May 26Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon, Suavek

I remember my father, an old doctor, insulting the publishing houses which were publishing "medical encyclopedias" in the 60s.

He said that they were creating a population of hypocondriads. And then the television came with the "medicine programs".

And then the screenings for cancer, blood check every now and then. And so on.

When he retired he used to say that medicine was dead because it had become a business to make people sick.

But if you follow the increasing pressure of all that "information", it is so clear that they were preparing the people to get willingly injected with poisons.

And medicine is gone to hell

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The only good news from all this is to shake off the thought that without constant medical attention, you'll fall ill and die.

We can awake to the glory of having a lot to do with our own health. You know what to do.

If not already, today is a great day to leave the medical system behind.

Eat better. Lose weight. Improve basic fitness; absolutely anything is far better than nothing. Can you stand up from a chair and sit down again 20 times without using your hands?

Drink in moderation if at all.

Stop smoking, even if you need the crutch of NRT (as I do).

Go to bed earlier.

Be kind to those around you and especially to yourself.

Put down yoiur mobile devices much more often and go outside.

The world remains a wonderful place and almost everyone isn't try to kill you.

Pray and give thanks, if that floast your boat.

No regular prescription medicines (I'm a hypocrite because I take a strong pain reliever)

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Dear Dr. Yeadon, thank you for the wonderful comment. I just sent you a private message via Telegram.

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