The Path of Organized Crime to World Government. - A guest article by Hermann Ploppa.
The purpose and role of the CIA.
by Suavek
I ask you to bear in mind that in this well-researched story you will only read about the second and third row of perpetrators, that is, only the helpers of the actual perpetrators are named here. It seems obvious to me that they are not paid directly by the perpetrators, but that they have permission to get the money however they want, including through robbery, fraud, drug trafficking, murder, etc. In my opinion, the main perpetrators is the financial elite, whom we will never see directly.
The path to world government could only be described fragmentarily here, because the role of the UN, WHO, NSC, FBI, or NSA, for example, remained largely unmentioned, but a couple of important stages to world power were well described and summed up by the German historian and journalist Hermann Ploppa. If you wish, you can add any additions you consider important in the comments section of the article.
I would like to thank the author for permission to publish his article.
The path of organized crime to world government.
By Hermann Ploppa
Updated on Sep. 6, 2021
Translation : Suavek
Original source in German: Original title: History: Organized crimes in world politics
Other historical articles by Hermann Ploppa ( for automatic translation from German - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ! ) :
The book author and publicist Hermann Ploppa briefly and objectively explains historical data and anniversaries of outstanding historical events. In this format, events of the present, which are better classified with a look into the past, will be brought into a historical context every 14 days on Mondays.
History: The advance of organized crime into world politics
In today's episode of History, we deal with the advance of organized crime on the global stage. The destruction of civilizational standards, the explosion of corruption in all areas of society no longer to be overlooked; The complete ignoring law, law and constitution.
Since the declaration of the new Corona world, we have seen it in a compacted form as by a burning glass. This almost total victory of organized crime was ignored in a long time. Now we unfortunately have to deal with this fact. It is about our survival as civilization. We cannot and do not want to afford the relapse to a Stone Age in the high-tech robe.
But first we have to carefully examine the origins of this criminalization of our politics. At the beginning of today's episode, the Geneva appeal of European judges and prosecutors from the nineties of the last century should be:
"Another, a discrete and less presentable Europe is hidden in the shadow of the official Europe. It is the Europe of the tax paradise that grow without barriers thanks to international capital, a Europe of financialplaces and banks for which banking secrecy too often an alibi And a protective shield is used by this Europe of the number of numbers, terror, corruption and mafia activities in the economic cycle. The international financial transactions explode, expand their activities or move their headquarters beyond national borders. to face this Europe clearly and efficiently. " (1)
The real balance of power in today's world can hardly get to the point. The gentlemen who breathe their anger must know. This is the so -called Geneva appeal of seven leading judges and prosecutors from various European countries, published in 1996. The press mentioned this emergency call by lawyers in no word. On Google, too, this appeal can only be found with the greatest detective skill.
And only if you already know about the existence of this appeal. The Spanish investigator Balthasar Garzon was already internationally known in the mid -nineties. He was later to follow the Chilean horror dictator Augusto Pinochet with an arrest warrant, and he is currently taking care of the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Because Garzon challenges the mighty so fearless, a job ban was imposed against him. (2)
The Spanish investigator Balthasar Garzon.
The misery, which the brave seven denounced in the Geneva appeal for Europe so aptly, but which prevails all over the world, has to show its origins in the late 1960s. Due to the terrorist of the US.
Integre nationalist governments in the Third World had crashed violently and replaced by corrupt military regime. That is why the controversial Spanish judge Garzon also raised charges against Henry Kissingen. Kissinger was the mastermind of Operation Condor: Horror dictatorships such as those of the Augusto Pinochet were installed in Chile in Latin America. The same sad picture arises for the 1960s and 1970s for Africa or Asia.
Balthasar Garzon also investigated Henry Kissinger.
The result: abruptly interrupted economic and political developments. In the place of a spirit of optimism, fear, intimidation, paralysis and inner termination. From now on, military dictators and criminal gangs prevailed over the leading toleration. The government with which its entrusted folk wealth had deteriorated to the self -service shop for those circles. Money and other assets were made out of the country. Instead of democratic coordination processes and rule -based conflict resolution, the bare terror of weapons, flanked by strangling regulations of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. In the world, which is devastated without need, only the churches and other religious communities, the military and criminal networks are fully functional.
Seen in itself, it is bad enough. However, there is an additional fire accelerator who further tightens the misery. This fire accelerator ensured that organized crimes as a fourth large global player next to: firstly, the multinational corporations; Second, the non -governmental organizations such as the UN; And thirdly, at the side of the weakened nation states, could take a seat at the round table of the world government. The Al Capones of the world was made possible into the center of power by the so-called clearing system. In 1968, private Citibank founded the service provider Clearstream. In 1970 competing banks followed with the founding of the Clearing company Cedel in Biederen Luxembourg.
The clearing points are, so to speak, the "notaries of global capital". If valuables earlier, let's say: a gold bar that changed the owner, then the gold bar had to be transported with all kinds of transport from sellers to buyer b. For example, if the Nazis had robbed their gold, which they had robbed the central banks subject to the central banks or murdered Jewish fellow citizens, to melt with the bank for international payment compensation with trucks to Basel, this was rather striking .
The clearing points, on the other hand, simply guarantee that the gold bars are deposited in a certain safe. The owner changes, but not the location of the valuable object. In this way, any type of valuable can be transferred whether expensive paintings, stock packages, foreign exchange, valuable carpets, expensive horses. Just everything. Clearing does not take care of the origin or even the legality of the transferred values. This is possible by the fact that the change of ownership is not logged in text form, but in encrypted numbers codes, the importance of which only very few employees know in the higher ranks of the clearing hierarchy. The lower clerk only shifts dull numbers all day long. In this way there is hardly any other or even whistleblower about the transactions made.
In keeping with the establishment of these clearing points, the founding of the global account management system Swift ensured, which stands for: Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications, in 1973 for safe paths, on which account movements can be handled worldwide over 11,000 connected banks. Clearing system and Swift are, so to speak, the equivalent to the digital information revolution, for the financial world: all transactions are the same, regardless of qualitative and quantitative differences. They are only anonymous numbers columns: In this number porridge, income from honest work can no longer be distinguished from income from crimes. (Editor's note: This should not be understood to mean that this system did not offer any control options. At the request of the crime syndicate, any person could be controlled).
One could speak of a "digitization of money" here, because the rapidly developing computer technology accelerates those transactions. The world order, which is chaotized by the CIA, IMF and World Bank and the World Bank, offers an ideal breeding bed for countless new criminal organizations, which can now use and wash their yields very profitably worldwide through the clearing points. In addition, there are now the notorious tax havens or offshore banks, where these income can work for their owners.
All of these developments together, the nation -state continued to ly it down, so that we now have to catch the eye of the deplorable fainting that the brave seven lawyers prompted their emergency call in the Geneva appeal.
And what gradually progressed in the 1960s and 1970s became more and more obvious. The years 1979 and 1980 were turning points. From then on, political style should change radically. Both in the USA and in the UK. On the European continent, however, the upheaval should be a little long in coming.
The end of the weak was the conclusion. With the consideration of a rule -based dealing with each other. With the attempt not to run through the wall with your head, but to walk peacefully with his opponents into a compromise. Gone are also the times when particularly responsible lone fighters such as Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Dwight David Eisenhower, Charles de Gaulle or Nikita Khrushchev were able to use a functional state apparatus to enforce unselfish goals such as solidarity, demilitarization, exemption from dictatorship or national sovereignty.
According to the non -governmental organizations and the multinational corporations, the worldwide -networked criminal gangs are now knocking on the door of political power and calling for an immediate admission with particularly brutal tubes.
In 1980, the non -idea voter granted the coveted admission to the criminals. The hapless previously operating previous US President Jimmy Carter could have reached his re-election. In late summer 1980, Carter and his challenger Ronald Reagan are still on paralysis in the surveys. Even though 55 hostages were captured by Iranian Garden in the US message in the revolutionary Tehran. And even though the American military's attempt to free the hostages had failed miserably in the desert sand. Carter and his team had been in secret contact with the hostage takers for a long time. And it looked as if the American hostages were to be released against a stately ransom before the election date in November 1980.
That would have been a real October surprise. October Surprise is a permanent term in the United States: Because earlier presidents had sometimes conjured up a surprise from the hat the month before the election and thus chosen the choice. But Carter was not granted this October surprise. Despite generous American offers, the hostages were not released. Researcher Reagan won the election with a significant ten percent lead to the incumbent. And, strange, strange: On January 20, 1981, Ronald Reagan made his notice of office as the new president of the United States - and five minutes later the phone rings. The hostage -takers are on the apparatus. They announce that the remaining 52 hostages are just free and are on their way to the American military hospital in the German Wiesbaden.
Did the Iranian revolutionary guards particularly like the jagged new law-and-order president Ronald Reagan? Probably not. The answer is very banal. In turn, people from the champion of the challenger Reagan had contacted the revolutionary guards and offered more ransom in a perverse auction than the Carter people. Reagan's election campaign chief William Casey had met with the Iranians in Madrid several times in the summer of 1980 (3). The regrettable hostages had to suffer and fear for a few months so that Ronald Reagan could become president! For this heroic deed, Reagan rewarded his shield -link Casey with the job of the director of the CIA.
And now we come back to the clearing institutes. At Cedel in Luxembourg, the third most important man sits in the company hierarchy, Ernest Backes, on January 18, 1981 in his office and has a special order. It is said to take a total of $ seven million from two private bank houses in New York and then transfer them to the National Bank account of Algeria. Backes wonders whether this is okay to book millions from foreign banking houses. But the New Yorkers have no objections.
In contrast, the Algerians initially refuse to accept the money. But after a short phone call with Tehran, they would be happy to accept the money in order to provide the revolutionary guards in Iran (4). Thanks to the extreme secrecy of the Clearing system, the public has not learned anything about the criminal background of the spectacular-artificially and fraudulently delayed-return of the tortured American hostages for many years. If there had not been an employee at CEDEL named Backes, and if eight years later a former Reagan employee had not described the outrageous delay in the hostage release in detail in a book, we would never have known about it (5).
We see: The organized crime has been part of the party since Reagan's taking office. May the tricks of Kissinger and Nixon have also been particularly dirty: these tricks were still carried out by state employees - which of course did not make them more cozy. But that a US government is building its power on the support of mafiotic associations is new. This also colored in the way Reagan or his British counterpart Margaret Thatcher deal with previously called "social partners". The term "rough" sounds much too nice here. Reagan has striking air traffic controllers removed by the police in handcuffs and just throws 11,345 colleagues onto the street. Maggie Thatcher brutally hungry the striking miners in the winter cold until they give up grinding teeth.
Brutal pictures that were previously unimaginable. Both Thatcher and Reagan radically remove taxes for the rich and at the same time lower the social budget until it only whistles bronchitically. The armor is again driven into obscene and not justified heights by the general world situation. In one point, however, Reagan and his sister in the spirit of Maggie Thatcher differ: the former deliberately drives the public debt into an unprecedented heights, but the latter still pays attention to a reasonably balanced state budget.
Governments with such a brutal criminal way of thinking are capable of completely different actions. The contact with the officially demonized Iranian revolutionary guards is still eagerly maintained by the Reagan government. However, it was not the senile Ronald Reagan who had to say, but his deputy George Herbert Walker Bush. As a former CIA boss, he was washed with all water. Bush has put together its own security council, the Special situation Group. Bush was the real boss, as an insider said: "To say it clearly: Bush operated a white house within the White House." (6)
De facto president Bush stages a perverse triangle relationship between the USA, Nicaragua and Iran-which should go down in history as a Iran-Contra affair. First of all, the Sandinista liberation movement in Nicaragua in 1979 succeeds in passing the previous ultra -corrupt dictator Somoza and then compiling a democratic coalition government. The Reagan-Bush government does not think it is advisable to intervene with its own troops in Nicaragua. They found a fascist terrorist militia, which gives them the name "Contras" because their only program item is to wipe out the sandinists with all violence.
In an indescribably brutal war of wear and tear, the young democracy in Nicaragua is worn up: rapes, cutting out of eyes, cutting off limbs, arson - everything is possible. In December 1981, the US Congress approved tax money of $ 19 million for the campaign stuck by the CIA. But there should be no other funds. The Boland Act prohibits the financing of terrorist forces in other countries. But as early as 1983, the auxiliary funds were approved again, now declared as "help against poverty" in Nicaragua. In 1986 the International Court of Justice in Den Haag even courage to condemn the United States for its violating war of violation in Nicaragua and to pay a compensation of $ 17 billion to the small country. The enforcement of the judgment can only be obtained by the UN. There, the USA with its veto brakes the enforcement of the judgment. And in a defiance reaction, the congress approved another $ 100 million for the contras at that time.
But now suddenly it becomes clear by an unexpected event that terror against Nicaragua is related to the worldwide criminality. On October 5, 1986, the Sandinisters shot a contras aircraft. The only survivor with the beautiful name Eugen Hasenfus says that the United States has provided the terrorists with weapons. And it goes on. On November 5, 1986, a Lebanese magazine reported that in a triangle business, the CIA of all places had sold the Iranian government a considerable number of anti-tank guided missiles and mobile air defense systems. In return, the Iranians wanted to help with the liberation of American hostages from captivity in Islamist terrorist groups in Lebanon. This business model had already proven itself. Weapons for the contras were bought from the proceeds of this apparently quite profitable business. Obviously, the money injections approved by the congress were not sufficient. Two weeks later, documents appear that take precisely these machinations on black and white.
But the contras were also creative: they spoke several tons of cocaine with the help of the CIA into the United States' metropolitan areas. By converting cocaine into the extremely addictive and personality -changing poison drug Crack, a massive problem was created in the ghettos with African -American residents. The already disadvantaged Black Communities had to struggle with completely new phenomena of social decay and rampant violence. From now on, solidarity actions were no longer possible. The journalist Gary Webb meticulously documented the fateful interaction of Contras, CIA and police in 1996. In 2004, Webb was found dead in his apartment (7). Nevertheless, this complicity of parts of the US state apparatus, the independent CIA, the Contras and the cocaine cartels from Medellin in Colombia dealt with committees. The CIA finally had to admit their complicity (8).
The investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, who has been active for decades, found that the idea for the Iran-Contra deal was originally devised by Vice President George Bush, the Special Situation Group. Reagan's deputy had actually opened an extremely secret network past the secret services and the National Security Council, which had carried out 35 actions abroad. Many military people participated here because they were frustrated about the extreme stupidity and laziness of the President Reagan and the unpredictability of the CIA leader William Casey, which they considered too gossipy. The extreme secret of Bush's Special Situation Group wanted to encounter the perceived expansion of the Soviet influence in the Third World on his own. But when they personally meet the Soviet demons on site, they can hardly believe what they see. They could easily outbid the Soviet advisers on the ground. Former SSG agent Seymour Hersh revealed: “The Russians were simply not valued there. They were like poor farmers with shabby clothes and cardboard shoes. Her weapons were not functional ... We were increasingly understood that the American intelligence scene needed the threat from Russia to get money. ”(9)
The SSG people themselves had the Iran-Contra history to the Lebanese newspaper Ash-Shiraa, because their liaison man Oliver North contacted the false people for cooperation in Iran-Contra history, and sooner or later Conspiracy and George Bush would have buried his ambitions for his own presidency. The SSG has now been resolved in silence. Public attention was now focused on Reagan and Oliver North. Before CIA boss William Casey was able to testify before the congress, his military doctor found a brain tumor with him. At the operation the next day, the surgeon Casey's language center damaged, so that Casey could no longer contribute to clarifying the Iran-Contra affair (10). Vice -Miral Moreau, the head of George Bush's secret force SSG, was transferred to overseas, out of the Washington hustle and bustle, and died in a heart attack in December 1986, just in his fiftieth year.
An important instrument for the financial transactions of all of these dirty jobs by the official and unofficial secret services was the first Globalbank from the third world to Bank of Credit and Commerce International, founded in Pakistan in 1972. It was not least due to the new financial expressway of the clearing system that this financial institution in the periphery of the finance world at the time was able to become global player at short notice. Her founder Agha Hasan Abedi had honorable motifs: he wanted to enable the poor countries of the Third World to build wealth that the arrogant Western banks would never allow them. Unfortunately, the bank quickly got on the wrong track.
Because Abedi and his employees speculated with the customer's assets and lost a lot of money. They used freshly created money to plug the old holes. The CIA got wind from the hinge and used the bank to be able to carry out dirty transactions outside the control of the Washington Congress. In 1991 the lazy spell flew up and the BCCI was liquidated. The democratic Senator John Kerry headed an investigation committee that took a close look at the machinations of the BCCI (11). Hypocritical outrage erupted over the extent of money laundering, arms smuggling, tax evasion and the influence of politicians that had been concentrated in this Pakistani bank; in the end, 13 billion dollars had simply evaporated! The fact that a considerable portion of the transactions could be attributed to the CIA was something that they preferred not to make an issue of. How good that they had outsourced their own dirty finances to the Third World!
These stories from the genre of the political thriller throw a little flattering light on our elites. After a functional state and an educated public of crime were able to show their limits in earlier times, organized crime permeates all areas of our life: the public savings banks are just as permeated by it as our healthcare sector. Since these connections are little known, it is logically very difficult for the population to recognize the criminal structures of the current Corona campaign. And then to accept that crime now permeates all of our social processes is painful, but also healing.
We learn from the past how we do the future better.
The Contras
Eugen Hasenfus
Seymour Hersh
Sources and comments:
Quoted from the Federal Center for Political Education. Jürgen Roth: Networks of Terror 31.10.2002
Die Welt, January 24, 2012: Baltasar Garzón-Last victim of the Franco dictatorship? -https: //
The Observer, 19.1.1997, The Secret Price of Terrorism - , Gary Sick: October Surprise - America's Hostages in Iran and the Election of Ronald Reagan. Sick was an employee of Jimmy Carter. When he crossed the office to Reagan, he sat in the situation of Room in the White House. 5 minutes after Reagan's notice of office from Iran that hostages are released. Page 4. William Casey was in the election campaign in Madrid to negotiate with Iranians.
Ernest Backes/ Denis Robert, the silence of the money. The Clearstream affair. Zurich 2003, p. 39ff
Barabara Honegger, October Surprise, New York 1989. Honegger worked in the Reagan team at the time.
John Loftus/ Mark Aarons, The Secret War against the Jews – How Western Espionage betrayed the Jewish people. London 1997. S.409
Alfred McCoy, the CIA and the Heroin world politics through drug trafficking. Frankfurt/Main 2003. P.631ff
London Review of Books, 24.1.2019, Seymour Hersh: The Vice President’s Men. -
Suspicious Deaths, 10.8.2010, William Casey -
John Kerry/Hank Brown, The BCCI Affair -
Image sources :,_U.S._Secretary_of_State,_1973-1977.jpg
20. /photo/1
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