Zero “Covid” / Null “Covid” / Zéro « Covid » / Ноль «Ковида» / Zero „Covida” / Cero “Covid” /Nula "Covid" / 零“新冠病 / ゼロ「コロナ」
"No new illness, no transmission of an alleged viral respiratory disease, no new disease called covid-19, no need whatsoever for new treatments, no public health emergency, hospitals were not overrun"
by Suavek
If you are still unsure whether there ever was a "Covid" disease, then there is a very simple explanation for this. Our brain reacts to repetition like a kind of sponge. With each repetition, the information is encoded in ever deeper layers and linked more and more strongly with other information. At some point, the lie is so heavily overlaid with other information that the brain can only think in certain categories, e.g.: "New disease - danger - search for a solution". The terms "danger" and "search for a solution" are the ones that so heavily overlay the lie "New disease/virus" that it is difficult for us to get to these lower layers of the brain. Implementing a correction will then be difficult. Any thinking about "solutions" reinforces the idea of the lie of the "new virus". Even if the way our brain works is much more complicated than described above, the explanation is largely correct.
The remedy against indoctrination can be a bit laborious. The false information cannot be deleted as easily as on a computer. For example, it is necessary to read about the contrary evidence and to think about the proven facts in order to be able to overlay the false information with the truth. However, this happens relatively slowly and takes a lot of time, especially if the previous, constant repetition of the false information ("danger") has lasted for a long time. In other words, the old grass cannot be thrown out or destroyed, but new grass must be painstakingly planted over it. Only over time, when the new grass has grown, does the old grass fade away. Those who know the weaknesses of their brain and therefore think twice are certainly at an advantage. I observe that those who think they are particularly clever prove to be incapable of thinking twice. Perhaps they think that because they are so clever, thinking once is enough for them ?
Editor's note: The following commentary was written in response to an article in which the author expressed his great joy that the WHO was under so much pressure that it had to delay the conclusion of the "pandemic agreement". However, Dr. Mike Yeadon believed that the author's great joy was rather unfounded.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, November 12, 2024 :
I’m delighted to learn of this!
But…forgive me, I remain hypervigilant to “What else are the perpetrators up to now?
Remember, there was no need for the WHO to have had in place any kind of pandemic treaty in order to lock us down and smash up civil society in 2020 & for several years thereafter.
As we proceed, it’s important, I believe, to show people that it wasn’t merely the case that the purported vaccines were designed intentionally to harm us, but that the entire episode was a fraud.
No new illness, no transmission of an alleged viral respiratory disease, no new disease called covid-19, no need whatsoever for new treatments, no public health emergency, hospitals were not overrun, lockdowns were chosen for their damaging effects and not to save lives, ditto masking and social distancing, and of course no possible justification for rushing at the public with gene based injections.
Please watch my video nicknamed “Silver bullet”
I can’t immediately lay my hands on it but I believe it’s in this channel, somewhere.
( Editor's note: Here you can find the "Silver Bullet" video: ).
Dr. Mike Yeadon, October 19, 2024 :
Yes to your opening question. I think that’s easiest to pull off and less likely to sabotage itself through human errors.
Despite claims to the contrary, there is no collection of signs & symptoms, no test results, that distinguish the alleged new illness from syndromes with which humanity was already aware.
Few autopsies were conducted at all, fewer than usual. This I believe was most likely ordered through the international community of pathologists. Again, despite some claims to the contrary, like blood clots, nothing unique was ever apparent, until the intentionally harmful injections were rolled out.
COVID-19 Did Not Come From a Lab
It came from the WHO.
Nov 14, 2024
An honest, objective reading of records and timeline makes clear that COVID-19 (aka, covid) did not come from a lab. Continuing to say it did enables the perpetrators who staged a global pandemic.
COVID-19 cannot come from a virology laboratory - be it in Wuhan, Wisconsin, Ukraine, North Carolina, or anyplace else - because COVID-19 is not a virus.
COVID-19 is the name of a “disease” announced by the WHO on 11 February 2020 and pseudo-acronym that stands for Coronavirus Disease 2019 - an ‘illness’ with no unique etiology.1 The Chinese had said ‘Wuhan Seafood Market Pneumonia’ and then, officially, Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP). The WHO originally used 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease.2
The WHO assigned COVID-19 emergency use codes U07.1. and U07.2 in its International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). The codes reside not in the Respiratory Disease chapter (J codes) but within Codes for Special Purposes (U codes).
The ICD entry does not name SARS-CoV-2 or any specific virus but says ‘virus identified”/”virus not identified’
( … )
Full article :
Editor's note: It wasn't just the hospitals that received large financial incentives for misclassifying the diseases as "Covid". Doctors were also able to make a fortune. Without such financial advantages, the "Covid" myth would have been busted long ago.
“If I had vaccinated the 6000 patients I treated for C0VID, I would have made $1,500,000”.
May 29, 2024
If I had vaccinated the 6000 patients I treated for C0VID, I would have made $1,500,000.
Source :
“ One for the cameras, then masks off. Yet hardly anyone is willing to think about what a pantomime this all is. “
— Dr. Jonathan Engler MB ChB DipPharmMed L
Source :
Published : July 28, 2022.
Dr Jonathan Engler MB ChB DipPharmMed LLB
Deaths too low - test people in hospital to find hospitalisations. Not enough hospitalisations - test people in the community to find cases. Not enough cases - try the variant scam. Variants not doing it - how about wading through shit looking for it?
Source :
Published : May 22, 2021.
Why did all the excess mortality start after the "pandemic" was over, from 2021 onwards?
And why was there less excess mortality in 2020, during a "deadly pandemic", than the previous five years?
Source :
Prof. Klaus Püschel
April 21, 2020
In 2020, the WHO more or less banned pathology studies on people who allegedly died from “Covid-19”. Supposedly for security reasons, which is ridiculous. Pathological work has always been the basis of knowledge. But why shouldn't we know what we're dealing with in 2020? A German pathologist Prof. Klaus Püschel carried out this work in 2020 and...he found NOTHING unusual. All those who died were old (average age 83 years) and had several comorbidities !
Prof. Klaus Püschel on the German MSM television news
The forensic doctor at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Prof. Klaus Püschel, explained that all of the people who died from alleged "Covid-19" that he autopsied had previous illnesses and would not have survived this year anyway. He had to take a lot of criticism for this. The media later presented the results of his work differently, completely in the opposite sense, than they actually were.
German MSM news, unfortunately only available in German. It still counts as evidence :
Source :
A fragment of the article :
" (...)
Abracadabra -- the top 6 illnesses that conveniently vanished during the "Covid-19" scamdemic
1. The Flu (seasonal influenza)
2. Strep throat (Streptococcus)
3. The common cold (over 200 rhinoviruses)
4. Bronchitis
5. MRSA - hospital superbugs resistant to antibiotics
6. Pneumonia
( ... )."
After fear is gone the mind can think clearly
Source :
June 3, 2024
He was important for me in recognising the nasti nature of the jabs but Bakdhi and Wodarg plus many people in finance - Fitts, Werner, Ernst Wolfe, Fabio Vighi etc really highlighted that this had nothing whatsoever to do with health. Mike’s supreme honesty coupled with his credentials gave me a sense of peace around my decision.
However it was a member of the comments forum on the news aggregator TAE going by the moniker of Dr D who asked the simple question - if the numbers are no worse than flu then do we actually have a problem? Then my fear went. After fear is gone the mind can think clearly.
June 3, 2024 :
In fact, flu can only have a flu-like mortality rate. In Germany, the alleged “Covid” deaths were on average 1 year older ( 83 ) than the normal, average life expectancy ( 82 ). Thank you for this comment. The obvious is often overlooked, and many people still believe in the myth of the "unusual disease". But it was their own fear that made the symptoms worse.
During prolonged stress, the released cortisol has an immunosuppressive effect and the number of immune cells decreases. I think that is the secret of the myth of the "extraordinary illness". Regardless of whether one agrees with official conventional medicine or not, this mechanism of action seems to be a very valid argument for the time being. In addition, the reaction to fear and stress is a very individual matter. Some people react more sensitively to it than others. It would be illogical to assume that someone who is sensitive to stress has "novel symptoms".
A document that nullifies the alleged PCR-based clinical diagnostic test. Dr. Mike Yeadon was involved in drafting the document. To date (May 2024), no scientist has disputed the accuracy of the document.
Published November 30, 2020.
External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results.
“ ( … ) The published RT-qPCR protocol for detection and diagnostics of 2019-nCoV and the manuscript suffer from numerous technical and scientific errors, including insufficient primer design, a problematic and insufficient RT-qPCR protocol, and the absence of an accurate test validation. Neither the presented test nor the manuscript itself fulfils the requirements for an acceptable scientific publication. Further, serious conflicts of interest of the authors are not mentioned. Finally, the very short timescale between submission and acceptance of the publication (24 hours) signifies that a systematic peer review process was either not performed here, or of problematic poor quality. We provide compelling evidence of several scientific inadequacies, errors and flaws.
Considering the scientific and methodological blemishes presented here, we are confident that the editorial board of Eurosurveillance has no other choice but to retract the publication. ( … ).”
Source :
“Covid” was an invention and a fraud. People were dying from mistreated bacterial pneumonia because hospital protocols were deliberately misleading. Dr.Mike Yeadon talked about this a long time ago. Here is one of the proofs of the correctness of his statements.
Further evidence that treatable pneumonia was significantly under-diagnosed in the covid era.
May 07, 2024
Source :
Joe Kosugi, April 14, 2024 :
Yes; much of the USA population is now simple minded and sheepish enough to believe whatever idiocy they are told. So, I had multiple acquaintances tell me, “ its a real sickness; my relative had it and had a bad sore throat, and lost her sense of taste.” But that happened to me and millions of others decades ago with the common cold, flu, or strep. Nothing new, just an intentional misdiagnosis through the PCR test.
Related articles :
For the most reliable information about the "Covid" scam and deceptions of the system, read Dr. Mike Yeadon's daily statements :
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :
Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends :
When searching for Dr. Yeadon's videos, only two browsers are recommended : Yandex and Mojeek. But you can also try other, smaller browsers, too.
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.
Many statements and videos from Dr. Mike Yeadon can also be found on Suavek's Substack, which is recommended by Dr. Yeadon on the main page of his Substack.
Both links lead to Suavek`s Substack :
meanwhile, the "cure" has led to a 40% increase in heart problems..
Brilliant, thorough, compelling, thankless and blatantly obvious. Nonetheless, a stunningly depressing observation must linger; a majority prefer not to be convinced, engaged or dissuaded.
A literal and incredibly damning indictment, that such a majority might chose sickness and death rather than be wrong about ....well...... just about everything, from the invisible phantasmagorical illusion and delusion of contagious, obligate intracellular parasites to the WHO 'COrona VIrus Disease' and much else in between and moving forward.
Should one simply leave them to their own devices?
Your substack pilgrimage would suggest not. One consoles oneself; a soul dragged from the bosom of incarcerated ignorance appears a triumph.
Thank you.