Dr. Yeadon, I admire your work and have been following you since the earliest videos you created in your garage with the motorcycle in the background. But I am having a problem with the no-virus claim. What do you recommend as the best source to convince me? With great respect, JF

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At first I also had problems with this topic. When we have been told something for generations, the false information is deeply embedded in our brains. Through constant repetition, we feel as if it is our own experience, even though it is just words. I don't know when Dr Yeadon will read your message. If you want, I can recommend the articles on my Substack that appear under the following title: "The arguments for NO VIRUS - PART 1, 2, 3....7". There you will find the statements of Dr Yeadon, who also recommends my articles ( compilations of the statements ) on his Substack.

Best wishes,


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I recommend reading at least the summaries of the books that show that the do-called “viral diseases” against which vaccines were introduced from the mid 20th century, were reduced equally by factors which exclude “vaccines” as the main agent.

“Turtles all the way down”, “Dissolving Illusions” & others do an unmissable good job.

Then I also recommend the work of Dr Sam Bailey & Dr Mark Bailey, who’s work destroys the viral narrative.

Recent work led by Jamie Andrews is also very powerful.

“Can you catch a cold?” is another strong contribution.

It’s easier if you suspend belief & judgement either way and let yourself be guided by the evidence. No one is going to knock your fingers off the ledge, one at a time, if your starting point is that “everything you’ve been told is basically truthful and these interlopers better come up with extraordinary evidence, or else you’ll stick with what you know”.

I’m not saying this is your position. Only that I’m not in the business of attempting to persuade people with such opinions. I think it’s impossible & I’ve encountered very many who, I think, start with an unacknowledged recognition that, if they go down this road, there’s no turning back. There isn’t, of course.

Good luck in your exploration!

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Sep 2Liked by Suavek

Dear Mr. Suavek and Professor Yeadon, Thank you for your very kind responses. I especially appreciate the long list of references. I have come across the Baileys, but haven't read deeply. And I thought I had been red-pilled in the 1980s....OK, here we go, another layer deeper! Best, JF

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

When will we get out of the lab leak box and begin investigaating the lab release hypothesis. The toxin was clearly designed in the US and given the devilish machinations of the US neocons running the US Govt, why not begin the investigation at the World Military Games that occurred in Wuhan during the month of October 1019. Early on there were a few "reports" of a strange illness that was moving among the athletes. And then suddenly nothing. In this scenario, why would China choose to participate in info sharing if it revealed that it had been successfully invaded, thereby exposing an unrpotected vulnerability?

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