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Sep 26·edited Sep 26Author


Thank you for your contribution and for pointing out my errors in thinking. I thought it was fantastic that I didn't have to write anything of my own this time and yet you understood me. It must have been a stroke of genius on your part because the article doesn't contain a single statement from me.

Whether your approach is serious and worthy of a proud and certainly well-paid pharmaceutical troll is debatable, but I thought your idea was brilliant.

But why can't you wait a little longer with your criticism until I say something? Oh, I can imagine why you are in such a hurry. The script you received from Pharma doesn't fit with my silence? That's why you had to construct the accusations? Here under this link is your conversation with Allen, which seems to be very telling:


In the link above you could see how passionately you attacked the statement of an expert named Allen without having sufficient knowledge or competence. In response to his valid arguments you wrote the following :

"If I were you I’d reconsider… just to put it lightly when someone may be wrong…You are a good guy but you are clueless…;."

And only at the end, when your incompetence and ignorance become apparent, do you claim that you actually just wanted to play devil's advocate. However, your previous, aggressive statement doesn't fit with that at all. Unfortunately, the trolls don't realize how quickly they lose their cover because they are incapable of recognizing their own contradictions in the conversation.

I wrote this answer exclusively for the other readers. I just want to show how the paid trolls maliciously flood all uncensored areas, so that here too, the Substack authors cannot do without a certain "cleansing" in the form of censorship. The trolls then use this to defame the authors. As part of the clarification, I will not delete your comment, but save it so that you cannot delete it.

The perpetrators are very afraid that the truth will come to light. Since they started the information war and flooded the Internet, I find (just for the sake of other readers) directness a little more important than it was before 2020. Back then, politeness was more essential.

The trick with half-truths

The trolls have been given a script for some time now, which gives them the clues for the current ways of defaming the "NO VIRUS" community. The latest trick goes something like this: "The absence of evidence is not proof of absence." This statement is actually correct, but has long been known to everyone. The trick, however, is that this is only half of the "proof theory". Propaganda has always typically operated with half-truths in order to appear credible. Therefore, this part of your comment is an ideal example of the trolls' approach. The missing half, which the trolls are hiding (this is not on your script?), is: "Whoever claims that something exists (for example, viruses) is obliged to prove its existence". This is how it usually works in science and no other way. Half-truths from the pharmaceutical industry do not count, but have been widely known since 2020 as a typical pharmaceutical trick.


There were obviously strange disturbances on Dr Yeadon's substack that were related to Tomas. In the meantime, this "truth seeker" has been blocked there too (despite his substack, which in my opinion looks like an alibi substack). :


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Casting aside the obvious failures in viral cell culture generations of human existence have experienced that those bitten by a rabid dog develop rabies and that clusters of illness arise amongst peer groups suggesting some sort of transmissable particle. Also waste water studies correlate with prevalence of disease outbreaks such as polio. Despite the lack of experimental transmission the virus model fits the facts and the no virus mob has failed to deliver a viable model of disease outbreak.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Author

Apart from one small reservation, I still find your somewhat unsuccessful criticism, as a special form of questioning, interesting. I am sure that you will receive better advice here than the fascist "vaccination" mob has done in recent years with its anti-science propaganda ("symptomless Covid cases" etc.), and the compulsion to take poison, which violates basic human rights. Please take a deep breath and you will soon be let into the consultation room. And in the meantime, our nurse Hilde will take care of you.

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in terms of the changes of word meanings, the world is full of those examples. In my view, translations of the new testament have played a significant role in obliterating the original teachings of Jesus, by reading subsequent theology into them, starting as early as with Paul.

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Dear Rogier,

The mistranslations of the New Testament are a very exciting topic. I have started to write an article about it and cannot finish it at the moment due to time constraints. If you have any information or links, can you please send them to me? Or would you like to write an article about it yourself? The religious fraud that arose from the mistranslations is deliberately not corrected by the Church. Of course, this very interesting topic also belongs to this Substack (Fraud Prevention Hotline). Thank you for reminding me of this! I currently have around 100 articles that are not quite finished yet because I still have to invest some time in them.

Best wishes,


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Sep 23Liked by Suavek

the allopathic lie is deep in there like a nasty TICK in peoples minds

reason and logic are good tools to get the tick out

i have been fault finding all my career...same logic here

non-scientific papers too 🤣😂

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23Liked by Suavek

What if the flu would be contagious, wouldn't we all be in a constant state of flu? Especially in the big cities, where many people live close together? Where at least one person in the neighbourhood has some flu to spread. Afaik the immune system doesn't protect you from getting the flu even twice or more in winter, every year.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26Author

Dear Erik,

It's a funny question that makes you think. If the flu were contagious, it might not be a seasonal illness. The atmospheric-climatic changes would then (perhaps) have played less or no role at all. Maybe the flu would actually be spread throughout the year instead ? The seasonal occurrence of this disease may indicate seasonal climate change as the trigger and not, or much less, other factors. If we separate the cause of the illness from the trigger, then things can get a little more complicated. The cause may be inside the body and the t rigger outside, in the atmosphere and its changes. Perhaps the body must first be weakened (vitamin deficiency, etc.) in order to release the toxins and start the detoxification mechanism? Perhaps the toxins are held and/or neutralized with too much force in the healthy body, so that at some point these toxins must be got rid of. Detoxification/elimination of the toxins could, for example, finally allow the body to save its "neutralization power" and use this valuable power for other purposes. One of the known neutralization systems is the formation of fat, which encloses the toxins and isolates them from the rest of the body. If we lose several kilograms of fat too quickly, we activate the toxins again. This is why we then have uncontrolled "raids" on the fridge, and the fat is back soon. Anyone who has lost their fat deposits quickly without their body having time to detox will know this. As I know life, biological reality is much more confusing than these simple, playful thoughts of mine. Often, too many factors come into play in such processes at the same time, so that we can hardly describe reality in simple words. Nevertheless, such mental speculations, such as "what if...", are simply fun. I find what Dr. Yeadon says and writes logical and understandable. I know that there is simply no data for anything beyond that. We also tend to generalize and assume the same causes and triggers for everything we call "illness." Even defining "illness" is more difficult than we think. In 100 years, people will laugh at how little we know now, for example about the connection between the body and the mind ( including morality ). The last topic is actually the one that interests me the most. Otherwise, I like to say that I know nothing. I limit myself to what works in my opinion, and I wait with great curiosity for the opinion of the experts who are independent of pharma and fame. Unfortunately, there are very few experts who are truly honest and not naive at the same time. That is the only reason I am here.

Thank you for your food for thought, which miraculously gave wings to the imagination! Perhaps you will get a reply from someone who can say a little more about the facts? Best regards and thank you again !


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sorry dude but you are missing something...there are no viruses... therefore the "flu" is not caused by a nasty mythical virus.

so ask yourself, why am I getting rid of stuff from my body... through your nose from your lungs etc. TOXINS

you breat in and out every second of every day and you are subject to lots of airborne particles...dust , chemicals from work and home, pollen, etc. your lungs have to FILTER this...some might get through and make you ill...but what do you do to your car air filter every few thousand miles...change it

same with your lungs mucus is the filter

if the environment is toxic then many people will get ill next to each other...get better by removing yourself from that environment

we have all been lied to all our lifes

we have a kind of maintenance system, NOT an immune system

this lie is part of the failed allopathic hypothesis

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Sorry, but you haven't answered my question. I don't wanted to know if viruses exist, it is a hypothetical question how the situation would look if the flu is contagious.

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yes i did...seeing as viruses are blamed for flu...how can it spread if they don't exist.

then i told you about the environment. how if there is a toxin in it many people will become ill.

dust particles, phone radiation etc.

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Sep 22Liked by Suavek


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Thank you. It’s been quite a journey. I now have no difficulty accepting that almost everything we’re told by authorities, if it’s told to almost everyone & especially if it’s repeated over time, is lies.

The natural world continues to be astonishing and beautiful.

Most humans are not plotting to injure or kill you.

However, a tiny group of self appointed “elites” (I call them “useless Eliters” or “the perpetrators”) have taken it upon themselves to take total control of everyone & everything. They’ve been at it for generations. The true control system they use within their own ranks is so revolting and evil that normal people reject it.

Do not comply.

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deletedSep 23
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it is easy to say that, but did you investigate the ACTUAL REASON the child had these symptoms?

or did you just accept the failed allopathic reasons.

the skin emits lots of toxins each day...with sweat

if you poison the person to such an extent there might well be an emission through their skin in the form of a blister etc.

a toxic overdose in the body has only a few ways to get rid, mouth 🤮 down below..💩💦 sweat 💦 or lungs 🫁 mucus 😷🤒🤧🤧😪

or you will die

don't take pills that stop these actions...you may feel a bit better, but you are interrupting your body's natural method of detoxification

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