I can hold my hand up and honestly say that for the most part I don’t understand a lot of the scientific explanations given to explain things like gof, or as I like to call it, GAME OF FAUCI, or how the “vaccine” actually does what it was designed to do, maime and murder, but one thing I do know and have done from almost day one is that the whole scamdemic was about one thing (well not just one thing, this is a multi faceted thing constructed by evil entities going back 100’s of years) and that was to kill billions of us useless eaters and use our puppet government to implement it! As such I never complied with any of it, masking, social distancing and the killer shot and I will never comply to sheer evil! And the one person who I have trusted completely throughout everything has been Dr Mike Yeadon, a true man of truth and common decency, there aren’t many like him and there sure as hell aren’t any like him in the cabal run government, well with one exception, Andrew Bridgen.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17Author

Hi Connie,

You seem to have relied on your knowledge of human nature. The trust you place in Dr Mike Yeadon is proof of your good knowledge of human nature. I can only congratulate you on that. There are too many experts who, for various reasons, only tell half the truth or "forget" to mention the non-existence of the "pandemic/Covid". In my opinion, they are causing more damage than their enlightenment work is worth.

Best wishes,


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Aug 17Liked by Suavek

Thank you Suavek for highlighting Dr Mike‘s scientific explanation of true gain of function,as used in bio chemistry lab.work .You must have been artistic and good at jigsaws as a child.😊You so skilfully weave wonderful images and disparate facts together.❤️

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Aug 17·edited Aug 18Author

Good morning Helen,

I'm always happy to hear from you. I have never done puzzles as a child because it was too boring. If the different topics (in real life) are actually connected, then I find it very difficult to stick to a single topic when writing. In this article, the topic of "“General Investigation of Medical Fraud / Brief Summary” seems to have arisen by itself. It wasn't intentional, but I think it was pretty successful. However, now the title of the article no longer fits... I often have problems like this. Especially when I want to write a longer article and divide it into different chapters, I later find that each part is a mixture of topics and the titles of the different chapters don't match the content. The ability to create a good thematic division within a longer article seems to be my intellectual shortcoming. Perhaps I think too synthetically and not analytically enough? I am writing it to you in such detail because this thing has prevented me from writing a book for over 20 years. The division was terrible because everything was intertwined in each chapter. And if I correct this mistake, it will take forever. This article seems to be an exception because the thematic digression made the article a little more interesting. Here is an opinion from Axel that he sent me via Telegram : https://t.me/QueueForBrain/15776?comment=15761

Best wishes,


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Aug 18Liked by Suavek

Lovely of you,to leave such a detailed reply Suavek,my comment was really metaphorically speaking 😊

I just used it as a shortcut to emphasise your wonderful visual and verbal way of giving us the facts.

My very best wishes to you, and thank you for all you do to support Mike.🤗

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Helen, I noticed that you meant well. But you hit the nail on the head. The always unsuccessful division of topics is an old problem that I was finally able to think about. Thank you for that.

All the best,


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