This is a wonderful summarization of the state of affairs. We have the proof in hand, in ways that should be conclusive, after generations of vaccine criticism. My MD father wrote me exemptions for every vaccination, after I had inadvertently allowed a scratch on the arm for measles, in those days (50's). I once asked him how come all the vaccinated children in my school were sick all the time. So I knew it then, but thanks to Andrew Wakefield, Paul Thomas and many others, it is now out there for all the world to see, not to mention the Covid fiasco, which should conclude this crazy episode of vaccination infatuation.

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Dear Rogier,

Thanks to comments like yours, I know that I am not writing in vain. Thank you very much for that. You are welcome to copy any article that you like and use it to continue to enrich your wonderful Substack. Whether in full or just in fragments, it doesn't matter. There are no requirements whatsoever. A few weeks ago I added your Substack to the ones I recommend. I rarely find articles as profound as yours. Thank you again,

Best wishes,


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The appreciation is reciprocated. All we can do is to steam ahead and not stop where vaccines are bad, or lunching the makers of the vaccines, but rather to see us through to a rethinking of health and healthcare, for which Ivan Illich in some sense laid the groundwork with Medical Nemesis. While there may be a need to hold people accountable for their actions, that is a step and not an end goal. For like with "Jesus" whom the crowd believed to be the new king, shouting Hoseannah, it was the same crowd who later were shouting "Crucify him," and this is no different here. The crowd made out the vaccines to be something they weren't, liberators from a non-existent "virus," the same crowd is now starting to turn if ever so slowly, but the way out is not waiting for the crowd to turn, or in general, waiting for anyone else to change their mind. Fauci could not have done what he did without uncritical popular support. We cannot both believe in the lie, and then blame others for exploiting our misplaced belief, we need to move through it to total clarity, in the service of truth.

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