The Basics of Political Fraud – PART 3. Dr. Mike Yeadon : The statements about totalitarianism, the digital ID and CBDC.
Reading can seriously damage your ignorance.
Cover photo : Reading can seriously damage your ignorance ( - unknown author ).
Dr Mike Yeadon, January 21, 2025 :
An excellent companion series of posts and articles assembled by Suavek.
A decent geopolitical perspective is included (obviously not from me).
Best wishes
Dr Mike Yeadon's latest article, January 21, 2025 :
The hill to die on
Whatever the consequences, however inconvenient, however scary: resist, refuse, do not comply with digital ID
Jan 21, 2025
Our children are condemned to the ultimate unbreakable dystopian nightmare unless we all put our foot down on this one.
( … )
Full article :
A few comments on the above article :
SheilaB, January 21, 2025
"well I won't get it, so I'll be fine."
I won't get it but I don't expect to be fine. I fully expect to starve, at some point, or be interned (and bumped off, probably). As you infer, easier to say when you're older (I'm 72). I have no idea what I could advise my children. They don't believe anything terrible is going to happen anyway, and I've been asked not to talk about it because it's upsetting - one said I was damaging her mental health. 🙄
Dr. Mike Yeadon, January 21, 2025 :
Here’s an intermediate stance, the same one I urged people to use when coerced into accepting an injection.
Delay your decision. Resolve not to comply initially.
If they threaten you, merely for not clicking on some website. For not adding one more means of identification to the many you already have. To indicate they will take away your means of supporting your family for delaying doing something that you’re told is absolutely benign and being introduced solely for your benefit, don’t you agree that others will find that extremely concerning?
If you, today, resolve not to comply INITIALLY, no matter what in the end you decide to do, you’ve helped others make the same decision.
Please don’t box yourself in on day 1 because you reason you’ll eventually be forced to. That’s really helping the tyrants take everything from you without doing anything.
Deferring comes at a much smaller price. Let them show their hand. Let others see what happens. You’re still in command of your own life at that point. Afterwards, you’re nothing but a passenger.
Darling Crimson, January 21, 2025 :
It will be every man women and child for himself, just like it was during the plandemic.
What you are asking for are new societies, new communities that can survive and thrive outside of the cbdc/fifteen minute cities.
This is exactly what we need but I suspect these will be built day by day as we try to survive. Some have started communities around me but that's .0000001%
I appreciate the post ❤️
Dr. Mike Yeadon, January 21, 2025 :
Unfortunately there us no “We”, beyond your close family and friends, IF they’re awake.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, January 21, 2025 :
I’m sharing this, not because I think this is the particular version of the dystopian future that I rate as most likely (though I expect it’s an option in some locations) but because it paints a reasonably accurate portrayal of how we allowed ourselves to get into this mess.
A lot of people will outright reject the rather obvious parallels to the last five years. I’m long ago done with coincidence theorists.
I am NOT sharing this with the INTENTION of frightening people, though it frightened me.
The objective of yesterdays post on “The last hill…” & this is to remind everyone who reads or sees this of this truth.
It’s not inevitable that we finish enslaved and murdered. Enough of us must refuse to comply and to INCREASE our patient outlining to those wobbling, but still clinging to the now-outmoded notions that “they wouldn’t do that”, that all enough of us need to do is repeat the resolution not to comply and to pass on the message.
I invite the still sceptical to “run the thought experiment” and think about whether everything going to dystopian weirdness is simply coincidence or is more likely, now, to be something else.
Best wishes
Ps: a few comments more or less in the same vein.
Linked :
Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dezember 23, 2024 :
Anyone still feeling that the perpetrators just want to have a teensy bit more control than the nearly complete control at a population level that they had before the pandemic lie?
I don’t & never did. I felt strongly that the only objective that made sense of everything that I could see happening in early 2020 was a drive for total control at the level of the individual, which I found & still find very frightening. Because they mean me. They mean you. It’s impersonal while being aimed right at every person.
I reasoned that you cannot close half the businesses in The West without first having authorization from the owners of big capital. Why would they say yes? They already control everything important. At a population level, they already had very good control. What was missing if you’re a megalomaniacal eugenicist if totalitarian control of every single individual. As soon as I heard dear Dr Gates & Doctor Blair talking about “vaccine passports” I knew they meant universal digital ID. And there’s only one reason why they want that. After all, we’ve already got several perfectly adequate ways to identify ourselves as needed. It’s the THEY that need you to take up a new, single format, digital, editable ID, in order to control you.
With that, and sufficient computing power, everything you do, every regulated threshold you cross (& in time, every threshold can be regulated) & every transaction you make, can be subject to “permissioning” in any way the fat controllers dream up.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, October 10, 2024 :
Schemes for obligatory digital ID like this one are the thing to be fought most intensely, as if your life depended upon it, which it does.
The unfolding crime I have been able to see for years requires such a thing, so I predicted it’s arrival.
You already have numerous, adequate means to identify yourself.
You don’t need another. The perpetrators require another to really get full control over you and everything you do.
Decline and persuade others to decline.
If the punishment for non compliance is severe, that gels with their desperation that you sign up for it. Please don’t.
Best wishes
Linked :
Dr. Mike Yeadon, November 27, 2024 ( to Rachel ) :
First, you’ll need to present it (in this case) in order to get online.
Later, it’ll be required to obtain a ration (if they choose war, real or faked).
Eventually, ahead of EVERY transaction or movement.
All that is subsequently required is (1) for there to be a circumstance where a “vaccine” is needed to protect you and to protect grandma and (2) the validity of your digital ID to turn on whether you’ve had your latest jab, such as one latest WHO recommended injection.
If you comply, in order to access your own life, you’ll eventually be injured or killed. If you decline, you’ll live on the margins inside a 15 minute city or outside in the countryside.
That’s my guess anyway. Why are they pushing digital ID so hard?
You don’t need it to prove who you are. You’ve plenty of means to do it. We’re talking about logging into YouTube, FB or email. I think the perpetrators who need you to adopt it, so that they gain control of your life. I plan to reject it.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, January 18, 2025 :
We expected this.
Central Bank Digital Currency.
Removal of cash (even I can come up with several plausible ways to dispose of it).
Do not sign up for a new digital ID. It’s the key to the human abattoir, imo.
Redirected from : OffGuardian (official) :
Bank of England to Open “Digital Pound Lab”
The Bank of England announced yesterday that they will be launching a “digital pound lab” to “experiment” with different “use-cases” and set-ups of the UK’s planned Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
This signals the end of the “consultation and response phase ( )” and the beginning of the “design phase”, according to the BoE’s website (
This is the first real news on the digital currency front for some time.
In fact, after an action-packed 2023 saw at least 135 of the world’s 197 nation states ( ) developing a digital currency, things have been eerily quiet on that…...
Read full article ...
The following is a 3-part Telegram message :
Dr. Mike Yeadon, January 20, 2025 :
This is Ben Rubin who, among other things, appears regularly on U.K. Column news, reviewing his 2024.
Jump to 1 minute in, if you want to get straight to it.
I like & admire Ben. Perhaps I see a kindred spirit, a person who spent his career in corporates, in his case in one of those global management consulting firms which grew out of ever-increasingly complex international accountancy.
I don’t think he’s been a conspiraloon all his life, either. Like him, I’m driven by the evidence. You have to be in Olympic level denial not to at least glimpse what the Useless Eliters are up to.
A point I’m fond of making because it’s true & shows what an intellectually shrivelled lot they really are:
This is not their plan.
Their antecedents ensured that the steps involved in the necessarily very long run-up even to commencing their efforts to execute a global coup d’etat were carefully taken.
I believe a case can be made that the coup got into high gear at the latest by the late 1960s or early 1970s, around the time that what later became the World Economic Forum was started, the Queen conducted the investiture of Charles, Prince of Wales and the Not A Space Agency convinced the world that they landed on the moon (complete with a presumably flat packed buggy and a set of Allen keys).
So if this is even roughly correct, the final steps necessary to trigger the not-a-pandemic & to inject most of the world’s population with not-vaccines, began in earnest only a little over half a century ago.
Most of these characters were not even adults at that time. This is not their plan. It was their loving parents and grandparents who made most of the decisions and all of the big strategic choices. In my opinion, most are intellectual pygmies in comparison though if anything even more evil.
These self-important people are merely passengers in a conveyance that they didn’t choose, moving in a direction set before they became adults and at a speed they cannot precisely regulate. Despite their smiles and back-slapping, I think inside they’re mostly scared.
They don’t know what they’re doing. Virtually none of them is capable of doing anything practical. Their parents’ & grandparents’ plan, with its myriad assumptions, had better go flawlessly in every respect. Because if it doesn’t & they falter, quite a few up them are likely to have an unwelcome appointment with a lamppost.
Best wishes
Linked :
Dr. Mike Yeadon, January 20, 2025 :
Ben Rubin’s piece finished with a few quotes from an unimpressive gentleman who told us, in relation to a digital ID, that “The debate has been won. It’s just about how & when we implement it in U.K.”
I tell you this, with absolute conviction.
The day you sign up for a new format, global, editable, biometric digital ID, that’s the day that any possibility of a continuing, free life, free from perpetual interference and increasing control over every aspect of your existence, ends.
Furthermore, knowing what we now know, and not requiring anyone to be a conspiraloon, merely open minded to what unpleasant people through history always do, you will recognise that you won’t be gaining a new, shiny digital ID on an app. You will disappear, replaced by an avatar that is solely that digital ID.
As far as the state & any corporation & institution is concerned, any interaction with you will be conducted through that digital ID. Not with you, a natural person. Whatever that digital ID says about you is reality. Even if it’s not.
This isn’t my primary concern, though. I’m not even arguing that there won’t be many ways in which, for most purposes, it’ll be genuinely useful. That’ll be how they sell it.
Here’s what I’m completely certain it’s going to be used to accomplish.
1. At a time of their choosing, the Useless Eliters will trigger an event that ends sovereign currencies and physical cash. Money will become solely digital but it won’t be like you currently know it. Instead, it’ll be Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
2. When you try buy anything, you’ll be required to show your digital ID. The merchant will be unable to process the payment without this. Your digital ID is the gateway to absolutely every transaction. Obviously, there must be ways to ensure that your digital ID is valid in some way. Before the question of whether you have the requisite credits in your account. And whether all the conditions necessary to allow the transaction are met. Among those conditions will be your location. If you’re outside your 15 minute community boundary, the transaction will fail. If you’ve already had your 50g of meat this month, the transaction will fail. If you’ve posted something a corporation doesn’t like online, it’s possible the transaction will fail (depending on what it is that you’re trying to buy).
3. First, about credit in your CBDC account. Remember there are now no alternative means of payment. If there’s a restriction on your account, you will be unable to transact. If there’s anything about you that the state or its delegated authorities don’t like about you, there will be laws that permits the state or its delegated authorities to not permit a transaction. CBDCs can be removed or caused to expire. You will have no recourse. Whatever might seem OK today could, in a heartbeat, not be OK. You will have no recourse. You might trust the government of the day. That’s not enough. You’re trusting every future government, too. If they take any steps you don’t like, you have no recourse. A crucial feature of the design of these accounts that I’ve seen proposed is an upper limit. You will not be permitted to save. I expect at some point, you’ll be wholly dependent upon the state crediting your CBDC account with Universal Basic Income, upon which you might, if you’re careful & compliant, just make it to the end of the month. You won’t need much money, though, because you won’t be going anywhere. See UN2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
4. Here’s the “killer flaw”. Unfortunately it’s not even black humour. I’m sure they actually intend to do this. Note that your digital ID, the QR code that you’ll have become, isn’t itself your identity. You cannot look closely at it and learn what it says about you. Because it’s essentially a web address. It’s within the files & details within that address, that website, that the devil lies. One of the critical aspects of digital ID that’s different in kind from any other means of identifying yourself that you’ve ever had is that it’s editable in real time.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, January 20, 2025 :
his isn’t true of your passport, your driving licence, your council tax bill plus your credit card, all the simple, traditional means of identifying yourself that you’ve used successfully for years. It’s also biometric & will use your face as the key.
5. One of the editable fields in your digital ID is your vaccination status. I’ve seen the outline of the EU vaccination passport system, which the EU Commission started in 2018. It’s explicitly stated that it’s anticipated that everyone will be vaccinated, regularly & for life, with mRNA based injections & recorded electronically only. It’s entirely fraudulent, the claims they make that this will improve health and safety as you move about. On the contrary, if you’re repeatedly injected with anything based on that platform, your health will decay and eventually you’ll be killed.
6. You might argue that you’re not going to accede to the requirement to be injected at all, let alone regularly. I’m sorry to have to point out to you that if “Vaccination status on most recent WHO recommended injection: No” is what your digital ID says about you, then your digital ID is invalid. You won’t be able to buy anything. Note that you will also use your digital ID to cross any regulated threshold, such as a border, a mall, a shop or potentially even your home or car (if you have one). If you decline the injections, you will lose access to your own life. In the most extreme case, you’ll starve to death. If on the other hand you comply with the injections, you will sicken & die.
Do not sign up for digital ID. You cannot check out later. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say it’s the last truly voluntary, important decision you’ll ever make. Thereafter, you’re a passenger. You’ll be forced by its strictures to do whatever those setting it’s rules decide. It will also not in any way be a rallying point. Because your digital ID is insanely personal. A person you speak to about the trouble you’re in, because you’ve not taken the most recent jab may not have that difficulty. I expect some people will have their vaccine field set permanently to valid. They won’t need to be injected. The ultimate divide & rule could be that some people will have much higher upper limits to their CBDC account. Some will not have 15 minute community limits. Some will not have limits on what they can purchase. Some will permit the crossing of all thresholds.
This is the ultimate tool of slavery.
For the love of God, do not sign up for digital ID.
Best wishes
Dr. Mike Yeadon, October 19, 2024 :
Yes, it’s clear to those who will look & think what is happening.
I don’t have an answer to why they want totalitarian control or why they want to cut back the population. There aren’t too many of us, objectively. We’re not running out of resources. We’re not destroying our environment at a macro scale. They have extraordinary control already.
Perhaps it’s nothing to do with anything objective & is spiritual in nature?
(contains several texts)
by Suavek ( and statements from others )
The US elites have long been considered not only untrustworthy and unreliable, but also compromised. These facts are known worldwide. The US government is proven to be responsible for around 50 million deaths after World War II, and it uses the US dollar to blackmail the world, which is now resisting it. In addition, the US government bends all laws and international agreements in its favor, or does not comply with them. The "rules-based world order" invented by the USA has never been precisely explained, so the assumption is that it is merely a set of hegemonic prerogatives that everyone except the USA should adhere to.
The introduction of a digital currency in Western countries is managed and controlled by the US banksters, and enables the declining US empire to limit the damage. No politician and no nation will ever dare to defy Washington's orders and, for example, buy Chinese technology or gas from Russia. In this way, the US banksters ensure that no one from their sphere of influence can defect to their eastern rivals. The sudden blocking of the digital bank account makes the worst restrictions possible and represents totalitarian paternalism. Serfdom 2.0 is not a myth, but the clear goal of the heavily indebted US banksters, who have never shied away from robbing economies, including in the medical field. US debt amounts to 36 trillion US dollars, a good part of which is owed to the Chinese state. I suspect that China's involvement in the "Covid" scam was to avoid the sudden devaluation of the dollar, which would have rendered Chinese assets worthless and reduced their influence on the world economy. If anyone has a better explanation for this, I'd be happy to hear it.
Here is a statement from Allen, whose comments I have always considered among the most valuable on the entire Internet, without knowing him. He points out that the "Covid" scam was designed to cover up the collapse of the financial system.
Allen, December 31, 2024 :
Covid was never an epidemiological event it is a geopolitical event at a time of impending collapse and loss of power for Western financial cartels.
Anyone who views or analyzes the phony Covid Pandemic™ as a medical event will miss the mark on any conclusions they might draw.
The shutting down of the Western world's economies in March was intentional and done in response to the existential financial crises facing these global parasites. "The Virus™" story was invented to provide cover for this collapse and as rationale for the tyrannical responses.
"The Scam" started much further back than 5 years ago, there is nothing new about the "Covid Operation" except the scale and execution as well as the scale of public "acceptance" which was due to many factors- the most massive fear-based propaganda campaign in history as well as mass coercion and institutional bribery.
"Covid" is the apotheosis (to date) of decades long concentrated and orchestrated mergers of economic and political power within the massive health management bureaucracies and financial institutions. These consolidations currently extend into every facet of our lives.
They used a "health emergency" to forward their goals this time rather than the standard mechanisms of imperialism. "Disease" has replaced war as the world's primary money spinner, the elites need continuing large-scale health crises to keep their racketeering schemes going. Pandemics are mammoth business opportunities for the Pharma Cartel and the financiers that control the details and direction of policy.
Editor's note :
The remaining explanation of what I assume to be the intended purpose of totalitarianism appears in the context of the text below by Michael Hudson :
Weaponizing the US Dollar
By Michael Sunday, January 12, 2025
Trump has promoted a number of plans to make America strong – at other countries’ expense. Given his “we win; you lose” motto, some of his plans would produce the opposite effect of what he imagines.
That would not be much of a change in U.S. policy. But I suggest that Hudson’s Law may be peaking under Trump: Every U.S. action attacking other countries tends to backfire and end up costing American policy at least twice as much.
We have seen it become normal for foreign countries to be the beneficiaries of U.S. policy aggression. This is most obviously the case for America’s trade sanctions against Russia. If the United States is not itself the loser (as in cutting the Nord Stream pipeline led to its soaring LNG exports), then its allies will bear the cost. The cost in a few years may be that the United States has lost Europe and NATO as a result of the pressure by European countries to declare their independence from U.S. policy.
( … )
Full article :
Editor's note:
I deliberately chose the point where I abruptly stopped quoting Michael Hudson's text. This is where the digital ID and CBDC begin to have their intended effect. The countries that are patronized and harmed by the USA will no longer be able to defend themselves against the USA and will be able to trade with China and other BRICS countries without explicit permission. I think that Michael Hudson did not take into account this purpose of digitalization as a kind of locking bolt. Anyone who tries to free themselves from the US banksters will lose all their money, and also the freedom to sell their property at a reasonable price, for example. The CBDC opens the door to possible financial restrictions in an unimaginable number of different variations. Every politician, and every ordinary citizen, will lose any ability to decide about their property. Something like "general market prices" can be abolished at the individual level, just with a click in Washington.
To keep you in a good mood despite the difficult situation and not fall into depression, please take a look at this at the end :
Lena Belle
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Fascism ( a Christmas Carol )
It’s beginning to look a lot like Fascism everywhere you go! Nature Knows album crowdfunding! Contribute and get exclusive merch here (Thank you for supporting my music so I can avoid music labels that would try to control what I say!):
Get 5 Days of High Vibe Music Here free (original songs by Lena Belle, medicine for the soul): Listen to Lena Belle on Spotify: Follow Lena Belle on social media: Warriors of Light (cen*orship free Telegram channel): Rumble (cen*orship free videos!): Instagram:
For the most reliable information about the "Covid" scam and deceptions of the system, read Dr. Mike Yeadon's daily statements :
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :
Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends :
When searching for Dr. Yeadon's videos only two browsers are recommended : Yandex and Mojeek. But you can also try other, smaller browsers, too.
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.
Many statements and videos from Dr. Mike Yeadon can also be found on Suavek's Substack, which is recommended by Dr. Yeadon on the main page of his Substack.
Both links lead to Suavek`s Substack :
Please add mine and Dr Mike Yeadon's Substack to your recommendation list. Thank you.
Mike is right in calling the conspirators "intellectually shrivelled"
They made a big mistake in using a medical scam, as many people have sufficient knowledge of medicine to detect the fraud and subsequently be alerted to other frauds like climate change, where earlier, only real specialists were likely to smell a rat.
It shows they do not really understand or have any concern for science except as an instrument of power. This ignorance has made them vulnerable to being found out.
Speaking as an American, and a lover of my country (with the notable exception of its government and related parasites), I welcome the decline and even the abrupt collapse of our tawdry empire. We are too rich, too lazy and complacent. We are spoiled. The soil of rugged independence that once nourished our national virtue has been paved over; the streams of spiritual humility that sought our level of human equality under God have been polluted and dammed. Tear it up! Send us the storms! Our reckoning is overdue. The generation that weathers it, that pays down our obscenely obese debt of blood and shame, will be more fit to continue the Republic that our forbears toiled and fought to preserve for us.
Sell your dollars, sell your T-bills while they're still worth the paper we printed them on. Buy gold, buy silver, buy farmland and machinery and hold it dear. Don't worry about us over here, we'll be fine.