Aug 17Liked by Suavek

What a clever way to sicken and reduce the entire population, pretending you are protecting them! Demonic

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… And were the PCR nasal insertions

themselves toxic accelerants ?

… If not

Why test the asymptomatic ?


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Yes, these tests were also toxic. Here is a fragment of an article :

Carcinogenic ethylene oxide in cotton swabs from rapid "corona" tests :

t is true that the cotton swabs of corona tests are sterilized with ethylene oxide, both rapid antigen tests and PCR tests. The agent has been used for years to kill germs in medical devices like these.

It is also true that ethylene oxide is toxic : the European Chemicals Agency ECHA classifies the compound as “probably carcinogenic and mutagenic in humans, category 1B”. And the Institute for Occupational Safety (IFA) of the German Statutory Accident Insurance also says: “Acute exposure” to the gas can lead to headaches, dizziness, vomiting and, in extreme cases, even cardiac arrhythmias and loss of consciousness.

It is not for nothing that the EU has banned the pollutant ethylene oxide for use in food for 30 years.

Full article ( in German ) :


Best wishes,


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The whole Deep-Deep-Nose Swab thing was ridiculous. Clearly a way to Deposit something(s) / Poison us, rather than collect which could have be done anywhere in the Nose. I subjected myself & my son to it…we both came away sore & confused. Ethylene Oxide much? https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2021-005488_EN.html

Then came the Masks, all made in China & filled with VOCs/heavy-metals. Nothing against the Chinese at all - they make what they are PAID to make, and guess who’s paying them. Mask Study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0147651323013623

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