Jun 24Liked by Suavek

And the proof keeps piling up.

200 years of failed infection studies is the icing on the cake.

It has become obvious that this is all about the money. The debt of all these nations is simply not sustainable and they (tptb) wish to reduce the population and institute full control of the ctizens of our planet.

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Jun 25Liked by Suavek

I appreciate much of what jj is saying. Interesting, in consideration of his statement that “no virus people” stop at isolation/purification, to hear him say about hiv that there was never any isolation/purification, apparently to justify his message that “virology” is a hoax since the HIV hoax…? Am I understanding correctly that JJ thinks “viruses” are real until the “HIV” fraud? Also interesting to hear him say “we NOW know hiv wasn’t isolated. Seriously? I only became aware of this fact recently, but the Perth group and others were blowing the whistle long decades ago. I say JJ is almost fully aware of the fraud called “virology” which has long preceded “hiv”. I welcome his full evolution, and a very accurate, perhaps concise, statement from him.

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