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Thanks. I was reflecting on that exactly: meaning those people who only speaks part of the truth and who happen to have something to sell (products that are not cheap at all, even though they are claimed to be "life-saving")... As one example amonf many others: despite of the fact that it is well known AND for a long time now THAT the so-called "cov-19-virus" has NOT been identify, which mean we don't know how to define it except by a lot of symptoms that are very general and shared by many other illnesses, such as the cold, the flue, and so on... (evidence of this non-existing having been brought by the many FOIA requests issued by several different persons), WHY are they continuing to speak about a "so-called-virus" that does not exist? Why are they still speaking about a vaccine and not calling "this thing" by its proper name, which is a "BIO-WEA-PON"? Why? WHy? with the exception of Dr. Zelekho... i totally agree with what you've said.

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