Why do many people believe in "Covid" myth ? -PART 1 : Have you ever seen a woman who could only get half pregnant?
Dr. Jonathan Engler shows that the "Covid" Hallett Inquiry is being conducted with fraudulent intentions.
Cover photo: A half-funny photo montage : The pregnancy was only half downloaded.
Editor's note: Dr Mike Yeadon has taken the trouble to write an entire article on his Substack about this article of mine and linking to it. I would like to thank Dr Yeadon very much for his repeated recommendation of my Substack.
I would like to draw the attention of readers to the fact that Dr. Engler has published a new article today in which he, together with two other authors, questioned the existence of "Covid", not for the first time. The corresponding update can be found further down in the text.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, February 12, 2025 :
It’s not about ‘why’
It’s the what that is sad …and dangerously consequential
Criticising individuals for doing not doing certain things is a wholly unproductive act, in my limited experience.
So I’m not going to criticise Dr Engler’s unwillingness to tell the truth about the non-existence of the alleged, recent “pandemic” & to cite the unequivocal, checkable evidence that leads any objective person to the same conclusions:
1. that acute respiratory illnesses at least are not contagious, therefore pandemics don’t occur because they can’t occur &
2. Therefore all “measures” purporting to “flatten the (non-existent) curve” are long planned and entirely malign in motivation; and that the warnings from that crazy scientist Yeadon are reasonable.
I’m not interested in criticizing anyone.
I’m just sad that clever people, VERY many of them, have chosen ineffective tactics seemingly to oppose tyranny.
I’m not interested in their motives, either, or in trying to change their minds. I’ve too much respect for their intelligence to pretend to myself that they don’t know.
It is what it is, now. The die is cast.
Best wishes
[ PS. ]
A reminder again that Fraud Prevention Hotline which is Suavek ‘s publication is well worth subscribing to. An amazing amount of curating work in each post.
[ Linked : This article ]
Dr. Jonathan Engler shows that the "Covid" Hallett Inquiry is being conducted with fraudulent intentions.
Inside the People’s Vaccine Inquiry – Part One
Jonathan Engler
Published in TCW Defender Freedom, on February 10, 2025.
THIS ‘scene setting’ by Dr Jonathan Engler is the first of six key presentations delivered at last Tuesday’s People’s Vaccine Inquiry press conference that we will be publishing this week. Full details and video of the event can be found here. The slides accompanying Jonathan’s presentation can be found here.
( …)
Of course, these carefully chosen experts ultimately left much unsaid and focused on fully supporting the safety claims made for these products. They ignored many key points, including (and this is in no way an exhaustive list):
Firstly, that safety signals, including deaths, in the trials for the Pfizer product were hidden
Secondly, the fact that the manufacturing process for the rolled-out product was totally different from that given to nearly all the trial participants was essentially glossed over, by June Raine being asked the wrong question which appeared deliberately designed to give the MHRA a way out
Thirdly, that there were in fact very prominent post rollout safety signals which were not acted upon
The style of questioning of the vaccine injured was unacceptably condescending at times, with Mr Keith posing lengthy but often simplistic and superficial closed questions which had the effect of preventing witnesses from expanding on their points.
The AstraZeneca representative was not cross-examined at all by any of the CP KCs (every other witness faced 1-2 CP KCs, including Pfizer and Moderna), yet no reason was given for this. If, as has been suggested, this was because of pending legal action, this should have been openly acknowledged and stated by Baroness Hallett.
Public health and regulator decision-makers faced what can only be described as softball, mainly closed questions from Inquiry Counsels, which appeared designed to support the official narrative, while preventing the need for further interrogation or supporting evidence.
This is why we say that this module – just like the others – can be characterised as set out in the first of my slides – framed to fit the official narrative, obfuscating uncomfortable information, promulgating misleading information adding up to a whitewash with ‘limited hangout’.
In closing, this is what we want:
Immediate cessation of the use of mRNA products as vaccines;
Reform of the Yellow Card system;
Reform of the VDPS [Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme];
We want manufacturers – rather than taxpayers – to be liable for the huge amount of harm caused;
Stop revolving door between regulators and Industry which creates implicit COIs [conflicts of interest];
Place power of medical decision-making back to individual – stop drift to communitarianism in policy characterised by the awful phrase ‘it is for the greater good’, used by tyrannical regimes throughout history to justify all sorts of harmful policies.
As for our small but growing group, we do not intend going away; we intend continuing our quest to make the truth about these products widely known, so that further harms can be prevented.
Editor’s note ( from TCW Defending Freedom ) : The Hallett Inquiry has made an ‘Impact film’ for each module as part of its ‘commemoration activities’ featuring people who have spoken to the Inquiry about how the pandemic has affected their lives, purportedly to ground the proceedings in the human impact of the pandemic. Although the one made for module 4 contained a number of stories of vaccine injuries, its the tone was very much designed to portray the vaccines as nevertheless hugely net beneficial. In fact the film repeatedly stressed the impact that the pandemic (rather than the restrictions) had on communities, and how the vaccines had helped people ‘get their lives back’. Despite these disclaimers the Chairwoman, Lady Hallett and Hugo Keith, the KC still insisted that any criticism of the vaccines did not reflect their views, as illustrated in the accompanying slides.
( …)
Full article :
Can you get half pregnant?
By Suavek
Maybe I've got so old that I urgently need the help of an eye doctor? Up until now I haven't needed glasses. The fact is that I could not read a single sentence in this article about the non-existence of "Covid".
The article at TCW linked above summed up many things. Jonathan Engler is already known for his wonderful ability to create clarity in a concise text. However, I found it disappointing that this magazine failed to mention that "Covid" was a myth, just like the entire "Covid pandemic", which was a lie from A to Z. I think that this truth is the missing link that will enable citizens to actively defend themselves against tyranny. "NO COVID" should actually be in half of all the articles so that everyone can see it. Otherwise, there would be too many people later who, when asked by their grandchildren, "What did you do back then against the emerging tyranny?", would explain: "We couldn't have known that back then."
If Jonathan Engler’s article is an enlightenment for Hallet's “enlightenment” (I had to write it in quotation marks, of course), then perhaps we need the enlightenment of the enlightenment of the enlightenment? No, I don't find this question particularly funny. Either we want to adapt to the level of consciousness of people whose brains and ability to reason logically have been damaged by propaganda, or we want to heal this damage? I have never seen a woman who could only get half pregnant. How nice would it be if a female scientist who preaches "Covid" would volunteer for such an experiment? If it works, then maybe this disease really does exist?
The press conference
( Here the photo is real )
02 Jonathan Engler (Press Conf 4 Feb 25).mp4
VIDEO : https://vimeo.com/1054739856 :
Jonathan Engler
Feb 11, 2025
My introduction to "The People’s Vaccine Inquiry" day.
Countering the official "whitewash with limited hangout".
We have something to thank Jonathan for
by Suavek
Dr. Jonathan Engler knows that "Covid" never existed. With several articles on his Substack, he has even made a valuable contribution to shedding light on medical fraud. His article, which I was able to link here on my Substack and curate accordingly, is unforgettable :
HOW DID THEY DO THAT ? -- The shortest explanation of the “Covid” deception
About the article by Dr. Jonathan Engler, a master of summarization.
A few lines with a big impact
by Suavek
Here Jonathan explains the credibility of this meme. For parents who are still unsure who to trust, this short text could be helpful and a lifesaver. And maybe readers can repost this on their Substack or just share it ?
Jonathan Engler, February 7, 2025 :
I suspect that there IS an association between vaccines and SIDS, simply because of the obfuscation apparent in respect of the data which could disprove it.
However, the study you’re getting your headline from doesn’t say what you are claiming it says.
The study actually says that in 79% of VAERS reports of death the child had received a vaccine on the same day.
That population is a small subset of all deaths. It’s those deaths for which someone thinks a vaccine might be responsible, hence the reporting to VAERS.
it’s important to get this right or else everything said against these products will seem tainted by association with this error.
Editor's note:
You can safely consider ALL "vaccinations" as ONLY HARMFUL. Why should we expose this fraud only partially and in small pieces each time ? In the series of articles “The Roulette with Conventional "Vaccinations" - PART 1 - …” on this Substack, you will find plenty of evidence for my claim .
A little honesty late is better than none at all. The Brownstone Institute.
by Suavek
The Brownstone Institute resisted writing the whole truth about the fraud for over 5 years and acted as a limited hangout. It was only with the publication of the article by Debbie Lerman and Sasha Latypova “The Covid Dossier” on February 4, 2025 that the Brownstone Institute made a U-turn. ( You have already read this article here, on this Substack: https://suavek1.substack.com/p/women-now-on-front-line-women-who ).
However, I do not believe that the Brownstone Institute's turnaround is genuine, but rather a mere attempt to maintain credibility in its own interest in order not to lose the last readers who can think outside the box.
The Brownstone Institute reports :
The Covid Dossier
Debbie Lerman, and Sasha Latypova
February 4, 2025
The Covid Dossier is a compilation of the evidence we have amassed over the last three years supporting the following claim: Covid was not a public health event, although it was presented as such to the world’s population. It was a global operation, coordinated through public-private intelligence and military alliances and invoking laws designed for CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) weapons attacks.
( … )
Full article :
New related article :
( Editor's note: The article was published at about the same time as mine. I discovered it about an hour after I published my article. I was very surprised by the similarity of the titles, but in any case neither had copied the other's title.)
Why do people still believe in covid?
Three keys to understanding why there was no pandemic
Martin Neil, Jonathan Engler, and Norman Fenton
Feb 12, 2025
“( … )
We were warned very early on by way of the Corman-Drosten report that the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test was flawed (pre-print submitted to Eurosurveillance, and rejected, available here):
a design relying merely on close genetic relatives does not fulfill the aim for a “robust diagnostic test” as cross reactivity and therefore false-positive results will inevitably occur.
However, in our experience all discussion of these questions in private discussion groups, with supposedly highly qualified experts in PCR, was deemed verboten, and dismissed as either irrelevant or scientifically illiterate. Many of these ‘experts’ claimed that, with a suitably chosen CT value PCR testing was confirmed the presence of the novel virus. Others flip-flopped on the issue over time.
Here we explained why these arguments were wrong, and that the PCR test was not specific to SARS-CoV-2.
( … ).”
Full article :
Dr. Jonathan Engler, February 12, 2025. The statement/commentary on Dr. Yeadon’s article (which was published here as a foreword) :
It’s literally why nobody talks to me.
I mean I must have said the whole thing was fake hundreds of times, including on podcasts.
And I wrote this, coming up for a year ago.
How would you make this clearer:
“Every single aspect of the “Covid” narrative is fake. There was no pandemic.”
For the most reliable information about the "Covid" scam and deceptions of the system, read Dr. Mike Yeadon's daily statements :
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :
Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon : https://drmikeyeadon.substack.com/
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends : https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannelChat
When searching for Dr. Yeadon's videos, only two browsers are recommended : Yandex and Mojeek. But you can also try other, smaller browsers, too.
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.
Many statements and videos from Dr. Mike Yeadon can also be found on Suavek's Substack, which is recommended by Dr. Yeadon on the main page of his Substack.
Both links lead to Suavek`s Substack :
Being half pregnant has never worked. But people keep trying anyway. Wouldn't it be better to try to reveal the whole truth to people ?
How about … a little pregnant 😮. Good article, thank u