Thanks for this analysis Suavek, it is very clear and enlightening.👍

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Insightful content ! I can not examine many informations but the take over of Blackrock & co of not only the USA and EU but most of the world is clear. These people (Larry, Klaus etc.) are sick and detatched from the real world, many people say that they are Satanic, I am sure they are anti-human & anti-life.

"Blackrock Merz" this one is very good, I love it !

I have left Germany end of 2020 because I saw the people are falling to mass-psychosis which I couldn't understand at the time, people called me crazy and paranoid just because I tried to understand why should I do something, like wearing a mask or not go for a walk. But I was living about 300m from Bion-Tech lab in Mainz and it was clear that the whole covid thing is a major thing, intuition, reason and science were not used at all from the beginning, for long I though that I suffer from extrem paranoia, but now I don't think so ... the problem is huge, I moved to Morocco and here the same actors (Big cooperations and slavery promoting institutions) are shaping the landscape, destroying the natural environment, the socio-cultural systems and creating a Zombies/Vampires population by the means of economic manipulation (Fiat loans with conditions), creating what I call Radical-Urbanization under the guise of Sustainable Developement, which is only a mask for total economical subjication to techno-feudal lords ... very sad to observe these issues.

Cowards-20 need to be adressed, if it does not, we will be living in a state of hell for decades if not centuries. There is no winner in this all, people from the USA & China are also losers, every human being is loser in the long run if this demonic powers behind Blackrock can get away with this. The economical system based on fiat values is in my opinion Satan, because it gives power to psychopaths & sociopaths, and disincentivise moral behavior as well as limites counsciousness ...

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Thank you very much, Othmane, I could never have expressed it better. I would be happy to include your great comment in one of the articles later. I'm just wondering why everyone suddenly needs the references for what is now taken for granted. Furthermore, I know that "connecting the dots" is not the same as "proof", but the direction that you have correctly identified is, in my opinion, at least a form of proof/hint of intentions regarding the shaping of the future. I'm sorry that the whole of North Africa is also under the power of the WEF.

Best wishes,


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Yes of course feel free to share ! I invested quite a lot of time studying these issues because I was on my way to graduate as an international civil engineer and wanted to contribute value to our world, but everywhere I wanted to start there was an issue. The main one is what I ended up calling Radical-Urbanization, in my GDP (General Durability Podcast) I share some ideas behind it.



The conditions we grow-up & live in shape how we think and percieve reality, and many of these conditions are based on civil engineering decisions, how we build our settlments and where to build them, what are the limits to constructionin an area, which infrastructure we should build etc. The early German engineers (Kaiser time) understood this very well, but the current ones unfortunitely do not. It is complex but makes sense to soulful minds. The problem is that many talk about the military industrial complex, but no one talks about the civil engineering complex hahaha, it has to do with the main economical theory of about a century. Kaynsianism has presented itself as a solution to the great depression !

The WEF is a major hub for mediocre thinkers, their main vision is building mega-cities, smart-cities (Surveillance, monitoring, analysing, reporting technology)=Radical-Urbanization=Environmental destruction, waste of resources & slavery. It will not stand in the long run anyway, but it is causing mega destruction to ecological systems, which is extremly difficult to recover from. The direction we are guided by them and their partners is going to end up with famines and tyranny. I recognized that about 3 years ago and I am working on solutions, the problem is that it is almost impossible to get financed to impliment any real fundamental solutions.

Please read my migration hypothesis: https://garten-generator.jimdosite.com/general-culture/seasonal-migration-hypothesis/

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