Thank you for posting this article, food for thought.

But the older I grow, the more I think that a real change cannot come from a system, but from every one of us become self responsible. Every system is corrupttable if there is not a vast majority of people aware, compassionate and responsible. I know, it's an utopian vision...

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Author

Hello Niki,

I particularly like comments like this. You have expressed in three sentences what others would have to write long books about.This is probably the highest art of conversation. I can only agree with you.

The well-informed citizens supposedly make the right decisions. But where are they? (smily).



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Thank you 🙏 I am a simple person, so my way of thinking and writing is also simple,☺️

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Author

I have just read an article of yours. Are you sure that the entire ego should be eliminated during one's lifetime? Is there no happy medium in this regard? Sometimes I think that an ego that someone tries to get rid of like a burden can come back with three times the force. It could turn into an ironic ego. Of course, I don't know exactly how that works.


I have read the article for the second time now, but strangely enough I only discovered this topic now... Namasté

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It's a very soft and gradual process, in order to avoid push back.

And when you start to get rid of even a small piece of ego, it's such a relief that you want to go on.

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I think I have a lot of research to do now. Zen Buddhism seems to be a bit different. That's why I always thought of the concept of the "golden mean". I don't know the philosophy of the other Buddhist forms that well. Maybe I've overlooked something important. Also, until now, I thought that the ego was just an illusion anyway. But if it really exists, then your ego seems to me to be something beautiful and wonderful. I know that in many areas the ego is considered the source of suffering. Brain research shows that nothing in the psyche can be got rid of, but only covered up with something new. Maybe I hadn't had enough problems and now I've bought something new? (smily).

I hope you wouldn't mind if I asked you something about it on your Substack page, directly under your article ? The topic now seems to me like an open window that doesn't want to close any time soon.



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