May 26Liked by Suavek

Nice analogy 😂 Thank you for your kind words Suavek. I am over the illness and hopefully the headaches were a ‘one off’. 😊

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Thank you Suavek, this part.

‘Personally, I think these acute respiratory illnesses are the result of disordered equilibrium, probably in airway surface liquid volume, ionic (dissolved salts) and proteinaceous composition, including its volume, mucocilliary escalator function, secretion of surfactant etc etc.

I have recently been ill (cold like symptoms) and was very different to any other illness inc some very severe sudden headaches I’ve never had before. I would like try and understand the cause. Prior to this I have rarely been ill over the past few years. And no one else in my house ‘caught it’ 😉

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Briony, I'm sorry that you're suffering. I can't say anything about the general headache because I don't have the skills to do that. However, in my extended family, there is a case of extreme headaches after an mRNA "vaccination". Everything I've read so far leads me to believe it's a micro-thrombosis. A neighbour of mine also suffered from it. After fainting several times, her doctor prescribed anti-thrombotic medication. She seems to be doing better now. Her doctor has denied the connection to her mRNA “vaccination.” He said that such diseases have always existed. In reference to a conversation with me at the time, this woman recently said : "No one would have believed you back then." I can only hope that you are "unvaccinated" and that your headaches have completely normal causes. I remember sometimes having headaches when I was going through puberty. Nobody found it unusual at the time, and perhaps that's why nobody asked themselves the question of the causes. Maybe it was due to the rapid growth of the body back then? Today, when I sometimes have a mild headache, I think it may be due to stress causing my breathing to become shallow. If there is too little oxygen, I try hyperventilation by breathing a little faster and deeper for a short period of time. Then my headache goes away within 1 minute. The lower abdominal area should also be included. We often breathe incorrectly because we only breathe with the upper lung area. If you use the muscles of your abdomen to breathe in, you will get much more oxygen.

Over the course of evolution, we have learned to slow down our breathing when we are afraid, in order to be able to better locate a dangerous animal, for example. Back then, for example, they were the saber-toothed tigers, today they are our health ministers. 😁

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I can’t pretend I understand a lot of what is presented here but having an open mind has served me well thus far! Thank you for putting your thoughts on alternative theories forward - it certainly helps me structure the thoughts I have on the matter 🙏❤️

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Hello Briony,

Please tell me what exactly you don't understand so I can try to explain.

Best wishes,

- Suavek

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