Thank you Suavek, for another of your very useful( at alerting the unaware) collection of evidence ,woven together in a such a strikingly readable fashion.

🤗Best Wishes Helen

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Dear Helen, thank you very much! You could say that this article is intended to serve as food for thought for those who (actually) know. Therefore, the article can easily be misunderstood and used against me. This happens in most cases when something is addressed that is repressed from consciousness and fought off with great effort. Inconvenient information is rarely welcome and causes anger against the messenger.

I just couldn't help it. Dr. Yeadon is such a polite person that he would never say what I wrote here. But what can you do when almost everyone annoys you, even though hundreds of clear statements from Dr. Yeadon as expert (and countless other pieces of evidence) have already been published and hardly anyone wants to believe them...? The architects of this depopulation knew how difficult it would be to convince people of the intention to do harm. The evidence is only perceived reluctantly.

Best regards,


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Corporations do not care. Employees lives insured so they get "compensation" on death, in excess of Death in Service payouts. Kerching

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The employees of the Pharma received very special batches.

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"The vaccine was not brough in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense."

~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.

C.O.V.ID - Certificate of Vaccination ID. Wt? It lit up a link!

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