This is depressing in that I can’t fault any of it and see all the same features in the political system & social order arrangements in my country, the U.K.

I recognised the scam first and only later the state & capital fascism behind it.

Being a career PhD research scientist with a good understanding of most aspects of the pharmaceutical industry, as well as broadly schooled in biological sciences, I knew things were badly wrong from quite early on.

I remember being stunned by generalised “lockdowns” in Italy and in the moment the same happened in U.K., I became absolutely certain that we were witnessing a supranational, near-global event. I reasoned that since we have never in history quarantined the healthy, yet doing so would be destructive of everything our economic and social systems require, and that this was happening in scores of countries at the same time pointed unquestionably to a planned, global coup.

Everything followed from that correct logic. The faked pandemic, the fear based propaganda, the murderous treatment of sick people, the crushing of small, private enterprises, the coerced “vaccinations”, the inexorable push to digital certification, digital ID & digital money, all clearly signaled totalitarianism.

Digital totalitarianism is a terrifying new phenomenon, enabled only in the last few years. It wouldn’t have worked, or not nearly as reproducibly, without personal mobile internet and the glowing, satanic rectangles that are smartphones.

I quickly became aware that the monsters behind this global coup are descendants of those who have had increasingly heavy influence over most things. They’re infested by the desire not only to dominate everyone & everything, but to destroy & kill. Lord knows why. There’s no practical reason to do it.

The lies with which we’re heavily dosed are not recent. Minimal research will show you that it’s not hidden that these so-called elites have wanted to find ways to stress society in ways that cannot be responded to by a nation alone, because this provides apparent legitimacy to supranational organisations.

You will find that a group was formed, the Club of Rome, that sought to create the fear of inevitable economic collapse by 2040, as a consequence of failure of the economic and environmental systems, secondary to a false claim that the world was overpopulated.

You will discover that their plan focussed on two threats: contagious diseases & global warming (later amended to climate change). Go & find it for yourself. It’s not hidden. There are numerous statements & pieces of writing to the effect that these threats are existential and that some way must be found to reduce the population.

Everything their plans are based upon is lies. We’re not overpopulated. We’re not warming the world. The world isn’t even warming significantly and any recent increase is minor, helpful & completely out of our control. Acute respiratory illnesses are neither contagious nor viral, the latter exist only in computers. All respiratory illness “pandemics” are fakes.

With this backdrop, coupled with my pharmaceutical R&D background, training in toxicology & deep experience of the “structure-based drug design” method of working in pharma, I was horrified but honestly not surprised to realise that the injections masquerading as vaccines have been designed intentionally to cause harm, to kill and to reduce fertility in survivors. There are numerous, obvious and therefore deliberate features in the injections that predictably give rise to adverse reactions, varying from minor & temporary to major and fatal. Claims for obviousness are supported by having written some of them down in an open letter before any injection received their also fraudulent “emergency use authorization”.

Surely by now, most people have realised that “the pandemic” was at very least exaggerated? There was in fact no pandemic at all or public health emergency of any kind, other than what was deliberately brought about by stark changes in medical practices.

Similarly, I expect by now, most people know others, if not themselves, who have at least suffered some kind of adverse effect?

The drum beat of climate change has recently coincided with what many observers believe is weather modification, with the weather being persistenty cooler, wetter and less sunny than in most previous years. I think it’s entirely possible that we’re on the verge of a weather emergency, manifest in appallingly difficult conditions for farmers, which I fear may culminate in extensive food shortages.

If you choose to put it down to coincidence, I submit that you remain so fearful of what you might discover that you’re instead choosing to count your shoelaces. Shouting “conspiracy theorists!” isn’t going to save you. There is undoubtedly a conspiracy. There’s nothing theoretical about it.

The fight back starts with self realisation.

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So accurate and such a pure distillation. I wrote a song called Good Germans that covers some of this ground…https://open.substack.com/pub/thumbnailgreen/p/good-germans?r=nv8me&utm_medium=ios

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Seems we're trapped forever behind the rigid bars of cultural marxist cRap music. Nothing else can ever get past it.

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I write classical and published songwriter. I just don’t like it. Must be the strong rhythms in Rap. People hate jazz too. I publish the words because I understand rap is not everyone’s taste.

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