I agree 💯.

And I think that those people have sold themselves to evil. To push so many people in committing genocide they must have some extra power, money is not enough to explain the magnitude of the crime they and their accomplices have perpetrated.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Author

The non-democratically elected power, together with the hierarchical structure, seems to make everything possible. The fact is that many doctors have administered the extremely toxic pseudo-vaccination to 6 billion people, even multiple times. The conventional "vaccinations" administered previously were also poisons. Power always tends to excess and that is why in ancient Greece it was tamed/contained by the democratic structure. There have been numerous examples of abuse of power throughout history. However, before 2020, I could not have imagined how damaging such a structural error could be.

Many greetings to you, dear Niki and to Nepal. Namasté,


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Telling like it is. Just because they stole the lion-share of resources and capital doesn’t make the wise, clever or knowledgeable. It does however declare them not to be trusted. Not to be listened to. Not to be obeyed and never ever to take their idea’s seriously.

However- There Will Be Blood.

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