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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Author

I appreciate your participation in the comments section. Thank you very much for that. However, I have to ask you, are you aware that you call those who are very diligently spreading the "Covid" and "pandemic" narrative "heroes"? Have you not noticed that this Substack is almost entirely designed to expose "Covid" and "pandemic" as lies ?

And if you were a doctor, what illness would you prescribe Ivermectin to patients for ? For a cold ? And for that, these patients should pay "the small fertility price" ?

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Thank you for helping me to see the truth, but for those that don’t see as clearly as you, perhaps reducing Fear is still a change in the right direction? Or perhaps not, maybe it’s just 100% Black-pilled or Stay Silent all the way down.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Author

Is there any way you could reverse the promotion of the people you mentioned above? I would be very reluctant to present these people to new readers as "heroes" because they reinforce the lie of "Covid". These are people who stoke fears about the non-existent SARS-CoV-2 virus and prevent honest information. They only talk about the dangers of pseudo-vaccination, which everyone already knows anyway. Do you think this doesn't matter?

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Author

I don't think this substack is suitable for advertising the so-called "heroes" who offer treatment for a non-existent disease and abuse people's trust. I have therefore deleted your advertising comment and will invest my time elsewhere in the future. Thank you for the informative conversation.

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Tess sure wastes a lot of time. Dr Makis already has written on the 10 to 14 mg per day being used to successfully treat cancer in to remission after two months. She really needs to subscribe to Dr Makis in Edmonton Alberta Canada.

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Aug 20Liked by Suavek

Great article, Suavek. I did think, What? when Mike said about Ivermectin being an antifertility drug, especially as it was promoted during the plandemic by 'our side'. But the cabal are a step ahead even with the promotion of alternative treatments. Very clever! In a horrible way.

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I posted this at Celia Farber's Substack. and re-posted at the Substack of Dr Mike Yeadon and Tim West.

Jeffrey Strahl

Lockdown Times

16 mins ago

Liked by Tim West

Dr Mike Yeadon, i'm with Planet Waves, am a colleague of our mutual friend Eric Francis Coppolino. I posted this comment at the Substack of Celia Farber, who has launched an attack on the video you did which mentions Ivermectin.


Jeffrey Strahl

Lockdown Times

8 hrs ago

·edited 8 hrs ago

Tess Lawrie is totally invested in the "pandemic" narrative. See this,


Opportunity Youth - An In-Depth Follow-up to Questioning "The Greater Reset III”

Here is a link to the slides [180 of them!] for this presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1v8n_VJ0fk4TVxi9txMgEAZrfGhW_EBRuMobvskr2FWw/edit?usp=sharing I refer to some of them, by number.

Another speaker at TGR was Tess Lawrie, a promoter of Ivermectin. She runs the Evidence-Based Medical Consultancy, worked with the WHO re data collection on a study of prenatal health care behavior. This is directly connected to development impact bonds, a form of social impact investing, which monitors behavior and rewards investors for observable changes in behavior of subjects. All of this is connected to data analytics, ongoing bio-surveillance, pre-emptive strikes against “disease,” pay for success impact investing, with success defined as the avoidance or the lessening of disease impacts. [See slides 38,39]

The big issue here, the “acid test,” is rule by electron-microscope, seeing what’s happening via the lens of germ theory, making it out to be a medical bio-sciences problem, including the notion of “bio-weapon.” Cost savings (in terms of public “health”) and impact investing oriented to seeing such offsets as a “success” to be rewarded. Dr Pierre Kory is quoted in RFK Jr’s book as to how the use of early treatment could have cut down hospitalizations by 90%, deaths by 75%, saving hundreds of billions of dollars, ending the “pandemic” by May 2020. Joe Rogan has likewise promoted repurposed drugs, turning the situation into an impact investment space. This is a perfect example of rule by electron-microscope, with the early treatment protocol being a blockchain chain. If you accept rule by electron-microscope, you will be spending the rest of your life under it. 85-90% of the stuff currently being spun by the “resistance” involves precisely such an acceptance. Tess Lowry also pushes “early treatment,” which is a weaponized narrative, enhancing fear.[Slides 51-3]

The entire narrative of “mismanaged pandemic” (the title of RFK Jr’s book’s first chapter) is based upon rule by electron-microscope and the promotion of testing with early treatment (a week after someone tests “positive”) using repurposed drugs such as HCQ and Ivermectin. But the virus has never been physically isolated, it has only been identified “in silico” (on a computer), whip what are we supposed to be “treating”? [Indeed, what are we supposedly detecting with the “early testing”?] Are we now gonna treat people who are asymptomatic on the basis of tests which are not calibrated using an actual virus? How much room does this open for mistreatment, at the very least? This is a perfect setup for a pay-for-success investment model. Testing and treating people who are asymptomatic assumes they are infectious. This is exactly what James Bullard, CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis suggested in April 2020, universal testing. Such a massive use of testing and early treatment requires data analytics of massive amounts of biometric data, a perfect setup for social impact investing. [See slides 51-4, 58)

Someone whose work should be discussed regarding this topic is Steve Kirsch, a very wealthy friend of RFK Jr, with connections to MIT and the “alternative” professionals pushing testing and early treatment. See slide 61. He has his own enterprise, CETF, Covid Early Treatment Fund, slide 59. CETF has a direct connection to the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisers, slide 60. There is a big problem in the “resistance” with celebrity culture, which allows people to look right past such connections and not say a word. [in part a sign of how deep fear has permeated so many people that they would rather overlook stuff like this as mere “blemishes” and “imperfections.” ] Thus, Dr Malone can tell Joe Rogan that a CIA friend told him 1/4/20 that “we got a problem with the virus,” and no questions are raised re the “virus” or the source of the information. Kirsch is involved with the One ID system and token financing (usage of tokens in finance). Kirsch has been prominent in challenging people who raise the perspective that no virus has been isolated, no surprise given that the entire pay-for-success early testing/early “treatment” program requires a virus in order to be viable. 85-90% of the resistance, per Alison, have leaned into the rule by electron-microscope model. So many of them are opposed to allopathic medicine, yet have no problems with a program which is based on pharmaceutical drugs.

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Ha, you are pointing out Alison’s amazing work to mediocre Farber? She (CF) might have a fit… Alison had in the past a one time interaction with CF - it’s documented her website.

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I know, it was a blast. Celia was totally out of her terrain.

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Aug 24Liked by Suavek

Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a geopolitical event and a business model designed to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy. There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

Anyone who thinks "Covid" is a distinct illness hasn't done their homework. The "accepted" medical science of "early treatments" for a non-existent disease rests on the same foundation as the invention of this non-existent disease. Therefore it too is invalid.

The authors of the "official" government narrative- thesis #1- and those of the "official" "health freedom" leaders- thesis #2- are, in the end, likely to become "strange bedfellows" and not real adversaries under these conditions, as both validate the imaginary disease by different means. Thus it is hard to imagine that we arrive at a place much different, if these are to be the "accepted" and "hotly contested" narratives, regardless of which of the 2 theses "wins the day."

The scale of the operation was massive, the scale of the deception was massive. The "hero" doctors offering "alt-treatments", the "renegade media up-to-a point-truth-teller" is not who you think they are. Many of the people thought to be and portrayed as being on the "right side" were and are playing a role.

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Dear Allen,

I am VERY grateful for all your comments. I have incorporated those that I found on the internet into the articles, which has enabled me to enrich the other statements in this Substack considerably and rhetorically strengthen their meaning. The way you hit the nail on the head with just a few words is of great value to me. I hope that you will allow me to publish this comment of yours in one of the next articles. Thank you again,

Best wishes,


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Aug 25Liked by Suavek

Yes of course. Anything I write is free for you to republish as you see fit.

All the best.

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While I appreciate many of your comments, as we seem to agree on many issues, some of your statements written with confidence do not add up…

1. How do you make the flu disappear and rebrand it into covid-19? I’m not just talking about the rigged PCR test, which I witnessed myself. I’m talking about. I’m talking about the paper strip tests used by many family doctors and outpatient clinics? Dr. Zelenko was one of the first ones who noticed this phenomenon in early 2020. He was testing some patients with clear flu-like symptoms and got not one positive test. Not even a false positive?

2. How do you convince China and the Chinese CDC not only to play along, but also to take the blame for the origins of the pandemic, with the clear possibility it being a lab leak? China sends the SARS CoV-2 sequence to the US knowing that the furniture cleavage site gene could not have evolved. So, if you are a scientist in China and you know what your doing, it is a death sentence not only to you but possibly your family. Before covid-19 there was constant talk about the US going to war with China because of the their support for Russia and their allies. Now, China is doing a huge favour to the US and knowingly become the scapegoat of the greatest scam in human history…

3. How do you convince 99.9% of health organizations, like CDC, to to join the scam, including countries, like Iran, that absolutely despise anything coming from the US?

4. Micro-clotting in many people with flu-like symptoms including the young.

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Aug 29Liked by Suavek

1) That is very easy. They use coding to mandate that medical systems relabel certain "symptomatic" illnesses as Disease X- in this case Covid-19. The doctors and hospitals now do data entry that will now label symptom X, once entered as"flu", (which is also pure mythology) as U07.1- Covid-19. It becomes automatic and centralized.

2) You'll need to look into this further as what is thought of as China and Chinese CDC as relates to Covid, and the propaganda you were fed, is not at all reality. For example George Gao is directly tied to US intelligence. The individual who did all the famous photos of "Wuhan in Covid Crisis" was a Peruvian crisis photographer named Hector Retamal who works for Western intelligence via Agence France Press. All of this was orchestrated by NED and NATO.

3) The Iran situation is not at all what you were told. Look into it further. As for how to get all the health organizations to go along with it that is already structured and set up for all "health emergencies" via mandates, protocols, rules and regulations that they must abide by to receive their funding. This is all organized by central bodies (WHO, IMF, etc.) and there are treaties and pacts that make the adherence to guidelines mandatory. That then filters down to national, state, regional, local health departments.

4) Nothing unusual about micro-clotting. Happens all the time. Happens every time you get in a plane e.g.

That's a very general outline.

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I’m sorry to tell you this, but that is not how it works in doctor’s offices and outpatient clinics. There is no data entry and no codes. Just a bag a swabs/boxes of paper strips and either positive or negative results for different influenza strains…

Your comments clearly show the lack of understanding of the fundamental concepts in healthcare. I’m unable to explain it further because of your lack of comprehension of the fundamental procedures.

While blood clotting is not a new phenomenon, micro-clotting among young people with flu-like symptoms is unusual and even unheard of. I can’t explain it to you the difference between the two because you only read about it… Drawing blood from a young person with micro-clothing was virtually impossible until a blood thinner injection were given in large doses…

You speculations are amusing but lack logical basis… I personally feel there were multiple reasons why the pandemic was overblown and why so many nations and their CDC complied..

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Aug 29Liked by Suavek

What are you talking about.

Doctors offices, nursing homes, hospitals etc. are doing data entry all the time.

You don't know what you are talking about if you think it is otherwise.

You can't explain...because you haven't done the research on this.

I've asked multiple times for hard evidence on this alleged micro clotting of youth and yet no evidence.

Your "beliefs" aren't even amusing they are based on being brainwashed into thinking there was something "novel." There wasn't.

There was no pandemic no matter what you "feel."

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If I were you I’d reconsider… just to put it lightly when someone may be wrong…

You are a good guy but you are clueless…;.

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Aug 30Liked by Suavek

Sounds like you can dish it out but can't take it.

None of it bothers me- I have thick skin. Harsh criticism is fine either way. All the better if it has some intellectual rigor to it.

Go back and study the history of the medical industry and its development in the 19th century up to date. Examine the broader context of economic and political forces. Put today's situation(s) in that context. Absolutely nothing about the Covid Con that was new or different- only the scale. Many of us know this history and have been involved in these issues for decades. This is why we were warning any who would listen of what was coming down the pike in early 2020 before the world went mad.

This is also why we understand in great detail everything about the mercenary frauds selling their products. This includes a great number of "Covid heroes."

One thing I am not is clueless. It is apparent that your view of the situation comes from a very superficial interpretation of events.

All the best.

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Bad faith.

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