Dr. Mike Yeadon: The alleged “Covid” symptoms and the PCR tests are two scams that support each other.
Do you like "extremist cartoons" ?
by Suavek
Many of the statements published below by Dr. Mike Yeadon comes from his conversations in the comments section under the following Substack article, which he wrote himself and published two days earlier. I hope you already know this short article? My article merely represents an expansion and a related reflection :
Source : https://drmikeyeadon.substack.com/p/potions-against-demons
I myself write about Dr. Yeadon's article in the afterword, below. I've heard that if you don't throw in your own 2 cents, sooner or later you'll suffer from high blood pressure (smily). In this case, however, it was 3 cents, because the afterword turned into a whole article. After all, you have to be able to complain somewhere.
Dr. Mike Yeadon , May 19, 2024 :
Source : https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannel/1312
The purpose of my sharing a response to a comment in “Chat” is that I hear a particular type of comment quite often, and those communicating their experience genuinely believe that the it’s evidence of a new pathogen.
The remark is from a person who says “I fell ill in 2020 & it was more severe than any ‘flu I’ve ever had”, and go on from this jumping off point to inferring a new pathogen.
But is that a reasonable deduction? I’m not at all sure it is. Here’s my reply to just such a post.
“You were definitely sick.
However, you’re deducing that you “caught it”, with no evidence. That’s fine, but please recognize that your belief isn’t evidence.
Because there are reasons to find alternative explanations for the onset of illness, it’s worth considering what these might be.
For example, those who believe that they “caught a cold or flu” from another person often share an environment with their “source”.
In family groups, this commonality of environment is stronger and we can add a potential genetic predisposition certain kinds of illnesses.
On the “I had an illness which was worse than any flu”, it’s also very important to recognise that this phenomenon is sneaky and to be expected, even if nothing was happening.
Please allow me expand & explain. I think it’s potentially very important.
Consider how many times you’ve had ‘flu through a lifetime. I’m 64 years old and I have had two bouts of ‘flu sufficiently severe that I had I take to my bed for several days.
Now consider, if such a person was to develop a ‘flu like illness in 2020 or 2021, how might this compare to the small number of previous episodes of such illness?
I assert that it could be milder or it could be similar to or it could be more severe, just based on reasoning.
Thus, I believe that a substantial minority of those who developed acute respiratory illnesses in 2020 or 2021 who would justifiably say “my illness was different from & more serious than ‘flu I have had in the past”.
It’s fiendishly clever because this will convince many people that there’s been something new & frightening, even though statistically, it’s reasonable to expect exactly this.
With best wishes and I hope this is helpful or at least thought provoking.
Dr. Mike Yeadon , May 18, 2024 :
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There aren’t widely accepted clinical signs and symptoms that differentiate “covid19” from the broad swath of influenza like illnesses.
Now, some physicians claim there are. Other physicians agree with them, that there are such differentiating signs and symptoms. Unfortunately, these signs & symptoms are not the same, from physician to physician.
Dr Zelenko’s assertion that it was easy to differentiate “covid19” doesn’t make it true.
So I don’t know what he was treating & unfortunately, we cannot ask him.
The rubbery clots have been recovered from some people who had received the alleged “covid19 vaccines”. They are one of the toxicities of these injections.
I believe that the first person from whom I heard about the rubbery clots was a U.K. based funeral director, John O’Loonie.
Dr. Mike Yeadon , May 18, 2024 :
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In relation to PCR, my comment is based on the widely held belief in the so called health freedom movement, that PCR is an invalid method for diagnosing clinical illness.
There are no agreed diagnostic criteria for “covid19” based on clinical signs and symptoms.
All that’s left then is PCR testing.
Does that help?
Dr. Mike Yeadon , May 18, 2024 :
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I’ve tried repeatedly to get a consistent picture from those who insist they’ve had covid19 or personally treated such patients.
I do sometimes get answers, but here’s the problem. They’re not the same description from Doctor to Doctor.
Where it comes to the claim of “micro clots”, these iirc are always described in hospital. One of the first things they do in many cases is to deprive the patient of water, on the grounds of incipient pulmonary oedema & needing to manage & measure fluid balance closely (liquid intake, urine output, plus an amount for losses through breathing and sweating.
Dehydration is a major risk factor for microthrombi aka small blood clots, especially if you’re more or less immobilised.
Dr. Mike Yeadon , May 18, 2024 :
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I have absolutely no doubt something bad happened to you.
However, that experience does not mean there was something new or that you caught it from the environment around you (presumably from another person).
Thos in my opinion is why it was & remains for most such a potent PsyOp.
I thought of this recently. How many times in a lifetime do we develop “the flu”?
I’ve had it twice, I think, in 64 years. My wife, twice as well.
If this isn’t wildly different from other people, here’s how it probably worked.
If you developed flu in 2020 or 2021, that episode might have been less severe than past experiences, around the same severity, or worse than in the past.
If there truly wasn’t anything new in the environment, I propose a substantial minority who had a flu like illness had a worse episode than they’d ever had before, such as your good self.
All that’s needed is to be told repeatedly that there was a new & serious health threat & there’s our “pandemic”.
Mass scale “testing” using known to be useless techniques and we’ve “covid19 cases” galore and those who go on to perish, “covid19 deaths”.
Dr. Mike Yeadon , May 18, 2024 :
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I do think they’re that clever
Do you agree with me that the perpetrators had in 2020 & have now complete control of mass media?
Then only what they want you to see is on TV.
There are no brave independent journalists breaking stories
No, the perpetrators chose to show you an apparent cover up, just to make you think there was anything to cover up.
This topic came up prominently several times during the covid19 era.
Nothing they don’t want you to see is on all the networks.
[ Author's note : Someone noted in the comments section that criticism of vaccinations (including conventional ones) is more censored than anything else. The answer : ]
Dr. Mike Yeadon , May 18, 2024 :
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It’s axiomatic. And a clue.
To what, it may be asked?
Have you noticed that, of all the categories of product of the pharmaceutical industry, vaccines alone may not be questioned, let alone criticised?
It’s acceptable to question whether “cholesterol busting” drugs are effective & separately whether they are safe.
It’s acceptable to question or challenge a whole category of claimed anti-depressant medications.
You can certainly take issue with a specific inhaled beta adrenoreceptor agonist in asthma while being OK with the class.
But even questioning any vaccine rapidly gets you into trouble. Asking a question is considered “anti-vax”. If you challenge a vaccine, you’re a “dangerous anti-vax lunatic, whose free speech rights deserve to be curtailed, in order to protect the public”.
Why is this? Why the distinction between so-called cholesterol lowering drugs & vaccines as an entire class?
It’s not merely market value. At one point, while patent protected, Pfizer’s cholesterol lowering drug was the biggest selling drug in the world.
If an article appeared, questioning the rate of muscle pain while taking the drug, it’s owner or a “key opinion leader” (KOL) would write a rebuttal. It wouldn’t be some random person or someone from a different company.
Anyone asking questions of vaccines comes under attack from all sides. The media. Doctors, especially of the TV variety. Ministries of Health. Whoever was speaking in parliament. It’s extraordinary.
I have an hypothesis. It’s that it was always intended that injections were going to be used for nefarious purposes.
This might not be the sole reason but I have an uncomfortable feeling that it may well be the case.
A painting in honor of all the grandparents who died during the Corona period without being able to say goodbye to their grandchildren. Artist : Juan Lucena, Spain.
Source : https://t.me/QueueForBrain/15130
The criminal fraudsters are very concerned about our health :
Remember when Anthony Fauci went door-to-door lying to people's faces about how "safe and effective" the mRNA injections were, and then got completely put in his place by a well-informed man who could see through his lies ?
"Your campaign is about fear. It's about inciting fear in people."
When was that? Probably 2021 ?
Source : https://t.me/QueueForBrain/15129
Hospital Protocols
The Nursing Home COVID PCR Testing and Hospital Protocol Disaster, 2020
Charles Wright
May 06, 2024
Source : https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/the-nursing-home-covid-pcr-testing
by Suavek
The comprehensibility and understanding
I was excited about the article by Dr. Yeadon and found the text structure to be very transparent, which certainly helped with the understanding of the very well thought-out arguments. I know myself how much work and changes an article requires in order to end up looking so simple and understandable. Unfortunately, the work actually done remains completely invisible to an untrained eye. It is hardly possible to express the problem and the harmfulness of using the word "Covid" any more clearly and understandably. The arguments were carefully brought to the point and could be further shared by us, the readers.
Please do not think that I am reviewing Dr Yeadon's work here. I really have no time or desire for literary work. The jury for the Nobel Prize for Literature is corrupt anyway; Smily ! At this point I just want to emphasize the comprehensibility of his well-thought-out text, because some commentators still had surprising misunderstandings, but more on that a little later.
For very good reasons, Dr. Yeadon advised caution when using this word. This is not a difficult issue at all, but it is a very important issue that could potentially determine our future.To my surprise, there were still comments under his article from people who strangely did not understand the importance of this matter. Personally, I tend to think that they didn't want to understand it. I am sorry to say, but I believe that the micro clots in the brains of a small number of commenters may have played a role in this misunderstanding. Unfortunately, if I don't want to accuse anyone of malicious intent, I'm left with this one conclusion. I cannot calmly watch as a valuable work from a hard-working and very knowledgeable man is brutally dismantled, the content of his work is partially scratched out and the remains of it are reassembled in an MSM News manner. Then the well-known trick of idiotic framing comes into play and we are all labeled with stupid terms like “extremists”. This actually took place.
Maybe it was actually the case that all the paid rats were just waiting to tear apart Mike Yeadon's very well thought out and very understandable narrative? They tried his very understandable narrative, to distract, contaminate with crap, to talk to pieces, take apart and put it together again in anonsensical form.
If the use of the term “Covid” is meant genuinely, even though this disease does not exist, then I consider such rhetoric to be almost the most damaging thing that the enlightenment that protects human life can currently suffer. This harmfulness can only be exceeded by the harmfulness of compulsory mRNA "vaccination". In other words, it is damn important for you, our children and for the other 8 billion people so that we can all soon distinguish reality from a lie and not be led by the nose again. It is not at all an exaggeration to say that this is a matter of life and death. However, I am horrified to note that not everyone can still connect this impending danger with the use of the artificial term “Covid” and the alleged validity of the PCR results.
A short explanation
Dr. Yeadon said in his article that he supports sensible early treatment of diseases, but believes that rhetoric that assumes a "Covid" disease and speaks of "Covid" is very harmful. By this he of course means that a call for “early Covid treatment” is only harmful on a rhetorical and linguistic level because it can have serious effects on our future. However, this level does not affect the practical and functional assistance of a doctor in recovering from illness. The language used in a harmful sense has nothing to do with the good practice of helping the suffering patient, which is expressly desired. There are two different levels here: on the one hand, it's about the harmfulness of the terms used and, on the other hand, it's about sensible and desirable medical practice. However, some readers were unable to distinguish between these different levels.
“Early treatment of Covid” is inadmissible in language usage because “Covid” does not exist and has never existed. The correct name for the actual illness should be given here. These are often flu-like illnesses, for example. This is, in my opinion, the correct rendering and interpretation of Dr. Yeadon's statement.
Using the term “Covid” only reinforces the false, fear-inducing narrative of the perpetrators, which is very counterproductive for all of us. After all, we don't want toxic "vaccinations" to be forced on us in the future or to be tormented again because of an invented plandemic.
Furthermore, the false “Covid” narrative implies the validity of the fraudulent PCR test and indirectly attests to its results a validity that they do not deserve. The entire plandemic was built on the false PCR test results. The false test was the main pillar of the fraud, which was quickly followed by other lies that had long been prepared. One of these secondary pillars was the incorrect assignment of the symptoms of the disease. I recently wrote this article about this topic : https://suavek1.substack.com/p/dr-gullible-borgias-false-symptom
An explanation for the PCR believers
Of course, I think it has been proven that a PCR test gives 100% false positive results. You can find evidence of this in this article :
However, I would like to add some arguments based on the official narrative and merely pretending that this narrative may be true. The fact is that even on this basis the validity of the test falls apart.
The authorities like to say that the error rate of the PCR test is only 1% when used correctly. Let's assume that this is true. In a well-tested large city with 1 million residents, this means an error rate of 10,000 cases. We have seen that because of such a number of alleged “asymptomatic Covid cases”, the abolition of fundamental rights followed, including lockdowns and the closure of the economy. Hospitals have generally not been overwhelmed worldwide, and the 2 strange places like New York and Bergamo, no matter what actually happened there, are far from being a global pandemic. In other words, even the 1 percent error rate of the PCR test is enough to declare its results completely invalid.
Here is an article that looks at the topic of “PCR testing” in a little more detail :
“Even back then with AIDS, the PCR test was fraudulent and the drugs were deadly. With a foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon. Amazing parallels to the Corona plandemic ! This film makes the global fraud of 2020 seem much more understandable” :
A few arguments worth remembering :
I have already mentioned these arguments in various other articles. However, for the sake of completeness, I will mention them again here :
New/additional illnesses are reflected in statistical figures. But there are no (additional) numbers for this. You can therefore assume that, as an unvaccinated person, you will not have suffered any new illnesses after 2019. ( https://suavek1.substack.com/p/prof-norman-fenton-the-evidence-of ).
About the exceptionally strong symptoms and the fake death certificates worldwide :
There is another, very simple point of view that is often forgotten precisely because of its obviousness. The body's condition ( or the immune system – at this point both terms are interchangeable ) gets weaker over time and almost never gets stronger. That's why I suspect that those claiming an "extraordinary illness" as of 2020 are mostly over 50 years old. Apparently no statistician has investigated this. I mean that a person over 50 will at some point experience symptoms that are more severe than ever before. I don't think there were many 20-somethings who expressed that. Paul, a member of Dr. Yeadon's Telegram chat said the following :
“ Interesting thoughts around age and first time experiencing a serious flu. Another contributary factor could be the unprecedented lockdowns. Anecdotally, people reverted to an unhealthier lifestyle, drinking and eating more than normal, while being prevented from getting any fresh air or sunshine. Add in the power of suggestion and fear-based 24-7 coverage. Enough people will have a bad flu for the first time in their life and believe it to be the bogeyman they've been conditioned to believe in. “ ( Source : https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannelChat/64931 , May 21, 2024 ). I couldn't have summed it up better. Dr. Yedon also didn't forget to mention in the comments above that some small minority had probably suffered a more severe flu than before. There is a group of people like this every year. At this point I would like to add that this group vigorously pushed the false narrative about a "deadly disease" against which we were supposedly inadequately immunologically protected. The false death certificates also contributed to the Covid myth. For example, people who were in the final stages of cancer and tested positive with the PCR test shortly before their death were also known to be considered “Covid” dead.
My suggestion is : The problem of “extraordinary illness” can therefore be considered solved.
Only you have the right to make decisions about your body
Anyone who tries to take control of your body should be behind bars. Nobody is allowed to do that, except you. Human rights, patient autonomy and civil liberties are unchangeable achievements of civilization that cannot be revoked by regulation. Everyone has sovereignty over their own body and their own life. Anyone who wants to abolish these rights or deceives you into giving up these rights is a criminal and not worthy of your trust. In this case, we should do thorough research before we hastily believe such individuals. The potential harm is too serious to risk ignoring.
Do you like "extremist cartoons” ?
Here is my comment to someone who said that he sees no connection between the term “Covid” and the PCR test. It was only from his answer that it became clear that he believes in the accuracy of the PCR test results and considers us all to be "extremists". Why he then reads and comments on Mike Yeadon's articles remains a mystery. Here is my text that I sent to him as a comment. I actually could have saved myself this comment because none of my arguments got through the thick “wall”. But maybe my wording wasn't good enough, who knows? :
The non-existent “Covid” can only be “proven” by the PCR test. If you say that a patient has “Covid” or that a “Covid” patient needs “early Covid treatment”, then you have indirectly confirmed the validity of the PCR test as a diagnostic tool. There are no other diagnostic options and the PCR test delivers 100% false positive results. In other words, there is no Covid diagnosis without the fraudulent PCR test. Both are wrong, but both condition and confirm each other in a nasty, deceptive way. If you want a compulsory mRNA vaccination soon, then please forget what I wrote here and don't think about it.
How do you tell who`s telling the truth?
The ones trying to silence other people are the ones lying.