It's pretty obvious why big pharma and their shareholders want 'vaccines' to be 'biologicals' based on what you say about regulation. mRNA products are certainly 'biologicals'.

I'm happy to say I've not consumed a single pharmaceutical outside the odd paracetemol for al,most my entire life, save one round of antibiotics as a teenager.

The more I read about these things, the more I am glad that that is so.

Big Pharma are taking over from Big Oil in terms of using Governments globally to ensure profits, even if that means killing a few million human beings here and there. Big oil allied with the US military to secure extraction licenses. Big pharma simply tells governments to buy their unregulated products.

I would not be surprised in the least if the major shareholders of big oil 1950-2000 and big pharma 2000-2024 were not very similar entities.

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What you write sounds 100% logical to me. I would also be surprised if it were otherwise. Access to oil will now be more difficult for the USA. I have to admit that up until now I have focused too much on the "US dollar" issue, so I have neglected the "oil" issue. I am all the more grateful to you for this comment. It explains a lot.

All the best,



By the way, paracetamol and ibuprofen are dangerous.

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