of the comments forum on the news aggregator TAE going by the moniker of Dr D who asked the simple question - if the numbers are no worse than flu then do we actually have a problem? Then my fear went. After fear is gone the mind can think clearly.