Jul 31Liked by Suavek

It's a reminder of how the masses were lied to again and again by people they'd previously trusted. I do recall Mike telling us with great urgency on what was known then as Lockdown Sceptic that our government had lied to us in coordination with other governments, that they meant to harm us. It all made complete sense. I thought everyone had lost their reasoning ability. And the effort they went to to make sure everyone was jabbed was hugely suspect. But Mike helped a lot of us by speaking out. Since then it has been a case of peeling away one lie after another about our governments, discovering who is pulling their strings and following the money (and knighthoods). There is a division work going on and they have chosen the wrong side.

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Thank you, Monica, for your very good summary. There are good examples from history that show that collaborating with the perpetrators does not pay off. In the end, both the collaborators themselves and their own children suffer. The shortsightedness is astonishing. I am particularly disappointed with the journalist Norbert Haering because I have been very well informed by him for more than 15 years (in alternative media). This man actually wrote brilliant articles. Maybe it is my naivety that makes me suspect that he actually suffers from micro-thrombosis that occurred after the mRNA "vaccination". He had previously written an article in which he wrote the "pandemic" in quotation marks, but did not highlight the core of the medical fraud particularly clearly. Now he mentions the term "pandemic" exclusively in combination with the "unvaccinated" (as a "pandemic of the unvaccinated"). Where is the enlightenment here? What could people have been infected with? According to the terrain theory, it was nothing, and according to conventional medicine, it was just seasonal flu. No matter which angle you look at the issue from, there was no health risk at all. We have known for a long time that not only did the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" not exist, but there was no pandemic at all. The relevant data has long been available.

Best wishes,


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There can be no forgiveness until all of the lies are uncovered and presented to the public through ordinary media. A good start would be to list the vaccination statistics for everyone hospitalized in 2021 and 2022 and 2013 under categories hospitalized because of Covid-19 and hospitalized for another reason and tested positive for Covid-19 with statistics - vaccinated within 14 of days of entrance to the hospital (for both groups and with a breakdown of how many shots and the manufacturer of the most recent shot), vaccinated once, fully vaccinated, boosted once, boosted twice, up to ten times boosted, and then never injected with any Covid-19 product. With statistics presented by year. A monthly presentation would also be helpful to show the lies.

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No one was hospitalized because of "Covid." There was no "Covid," no "pandemic," and no SARS-CoV-2 virus. There were untreated or incorrectly treated seasonal illnesses that resulted in pneumonia or death. However, this did not significantly increase the mortality statistics. In Germany and Austria, there were even fewer deaths in 2020 than in previous years. That is why I am convinced that the division of hospitalized patients (or deaths) into "due to Covid" and "with Covid" is unnecessary. I do not expect the guilty parties to admit to this criminal act. We all need to find out the truth ourselves and spread it widely, without waiting for confessions. Remorse and voluntary admissions cannot be expected from psychopaths.

Best wishes,


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Jul 31Liked by Suavek

What is going on in my Germany and where have all these enlighteners gone who were so loud not long ago? Are all journalists in the former "land of thinkers and poets" suddenly suffering from micro-thrombosis in the brain?

They know the truth, Suavek. Especially by now, and probably even before the so called 'pandemic'.They aren't stupid people. So why

are they choosing to be stupid? What are they gaining from it? Prepping people for the next 'pandemic' no doubt, the 'vaccines' for which have already been created ready to inflict on the public to cause more deaths and injuries by using more manipulative inaccurate scientific terms, like 'the pandemic of the unvaccinated' which holds no weight in reality, to coerce them into killing

and maiming themselves.

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