24 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs agoAuthor

This is truly the most important and most censored message we have ever heard. Therefore, I expect some comments from paid trolls in this comment section. These are not always easy to distinguish from well-intentioned comments. The medical-political fraud was made possible by criminal censorship and expensive propaganda. I ask you to consider that we are in an information war that requires increased attention. Comments that detract from this important message from Dr. Yeadon or that display a know-it-all attitude that undermines the message itself are unwelcome. I ask for your understanding, for which I thank you in advance.

Best wishes,


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If the depraved and totally scummy BBC smears and censors Mike it's truly a badge of honour. It demonstrates that what he is saying is true.

I guess Mike didn't sign up for any of this but he's on the right side of history.

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Great piece again with only one point to add to this incredible collection of Mike Yeadon insights and more specifically to finding content that tech tools have undermined... in 2014 Julian Assange published a book about his meeting with Eric Schmidt titled 'When Google Met WikiLeaks' that foretold the nefarious manipulation many of us have come to know.

Following that book's revelations my cyber-angels moved me to Presearch a blockchain-based search engine with distributed nodes and it has been my default since 2015 with its spiffy tools for the tech types and search results for me like it's 2007 again.. Add this decentralized, user based option to your list and encourage everyone to boycott Google no matter what they choose.. do not empower the enemy by feeding search terms into their trackers!! https://presearch.io/

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23 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs agoAuthor

Dr. Yeadon clearly pointed out and described several toxicity mechanisms. Other experts have also confirmed several such "pseudo-errors" that were known before the introduction of the bioweapon. Some of the most important damage was therefore to be expected and has also been confirmed. I myself have learned about several toxicity mechanisms BEFORE the introduction of the pseudo-"vaccination" from several scientists. In addition to Dr. Mike Yeadon, I have also heard the statements of Prof. Sucharit Bakhdi and Prof. Stefan Hockertz. The descriptions given by these experts were very detailed. These damage mechanisms were clearly very diverse. The lipid nanoparticles were certainly not the only ones.

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