Thanks again for this compilation Suavek, as it is very informative, and as I said before I do not have telegram.
I did put up a comment on Mikes substack asking him to include references in his posts, as I think his readers should be able to evaluate his sources and conclusions. However this compilation of yours goes a long way to filling that gap.
Incidentally "Tim" deleted all my comments on that stack page - a pain!
I'm sorry to hear about your bitter experience. Sometimes it's not easy to correctly guess the intention behind a comment. In my Substack, I try to organize and bring together some evidence for many unusual claims that contradict conventional medicine. For which statement do you need the references? I also have the second question. I remember that you wrote something about antibodies a few days ago. Under which article of mine is this comment? Or have I confused you with someone else?
Thanks Suavek. I simply felt that some of Mike's writing about digital ID and CBDC would benefit from references to his sources of information so that readers can look at the evidence for themselves and independently evaluate his statements. He is very alarmed by what he sees and without references to back up his concerns his posts can seem unsupported and alarmist.
I found some links and added them to the comments, but "Tim" deleted them.
I cannot now find my original links because of this (so irritating) but this link is the sort of thing I posted.
Mike's substack comments pages are becoming an echo chamber of very similar comments all agreeing with each other which is not a discussion where opinions are shared and which detracts from the innate value of his work. Most people seem to be just scrolling on their phones and enhancing each other's fears. Some posts are decidedly dodgy and irresponsible and written without any evidence - real conspiracist stuff where people's imaginations have run away with them.
The additional posts you have included in your article do help to provide more information on how Mike is thinking and why he reaches the conclusions he does.
I see the matter as follows. When it comes to issues such as digital ID and CBDC, we do not need evidence. What opportunities such digitization would open up later is something that only the future will tell. There can be no evidence of this yet. However, we can see the problem within the historical framework. Power has never been enough for the elites, so they have always tried to use all possible means to control and ROB the citizens. This is clear from the history of the age-old class struggle. Now digitization represents an opportunity to turn us all into serfs and rob us. Anyone who does not deal with the term "class struggle" (the term is deliberately avoided and circumvented in school) will not be able to recognize the real danger. That is why all power should always be contained, limited and democratically controlled. Unfortunately, everything has been deregulated for decades. Since 2020, we have clearly seen that real psychopaths can do whatever they want with impunity. What do you think they will do if they get even more power through the CBDC? They will exploit it to the maximum because they can. That is a conclusion based on the history of power and class struggle. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Where are there references to show what can happen later through the CBDC? The Chinese scoring system only offers a limited outlook for this. In China, the oligarchs are a little more subordinate to politics, and in the West it is the other way around. The prospects for Westerners are therefore much worse.
I agree with you on the necessity for a political awareness that includes class struggle. Unfortunately the English speaking internet is US dominated, and class struggle or any marxist interpretation is anathema to them. They cannot accept such an interpretation and are mentally enclosed by the forms of capitalism and capitalist doctrines that have been successfully imposed via propaganda in their culture.
This sinister elimination of socialist political thought has been introduced into European culture from the US recently. Younger people know nothing of the historic socialist policy-driven changes that improved working people's lives from the 19th to 20th centuries, up to the end of the 1970s.
Only Europe had a sensible discussion on marxist theory, and trying to bring this into conversation online always meets some outraged US citizen who will accuse you of communism and god knows what else.
Mark Carneys statements on the Canadian truckers demonstration, reads just like the speech of a 16th century Spanish dictator against the peasants. Things never change.
You make me very happy with your comments. Thank you very much for that. I prefer to think of non-Marxist interpretations of class struggle, because otherwise I could fall into a propaganda trap.
In the 19th century, it was said that the class struggle was between capital and the democrats. Power should be controlled democratically. Only later did the capitalists rename this struggle. Now it is called "a class struggle between capitalism and communism". But I don't have to be a communist to know that unregulated capitalism brings murderers to the top of the world's power. How long can capitalism provide prosperity without stealing raw materials from other countries?
Regime change actions are also forms of suppression of democracy, which enable the theft of a country's public property. Below is a fragment of a German article:
Based on official US government documents that have since been declassified, it has been proven that between 1947 and 1989 alone, the oligarch regime in Washington carried out 64 covert US regime change operations in other states and overthrew unacceptable governments, regardless of whether they were democratically elected not.
( ... )
In this context, it is important to note the scientific work of Professor Lindsay O'Rourke, who, based on official, now declassified US government documents, has proven that there were a total of 70 US regime change operations during the Cold War period between 1947 and 1989 , most of which affected countries that were friendly and even allied with the USA. Of these, 64 took place covertly, meaning there was no trace to the USA. 64 covert US regime change operations in just over 40 years means: a regime change approximately every six months.
However, research by scientist O'Rourke has shown that one regime change operation after another has sooner or later turned out to be a failure and in many cases has even led to catastrophes such as social destabilization, civil war and terrorism.
If one were to update O'Rourke's book now, one would have to add at least another dozen rogue regime change operations in Washington. Of these, the 2014 Maidan uprising in Ukraine is certainly the most spectacular US operation and the most devastating in its consequences. However, the devious regime change in the nuclear power Pakistan has the potential to have equally dire consequences.
This information is chilling. It shows how democracy has been systematically eliminated around the world whilst the US trumpets slogans of "freedom and democracy" to its own people. When the US propagandised masses realise they have no chance of what they were propagandised into believing a god-given right they will be infuriated, and their rulers will find it hard to suppress them.
I don't remember writing about antibodies. I did post a link to Dr John Dee's almanack substack as his statistical work on the pandemic backs up Mikes view, and I wondered if Mike and Dee were in touch.
Mike is right in calling the conspirators "intellectually shrivelled"
They made a big mistake in using a medical scam, as many people have sufficient knowledge of medicine to detect the fraud and subsequently be alerted to other frauds like climate change, where earlier, only real specialists were likely to smell a rat.
It shows they do not really understand or have any concern for science except as an instrument of power. This ignorance has made them vulnerable to being found out.
Your point of view is very interesting. However, I would add that now the "vaccinated" people will offer the banksters an opportunity to have to use medical services for life. The financial elite will be able to profit from this. The robbery of national economies using the US dollar will now be replaced by the use of medical services. For the "vaccinated" this wisdom comes a little late.
Speaking as an American, and a lover of my country (with the notable exception of its government and related parasites), I welcome the decline and even the abrupt collapse of our tawdry empire. We are too rich, too lazy and complacent. We are spoiled. The soil of rugged independence that once nourished our national virtue has been paved over; the streams of spiritual humility that sought our level of human equality under God have been polluted and dammed. Tear it up! Send us the storms! Our reckoning is overdue. The generation that weathers it, that pays down our obscenely obese debt of blood and shame, will be more fit to continue the Republic that our forbears toiled and fought to preserve for us.
Sell your dollars, sell your T-bills while they're still worth the paper we printed them on. Buy gold, buy silver, buy farmland and machinery and hold it dear. Don't worry about us over here, we'll be fine.
Thanks again for this compilation Suavek, as it is very informative, and as I said before I do not have telegram.
I did put up a comment on Mikes substack asking him to include references in his posts, as I think his readers should be able to evaluate his sources and conclusions. However this compilation of yours goes a long way to filling that gap.
Incidentally "Tim" deleted all my comments on that stack page - a pain!
Hi Currer,
I'm sorry to hear about your bitter experience. Sometimes it's not easy to correctly guess the intention behind a comment. In my Substack, I try to organize and bring together some evidence for many unusual claims that contradict conventional medicine. For which statement do you need the references? I also have the second question. I remember that you wrote something about antibodies a few days ago. Under which article of mine is this comment? Or have I confused you with someone else?
Thanks Suavek. I simply felt that some of Mike's writing about digital ID and CBDC would benefit from references to his sources of information so that readers can look at the evidence for themselves and independently evaluate his statements. He is very alarmed by what he sees and without references to back up his concerns his posts can seem unsupported and alarmist.
I found some links and added them to the comments, but "Tim" deleted them.
I cannot now find my original links because of this (so irritating) but this link is the sort of thing I posted.
Mike's substack comments pages are becoming an echo chamber of very similar comments all agreeing with each other which is not a discussion where opinions are shared and which detracts from the innate value of his work. Most people seem to be just scrolling on their phones and enhancing each other's fears. Some posts are decidedly dodgy and irresponsible and written without any evidence - real conspiracist stuff where people's imaginations have run away with them.
The additional posts you have included in your article do help to provide more information on how Mike is thinking and why he reaches the conclusions he does.
I see the matter as follows. When it comes to issues such as digital ID and CBDC, we do not need evidence. What opportunities such digitization would open up later is something that only the future will tell. There can be no evidence of this yet. However, we can see the problem within the historical framework. Power has never been enough for the elites, so they have always tried to use all possible means to control and ROB the citizens. This is clear from the history of the age-old class struggle. Now digitization represents an opportunity to turn us all into serfs and rob us. Anyone who does not deal with the term "class struggle" (the term is deliberately avoided and circumvented in school) will not be able to recognize the real danger. That is why all power should always be contained, limited and democratically controlled. Unfortunately, everything has been deregulated for decades. Since 2020, we have clearly seen that real psychopaths can do whatever they want with impunity. What do you think they will do if they get even more power through the CBDC? They will exploit it to the maximum because they can. That is a conclusion based on the history of power and class struggle. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Where are there references to show what can happen later through the CBDC? The Chinese scoring system only offers a limited outlook for this. In China, the oligarchs are a little more subordinate to politics, and in the West it is the other way around. The prospects for Westerners are therefore much worse.
I agree with you on the necessity for a political awareness that includes class struggle. Unfortunately the English speaking internet is US dominated, and class struggle or any marxist interpretation is anathema to them. They cannot accept such an interpretation and are mentally enclosed by the forms of capitalism and capitalist doctrines that have been successfully imposed via propaganda in their culture.
This sinister elimination of socialist political thought has been introduced into European culture from the US recently. Younger people know nothing of the historic socialist policy-driven changes that improved working people's lives from the 19th to 20th centuries, up to the end of the 1970s.
Only Europe had a sensible discussion on marxist theory, and trying to bring this into conversation online always meets some outraged US citizen who will accuse you of communism and god knows what else.
Mark Carneys statements on the Canadian truckers demonstration, reads just like the speech of a 16th century Spanish dictator against the peasants. Things never change.
You make me very happy with your comments. Thank you very much for that. I prefer to think of non-Marxist interpretations of class struggle, because otherwise I could fall into a propaganda trap.
In the 19th century, it was said that the class struggle was between capital and the democrats. Power should be controlled democratically. Only later did the capitalists rename this struggle. Now it is called "a class struggle between capitalism and communism". But I don't have to be a communist to know that unregulated capitalism brings murderers to the top of the world's power. How long can capitalism provide prosperity without stealing raw materials from other countries?
Regime change actions are also forms of suppression of democracy, which enable the theft of a country's public property. Below is a fragment of a German article:
( ... )
Based on official US government documents that have since been declassified, it has been proven that between 1947 and 1989 alone, the oligarch regime in Washington carried out 64 covert US regime change operations in other states and overthrew unacceptable governments, regardless of whether they were democratically elected not.
( ... )
In this context, it is important to note the scientific work of Professor Lindsay O'Rourke, who, based on official, now declassified US government documents, has proven that there were a total of 70 US regime change operations during the Cold War period between 1947 and 1989 , most of which affected countries that were friendly and even allied with the USA. Of these, 64 took place covertly, meaning there was no trace to the USA. 64 covert US regime change operations in just over 40 years means: a regime change approximately every six months.
However, research by scientist O'Rourke has shown that one regime change operation after another has sooner or later turned out to be a failure and in many cases has even led to catastrophes such as social destabilization, civil war and terrorism.
If one were to update O'Rourke's book now, one would have to add at least another dozen rogue regime change operations in Washington. Of these, the 2014 Maidan uprising in Ukraine is certainly the most spectacular US operation and the most devastating in its consequences. However, the devious regime change in the nuclear power Pakistan has the potential to have equally dire consequences.
( ... )
This information is chilling. It shows how democracy has been systematically eliminated around the world whilst the US trumpets slogans of "freedom and democracy" to its own people. When the US propagandised masses realise they have no chance of what they were propagandised into believing a god-given right they will be infuriated, and their rulers will find it hard to suppress them.
I don't remember writing about antibodies. I did post a link to Dr John Dee's almanack substack as his statistical work on the pandemic backs up Mikes view, and I wondered if Mike and Dee were in touch.
This is the important article that shows that covid is rebranded flu.
Dee was a government NHS statistician, so his work is conclusive. Mike might be interested.
Mike is right in calling the conspirators "intellectually shrivelled"
They made a big mistake in using a medical scam, as many people have sufficient knowledge of medicine to detect the fraud and subsequently be alerted to other frauds like climate change, where earlier, only real specialists were likely to smell a rat.
It shows they do not really understand or have any concern for science except as an instrument of power. This ignorance has made them vulnerable to being found out.
Your point of view is very interesting. However, I would add that now the "vaccinated" people will offer the banksters an opportunity to have to use medical services for life. The financial elite will be able to profit from this. The robbery of national economies using the US dollar will now be replaced by the use of medical services. For the "vaccinated" this wisdom comes a little late.
"Bank of England to Open “Digital Pound Lab”
In response
"The People's Bank Opens the Go Pound Salt Lab”
Speaking as an American, and a lover of my country (with the notable exception of its government and related parasites), I welcome the decline and even the abrupt collapse of our tawdry empire. We are too rich, too lazy and complacent. We are spoiled. The soil of rugged independence that once nourished our national virtue has been paved over; the streams of spiritual humility that sought our level of human equality under God have been polluted and dammed. Tear it up! Send us the storms! Our reckoning is overdue. The generation that weathers it, that pays down our obscenely obese debt of blood and shame, will be more fit to continue the Republic that our forbears toiled and fought to preserve for us.
Sell your dollars, sell your T-bills while they're still worth the paper we printed them on. Buy gold, buy silver, buy farmland and machinery and hold it dear. Don't worry about us over here, we'll be fine.