The Balkanization of Europe. A guest article by Felix Feistel.
On time for January 1, 2025, Ukraine stopped transiting Russian gas to Europe.
The Balkanization of Europe | By Felix Feistel
Updated on Jan. 21, 2025
Source in German :
A point of view from Felix Feistel.
On time for January 1, 2025, Ukraine stopped transiting Russian gas to Europe. (1). The government simply allowed a transit agreement to expire after the regular five-year term without extending it, thereby cutting off another supply route with cheap gas to Europe. In addition to Hungary and Slovakia, this particularly affects countries that support Ukraine with all possible means in its hopeless war against Russia. Austria, Poland, Romania, Italy and Bulgaria, among others, are affected. Ukraine retaliates for all the arms deliveries and support from so-called mercenaries, i.e. NATO soldiers who fight on Ukraine's side, by switching off the gas supply, in the middle of winter. The Slovak government had previously tried to persuade Ukraine to continue the transit, but it refused. The Western media unanimously blames Putin personally. According to the tenor, this is simply turning off the gas in Europe. In view of the fact that Russia until recently expressed its willingness to continue the transit, such statements can safely be labeled as propaganda.
The transit agreement came into force in 2019 and ran for five years. Actually it could and should have been extended, but the war against Russia led Ukraine to change its mind. This step actually makes little sense for Ukraine. Many of the affected states are supporters of the Kiev regime and share its desire to weaken or even defeat Russia. The expiry of the gas transit agreement could arouse the dissatisfaction of supporters and make them rethink their aid. Providing Europe with energy is also an important factor for Ukraine, because on the one hand, only a functioning energy supply can ensure that Western weapons and soldiers continue to trickle into the country. On the other hand, the Ukrainian energy infrastructure itself is in a dilapidated state and the country is therefore constantly dependent on energy supplies from abroad. (2)
The deeper meaning only becomes clear from the perspective of the USA. Remember that Ukraine is a direct vassal of the USA. Kiev's domestic and foreign policy is made in Washington. The USA is using Ukraine in its hybrid war against Russia to destroy, or at least weaken, the large country between Europe and Asia. Such an approach is consistent with the US defense strategy, which was drawn up in the “US Defense Planning Guide” in 1992. (3) It says, among other things (4):
“Our first goal is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival. This is one of the key considerations underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we strive to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources, under consolidated control, would be sufficient to create a global power . These regions include Western Europe, East Asia, the former Soviet Union and Southwest Asia.”
It goes on to say:
“There are three additional aspects to this goal: First, the United States must provide the leadership necessary to create and protect a new order that can convince potential competitors that it is not seeking a larger role or a more aggressive posture to protect their legitimate interests. Second, in non-defense areas, we must take sufficient account of the interests of advanced industrial nations to prevent them from challenging our leadership or attempting to overthrow the existing political and economic order. Finally, we must maintain the mechanisms that deter potential competitors from seeking a larger regional or global role.”
This so-called defense strategy justifies maintaining the US leadership role by all means. It is interesting that Western Europe is also explicitly listed as a region. The US doctrine is also directed against individual countries in Western Europe or against the entire continent, and also aims to prevent the emergence of an independent European security alliance independent of the USA. However, this is precisely the danger that existed for the USA in Europe. After the end of the Soviet Union and the progressive integration of Eastern European states into the EU, a large economic-political power bloc emerged here. Economically and financially strong, the EU alone was home to 4 of the G7 states and thus some of the largest economies in the world, above all Germany, which was known for its mechanical engineering and cars. But France, Italy and Great Britain can also be mentioned here.
The EU was increasingly independent of the USA in its economic development. With Nordstream and other pipeline projects, the continent was supplied with cheap energy from Russia and was thus able to prosper independently of the USA, which, however, remained an important trading partner. But cooperation with Russia and China, the USA's two major competitors on the world stage, has also intensified over the years, benefiting both sides.
This European association of states, which was constantly expanding, also sought an independent role in security policy through the creation of a European army. (5) Such considerations have been around since the 1950s, but have never been implemented to date. To this day, security policy remains dominated by NATO, which in turn is under the rule of the USA. Nevertheless, the EU became a real problem for the USA simply because of its economic strength. Therefore, under Donald Trump at the latest, the US governments began a process that can be described as the balkanization of Europe. These are processes and objectives that were already implemented in Yugoslavia in order to destroy the unified country, which also represented strong competition to the capitalist West.
In the early 1980s, socialist Yugoslavia desperately needed loans to buy raw materials and pay foreign debts. (6) This is nothing unusual, every country needs money to be able to cover its expenses. This is certainly not a sign of socialist scarcity economy. Although the Yugoslavian economy struggled with problems, it was initially able to hold its ground. For example, the Yugoslavian dinar was still worth $22 in 1986, and wages in the country skyrocketed in 1984 and '85. For the purpose of borrowing, Yugoslavia joined the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and received extremely small commitments in return. Even back then, there was criticism on the Yugoslav side that the loans granted were ridiculously small and that the associated foreign obligations would increase exorbitantly over time.
At the same time, the IMF attached conditions to these loans. These conditions provided, among other things, for the unfreezing of prices on the internal market, for changes in interest rates and for the devaluation of the dinar. In addition, privatization of former public property was initiated. The measures imposed on Yugoslavia under US President Reagan, the pioneer of neoliberalism, were directly aimed at weakening Yugoslav structures and communism in the country. (7) The US government clearly stated this in a 1984 National Security Directive (NSDD 133) that was declared secret. Despite Yugoslavia's cooperation with the West and the state's non-alignment, the US government's goal was to destroy the state.
The measures introduced from 1984 initially brought about a reduction in foreign debt, but did not have the effect the Yugoslav government had hoped for. The result was that the IMF pushed the country to take even more drastic measures and monitor it even more intensively. During this period, Yugoslavia's economic decline began. The measures that opened the Yugoslavian market to foreign investors and companies led to extreme impoverishment of the population within just a few years. This was the basis for the rise of nationalism, the withdrawal of Slovenia and Croatia from the confederation and the later wars. The USA and Germany also played a role in these wars. Not only did both states do nothing to prevent the impending wars (8), but at least from the USA, the KLA also financed and equipped partisans and militias that ultimately provoked the war over Kosovo. The UN also made its contribution by imposing sanctions against Yugoslavia from 1992 onwards. This worsened the shortages in the country, which further fueled the conflicts. Years later, the Foreign Affairs newspaper even described these sanctions as “Sanctions of mass destruction” because they showed how entire economies could be destroyed within a few months or years. (9) Nationalism and civil wars ended the disintegration of Yugoslavia, breaking up the Balkans into a series of small states.
These were dominated by foreign companies. During the NATO war against the rest of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, these companies worked with the US military and ensured that their own buildings were spared, but that those of the state's competitors were destroyed by bombs. (10) It is striking that NATO primarily destroyed the infrastructure. The country's economic base, the supply of energy and water, bridges and roads, as well as media houses were bombed and razed to the ground. NATO's attacks targeted all economic institutions that were not in the hands of foreign companies.
So Yugoslavia was destroyed by a mixture of economic strangulation, nationalism and war. This served to make the resulting countries completely dependent on the West, thereby exposing them to a supposed “world market” in which the Balkan countries have to sell their own products and raw materials cheaply and are dependent on Western imported products. Privatization in Yugoslavia brought profit opportunities to Western companies and investors, and the forced opening of the country brought the following states within the reach of Western corporations, which bought up the land here, as they do throughout Europe. (11)
Those responsible are also using a similar strategy in Ukraine. The country is already completely divided in the hands of various corporations, and through debt and a reconstruction partnership with Goldman Sachs and Blackrock, the state's facilities are being completely privatized in the hands of these financial giants. One can certainly argue here that these corporations are the real driver - and therefore international finance capital - and that the USA is merely their tool, the executive hand of an elite that is in the WEF, WHO, BIS, ECB and the Fed organized.
But the rest of Europe is also in the crosshairs of US foreign policy, and thus of the financial elite. A form of balkanization is also used here. This already began with Brexit under Boris Johnson, who broke one of the world's economically strongest countries out of the EU and tied it more closely to the USA. The economic war that the former and new US President Donald Trump unleashed against the EU is also an important milestone here. The president has made it clear that he will intensify this economic war in his next term. He plans high tariffs on all foreign products and threatens even higher tariffs and sanctions for any countries that plan to withdraw from the US dollar.
The escalation of the war against Russia in Ukraine was not only aimed at weakening Russia and making Ukraine further dependent on the globalist elite. It was also, and perhaps even primarily, aimed at Europe and the EU. Right from the start, the EU imposed sanctions against Russia, which inevitably had to affect the European states themselves. The raising of a new iron curtain between Europe and Russia not only endangered the energy supply, but also the supply of fertilizers and other raw materials, and deprived Europe of a large and important sales market. Since the first package of sanctions, the EU has been on a downward spiral into recession. This situation is made even worse by the fact that, at least in Germany, a deluded ideology prevails that compulsively plans to convert the energy supply to so-called renewable energies - and in doing so irretrievably destroys all other options at a breathtaking pace. (12) The result is that Germany is now in a “super recession” without there actually being a technical recession. This means that although there were no two quarters in a row in which the economy shrank, there were two consecutive years in which it shrank, even though the global economy itself tended to grow - a historically unique development for an industrialized country. (13) These are obviously “sanctions of mass destruction”, except that the actual target is the imposing states themselves.
The terrorist attack on the Nordstream pipelines carried out by the USA was just another hostile act by Washington, which was intended to eliminate Germany in particular as an economic factor. At the same time, the USA increased its exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe. This is a good opportunity, considering that the US had already expanded its export capabilities for LNG - dirty fracking gas - before the first sanctions package. You could almost think it was all planned exactly that way. The new president is now blackmailing Germany and the EU into increasing imports of US LNG gas and crude oil. (14) Germany is now dependent on US liquefied natural gas and is therefore completely in the hands of the empire - more than ever before. In return, the USA generously accepts German companies that are migrating from Europe because production here is becoming unprofitable. Ukraine – whose foreign policy is made in Washington and whose military reports to the Pentagon – is being used to put the rest of the EU in a similar situation. So it attacked the TurkStream pipeline, the last pipeline that still brings cheap gas to Europe - but unsuccessfully for the moment. TurkSTream runs through Turkey and supplies Southeast European countries as far as Hungary. (15) If the pipeline is destroyed, these EU states will also be driven into economic decline.
At the same time, Europe is being forced to take on more and more debt in order to continue to support Ukraine in its hopeless war and to continue to arm itself within the framework of NATO's 2 percent target - only to then be burned into the war against Russia. Because the USA will not take part in this war - the new US President has already announced that. This war should be carried out by Europe alone. How this is possible given a shrinking economy and a lack of economic resources remains the secret of those responsible.
But the goal is clear: the economic competition that the USA is facing in the form of the EU will be permanently destroyed, land and infrastructure will be privatized in corporate hands and efforts to play an independent role in defense will be undermined. As was once the case in Yugoslavia, nationalist tones and competition among each other are becoming more intense within the EU as the economic conditions increase. This is reinforced by the colonial master USA, who, in keeping with colonial tradition, randomly selects a preferred people - in this case Poland - and treats them preferentially over the others, declaring them the new favorite. The Belgians chose a similar approach, for example, in the Congo, where one of the numerous peoples was simply declared a superior race in order to position it against the other peoples in the colonial area and thus make it easier to administer the area. Such actions have led to wars and genocides in the past, and this danger also exists in a falling apart EU that could suffer a similar fate to Yugoslavia. It is an advantage for the colonial masters that the EU is not a unified state, but merely an intergovernmental organization. The flourishing corruption and arrogance of the anti-democratic EU elites, as well as the indiscriminate and excessive regulations from Brussels, are doing their part to sabotage the population's acceptance of the EU. The von der Leyens and other bureaucrats live in the institutions like a mafia clan, which is now confirmed even by EU insiders and certainly strengthens the general desire to abolish these institutions. (16)
The personnel themselves are part of the US balkanization strategy. Because these are selected interest representatives of the financial elite who were hand-picked in the Atlantic Bridge, the Council of Foreign Relations, the WEF, the Fed, the IMF, the Bilderberg Meetings and other committees and brought to their top positions. The financial elite, merged with the US government, has brought its own personnel into the politics of the EU states in order to promote the breakup of the continent. “We penetrated the cabinets” was how Klaus Schwab summed it up. No KLA militias and weapons, no area bombings were necessary - at least not yet - to destroy Europe, just hand-picked men in suits and - one must fully appreciate the role of women here - women in costumes who, in blasé shirtsleeves, implemented a technocratic project in back rooms of various international associations and secret meetings. It is therefore clear whose interests an EU army would now serve.
With the expiry of gas transit, we have come another step closer to the final destruction of the EU. (17) The consequences of this can currently be observed in Transnistria, which formally belongs to Moldova. There are already the first deaths there due to attempts to heat the houses in other ways. (18) In the long term, other European countries could also face this fate. The alternatives to Russian gas are currently not within reach, even though the EU has concluded an agreement with Azerbaijan to supply gas from Baku to the EU. However, this initiative is already being sabotaged from within the EU. (19) The EU Parliament passed a non-binding resolution to suspend cooperation with Azerbaijan - as always, the argument here is human rights, which, however, are of no interest to anyone when it comes to the new Syrian terror regime or Saudi Arabia.
The sell-out has already started. The US investor Stephen Lynch has announced that he wants to buy the Nordstream II pipeline. (20) He openly expressed the fear that both Germany and Russia might be tempted to use the remaining stretch of the pipeline after the end of the war. Lynch, who has connections to Donald Trump, is apparently trying to prevent exactly that - and is thereby playing into the hands of the balkanization of Europe that Trump is also aiming for. This also includes the EU's war against farmers, which is aimed at a takeover of land and market shares by US corporations and oligarchs. (21)
The economic decline of Europe, especially Germany, is already evident. Germany has been in recession for two years, and the situation is not expected to improve this year either, on the contrary. (22) Bankruptcies are reaching new highs (23) and energy supplies are at risk, leading to turbulence on the electricity exchanges and driving up costs for citizens. Poverty in Germany continues to increase. (24) 21.3 percent of Germans are at risk of poverty. (25) At the same time, burdens such as social spending continue to rise. The ever-increasing debts of the federal and state governments combined with a simultaneous decline in the economy is likely to lead to a catastrophe. The debt burden opens the door to privatization and could make Germany just as dependent on Blackrock as Ukraine. Chancellor candidate Blackrock Merz is already announcing a direct takeover of Germany by the financial giant.
But the AfD under Goldman-Sachs-Weidel is also ready to get the privatization program going. The CDU, AfD and also the FDP are in favor of reducing social spending and increasing defense spending. They stand for neoliberal programs that put resources, infrastructure and economic goods into the hands of finance capital. In Schwerin, the AfD and CDU have already given a first taste of what a government led by them intends to do. All recipients of citizens' benefit are now forced to work - something that is actually excluded by the Basic Law. (26) The AfD had originally only brought this into play for asylum seekers, but it was only the CDU that made it compulsory for all social welfare recipients to work. This means that these parties are not a real opposition either. They are participating in the balkanization of Europe for the benefit of the capital faction in the USA. This is now also striving to gain control of the delivery routes. (27) Trump has already threatened to bring the Panama Canal back under US rule. He also brought up the possibility of Canada and Greenland joining the USA. Trump thus embodies the hegemonic ambition of the USA and the capital associated with the US government taken to extremes.
This should make it clear that the USA is not Europe's friends. On the contrary, they aim to subjugate and dominate this continent. The decline of Europe can hardly be avoided. The only chance this continent has is to break away from the USA, to move closer to Russia, China and other eastern states and to cooperate extensively with them. But the question arises as to whether this train hasn't left long ago. After many years of extending its hand, Russia is now turning to other regions of the world. The country has long been in the position of being able to dictate the conditions for peace, trade and cooperation. It becomes less and less dependent on Europe as the sanctions force it to develop in other ways.
In addition, there is the US-elected EU elite, which is systematically working in the EU and in the governments of the individual states to bring about the downfall of the EU through economic decline and the destruction caused by the coming war. Europe is threatened with the same fate that Ukraine is currently experiencing and that the Balkans had to endure decades ago. To escape this fate, the population would have to rise up to drive out the technocratic elites. The EU countries would have to come together to form a confederation of states that does not aim at the complete surveillance, control and subjugation of EU citizens, but rather promotes the development and coexistence of its citizens and defends their interests against foreign powers. However, this is hardly foreseeable under the current circumstances. And so Europe is sliding deeper into catastrophe under Trump, the AfD and the CDU.
Sources and notes
We thank the author for the right to publish the article.
Image source: Corona Borealis Studio / shutterstock
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Thanks for this analysis Suavek, it is very clear and enlightening.👍
Insightful content ! I can not examine many informations but the take over of Blackrock & co of not only the USA and EU but most of the world is clear. These people (Larry, Klaus etc.) are sick and detatched from the real world, many people say that they are Satanic, I am sure they are anti-human & anti-life.
"Blackrock Merz" this one is very good, I love it !
I have left Germany end of 2020 because I saw the people are falling to mass-psychosis which I couldn't understand at the time, people called me crazy and paranoid just because I tried to understand why should I do something, like wearing a mask or not go for a walk. But I was living about 300m from Bion-Tech lab in Mainz and it was clear that the whole covid thing is a major thing, intuition, reason and science were not used at all from the beginning, for long I though that I suffer from extrem paranoia, but now I don't think so ... the problem is huge, I moved to Morocco and here the same actors (Big cooperations and slavery promoting institutions) are shaping the landscape, destroying the natural environment, the socio-cultural systems and creating a Zombies/Vampires population by the means of economic manipulation (Fiat loans with conditions), creating what I call Radical-Urbanization under the guise of Sustainable Developement, which is only a mask for total economical subjication to techno-feudal lords ... very sad to observe these issues.
Cowards-20 need to be adressed, if it does not, we will be living in a state of hell for decades if not centuries. There is no winner in this all, people from the USA & China are also losers, every human being is loser in the long run if this demonic powers behind Blackrock can get away with this. The economical system based on fiat values is in my opinion Satan, because it gives power to psychopaths & sociopaths, and disincentivise moral behavior as well as limites counsciousness ...