It was Pentagon & NSC/NSA. Dr. Mike Yeadon : Sorry, folks, these are not "rushed vaccines".
"Many people would rather die with the herd than leave the herd."
Dr. Mike Yeadon, January 4, 2024 :
Reading these comments there are many along the lines of “I don’t agree with all of it”, which I find intriguing.
To me, this suggests a fair number of people are not yet aware that there wasn’t a pandemic or public health emergency of any kind.
Obviously those of us who do now know this realised the full horror that the pathetically “rushed vaccines” really are.
Sorry, folks. They’re not rushed or vaccines. Remember, there wasn’t anything to vaccinate against & no public health emergency to prompt anything urgent anyway.
Among the reasons for the long rehearsed faked pandemic was wrecking the economy, trashing civil society, introducing laws constraining our freedoms and most importantly, providing a mechanism for accessing the insides of the bodies of most people on earth & injecting them with intentionally harmful substances.
It’s not possible to conclude other than evil is abroad in the world, and it’s in the ascendant.
Editor's Note: This was a comment on a remarkably well-written article by James Delingpole. Dr. Yeadon wrote the following on his telegram ( December 4, 2024 ) :
A sobering & excellent piece by James Delingpole.
He really isn’t pulling any punches. See comments.
Best wishes
Linked :
Dr. Mike Yeadon, December 24 :
My wife often says that she’s not persuaded that even i would have noticed what was going on if I’d still been working stupidly hard in a corporate job or helming a biotech.
What is wrong with us includes having never even got around to contemplating if there’s anything amiss at all.
As for the rest, those who did notice that something was wrong early in 2020, mostly exhibited herd behaviour. They looked around and saw that most people weren’t doing anything, so they did that, too.
The rest were unable to compute the possibility that was a systemic attack upon them. The rest were simply cowardly.
A psychologist said to me in 2021 that “Many people would rather die with the herd than leave the herd”.
Jimychanga, November 14, 2024 :
Leaked Documents Confirm Pfizer’s COVID-Vaccine Was a Bio-Weapon
Last year, Robert Kennedy Jr warned, “There are 138 companies involved in the manufacture and distribution of the Covid vaccine and they are all military companies – The Pentagon and the NSA directed the entire response to the pandemic.”
Fast forward to 2024, Dutch Health Minister Marie Fleur Agema admitted that COVID-19 was indeed a “military operation” orchestrated by NATO.
A military operation is NOT a public health event - Debbie Lerman's discussion with Dr. Kat Lindley
Republishing an FLCCC podcast
Dec 23, 2024
“( … )
Debbie Lerman is the journalist who originally discovered that the “covid pandemic” was operated by the military-intelligence apparatus (waging war), and had nothing to do with public health.
Since that discovery, and both of us and Katherine Watt speaking and writing about this, the military-spook state actors got spooked and have re-written their own documents to pretend that the public health was always a national security matter. It has never been. Don’t fall for their CYA tactics.
( … )
Full article :
Sasha Latypova, December 23, 2024 :
My own comment on this interview: I disagree with Debbie that mRNA vax was not deliberately made to kill people, because it is deadly by design. Any professional designing a weapon knows how to make it deadly, and also knows how to make it slower-killing and deniable, too. So, not just the vaccines, the entire operation, including psychological operation was designed to kill and injure as many people as possible. We agree to disagree on this, as respectful adults should.
KP Stoller, December 23, 2024 :
Why are so many beating around the bush. This was and till is a DEMOCIDE run by the DoD/NATO. No one held accountable so they will try the same playbook again, and why not?
What is wrong with us.
mery-lou, December 23, 2024 :
it was a military take-over: Minutes of meetings where Chris Whitty overruled government vaccine advisers to force through Covid vaccination of children released.
Linked :
Minutes of Meetings Where Chris Whitty Overruled Government Vaccine Advisers to Force Through Covid Vaccination of Children Released
by Will Jones
21 December 2024 9:00 AM
Dr. Mike Yeadon, January 4, 2024 :
A heartfelt summary of the madness of the “covid era” by an anonymous medical doctor.
I’ve occasionally read his pieces through the years. I can’t imagine what it was & still is like to be in the middle of it.
Best wishes
Linked :
The Diary Of A Frank, Covid Physician, December 2019 - December 2024
Part 3: Fifty Shades of Covid Tyranny
Jan 04, 2025
( … )
In the UK, there was combat level narrative control by our own military against us. Clearly, the most dangerous group to the 77th Brigade were doctors and scientists who know better than the State and the general population. Therefore, professionals and experts dissenting from the propaganda had to be aggressively persecuted, censored and removed from the equation of population perception management.
Big Tech recognises its overwhelming control over the global population consensus. Reality is either censored by, ‘Not on our corporate platform’, ‘hate speech’, ‘subjectively offensive’, or ‘misinformation’. At the best, an erratic lip-service to freedom of expression sometime prevails by shadow-banning, at the expense of a freedom of visibility of expression. In entirety, it amounts to unreasonable censorship of a healthy consensus on reality. In its place, Big Lies are laid, led by elite arrogance, armed with a compass of sociopathic immorality and engineered wokeness funded by our taxation. We pay for our cage.
( … )
Full article :
Was it a biological or chemical weapon ?
Mark, December 23, 2024 :
People still seem unable to grasp the fact that anything man made is not biological or anything that is (was) biological being artificially changed in any way by man is no longer biological
Take rubber for example; Sure, there was a time when it was sourced from nature (biology) but then man manipulated it into something different by adding various chemical compounds (synthetics) and strands of wire etc to make tyres; Are tyres or even a 'simple' pencil rubber (eraser) biological?
Are we happy to call a Chemical (Chemistry) Concoction a Bioweapon because it attacks biology? This makes no sense to I
Was 'agent orange' labelled a bioweapon or a Chemical Weapon?
The shots are a synthetic substance that apparently contains small fragments of Biology embodied within many chemical compounds; Does this seem biological to anyone?
Bioweapon infers a weapon made from a biological substance does it not?
What we have in fact and definition is a Chemical Weapon that attacks biology which makes it a ChemWeapon if people choose to make one word out of Two
Why do I make an issue out of this? Well, if I have learned nothing else these past few years it is that words matter more than most care to think about and in the "LEGAL' realm even more so; Our word is our bond and our bond is our word
Using the word 'bioweapon' when accusing someone (agent for entity) for launching an attack on mankind could be viewed and argued as a falsity when in fact and definition a Chemical Weapon was used to attack the biology of man
Am I the only one who sees this?
Sasha Latypova, December 23, 2024 :
correct. that's why I always said that chemical weapons were deployed, and re mRNA shots, the only reason they can be called "biologics" is the artificial division of chemical entities into "drugs" (<900 Da) and "biologics" (>1kDa)
Mark, December 24, 2024 :
Relieved to know you agree Sasha; I feel so alone in my thoughts at times;
There are way-too-many so-called 'experts' out there who argue black and blue that I "take it all out of context" even as I am trying to put it into grammatically defined context
Just because a chemical compound is introduced into biological material (in this case peoples blood) does not make it a Biological Weapon; It is a harmful attack of Chemical Cocktails on biology
I feel 'Experts' are deliberately putting the effect before the cause by stating 'bioweapons' instead of Chemical Weapons (used to attack biology)
Is this a deliberate effort to railroad the narrative away from International Law Chemical Weapons conventions that banned the use of such weapons in times of war (and peace)?
I mean, we all know that 'operation warp speed' was a US DoD lead world wide military campaign and that each individual (allied) 'nation state' used it's military to oversee 'vaccine rollout' while 'lockdown' was just a 'nice' way of introducing Martial Law
Methinks the powers-that-ought-not-be are more than happy to let the 'bioweapon' narrative continue as any accusations of such being thrown at them in the 'LEGAL' realm will absolve them from International Law conventions against the use of Chemical Weapons because once accused of using 'bioweapons' one cannot them come back and change the accusation to 'Chemical Weapon' attack when 'bioweapon' has been (rightfully) proven to be a falsity which no doubt all the 'LEGAL' types are well aware of; The 'LEGAL' will play this card when the chips start falling against them;
We can clearly see (hear, read) this already happening in the worlds governments 'inquiries' and 'hearings' into 'covid response' and 'vaccine' injuries.
Bird's Brain, January 4, 2024 :
"In entirety, it amounts to unreasonable censorship of a healthy consensus on reality. In its place, Big Lies are laid, led by elite arrogance, armed with a compass of sociopathic immorality and engineered wokeness funded by our taxation. We pay for our cage."
Indeed we do pay for our cage ... and for everything else from the public health officials who tell us natural immunity isn't good enough, to the research and development of the jabs, to their marketing on every media platform, to the doctor or pharmacist who puts them in the arms of victims, to the after care of the victims. Meanwhile, big pharma makes billions.
The censorship of reality is what tipped me off initially that we were in big trouble. On the up side, at least we had some platforms where we could unite around the truth. Imagine if this were the last century, pre-Internet, when there would have been no way to find the truth or likeminded people!
by Suavek
The health fascism unleashed by the invention of "Covid" is the greatest psychological operation in history. It only works if enough people believe the lies and don't hear the truth. No visible weapons or bullets are used. The main weapons now are those who talk nonsense or remain silent. Whether this is done deliberately or because of laziness in research is secondary. They are helping the perpetrators to set up a digital, neo-feudal system.
The silence of scientists and the media, and the talk of alleged "mistakes", contributes to the success of the perpetrators and will come back like a boomerang on those who do not take the time to do sufficient research. The matter is not very difficult. There can be no "vaccine" against a non-existent pandemic, and certainly not for children and pregnant women.
Sasha Latypova, January 6, 2024 :
This is a very good summary! I wanted to point out re inclusion of "NSA" now in many social media places referring to this topic - the NSA were involved as all of the military-intelligence agencies were, however, they are not identified as THE head of the mass kill program "covid pandemic and response". The mention of "NSA" was originally from an interview by RFK Jr, where he was speaking partially about the information about covid as a military op that he and I had discussed on his podcast and also in private. He misspoke, the correct body was NSC - the National Security Council which was in charge of covid policy (not just NSA, which is part of the NSC). He actually called me after that interview to clarify. So, that's where the mention of NSA came from.
Editor's note:
I added "NSC" to the title of the article.
For the most reliable information about the "Covid" scam and deceptions of the system, read Dr. Mike Yeadon's daily statements :
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :
Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends :
When searching for Dr. Yeadon's videos only two browsers are recommended : Yandex and Mojeek. But you can also try other, smaller browsers, too.
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.
Many statements and videos from Dr. Mike Yeadon can also be found on Suavek's Substack, which is recommended by Dr. Yeadon on the main page of his Substack.
Both links lead to Suavek`s Substack :
Those NSA folks sure take a lot of time off.
NSA Hoover
Avoiding being overheard by the NSA.
Appreciation and blessings from Sydney Australia.
Suavek. My humble plan is to make the best music i can do at volume and slowly pick up fans. They will be lead to my substack. My substack and songs mention by name Yeadon, Watt, Latypova, Fullmich amongst others. Ive been a dissident my whole life having been involved in permaculture. Large centralised systems eat and kill the margins so here we are. Back to the land and small scale is the best strategy I know.