Sep 16Liked by Suavek

Everything is a lie!

There is no virus!

There is no contagion!

There is no real test!

🐸What 100 years of failed transmission attempts taught us about Virology!


🐸The reference book, "Contagion Myth"


🐸Wise Traditions Podcast!

Blowing The Lid Off Virology (Or Bird Flu Part 2) with Jamie Andrews


Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

We know!

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Another brilliant article Saucek. We will be posting more compilations of your compilations very soon.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Author

Tim, thank you so much !

I must say though, when I copy and publish someone else's statements, it is extremely difficult to mess up an article like that (ha ha ha!). Why the previous article is less popular is a mystery to me. Perhaps it is a matter of getting used to it because this is not a "fresh" topic?

I also find the old, often quoted and updated statement by Dr. Yeadon “Intent to Harm”/“TOXIC BY DESIGN”, equally important. Dr. Yeadon explains the results of Prof. Rancourt's work with toxicity by design, and Prof. Rancourt provides the numbers to prove the accuracy of Dr. Yeadon's expert testimony. The last two articles are equally important in my opinion, and complement each other to form a strong body of evidence. Nevertheless, the last article about Denis Rancourt's work received many likes (including from Prof. Rancourt), and the previous article (TOXIC BY DESIGN-PART 7) only a few... I cannot understand why everyone sets their priorities differently than I do.

I know that sounds very strange, but I'll say it anyway. The statement quoted above is objectively the most censored statement in world history, and that's why I'm surprised why its significance is so little considered even on Substack. To put it more bluntly: The criticisms of the Pope in the 16th century listed by theology professor Martin Luther were nothing compared to this statement by Mike Yeadon.This is not a joke, because I am very serious. That's why I don't understand other people's priorities. Apparently everyone seems to be their own barometer, so to speak ? Am I living in a completely different reality that will only apply later, 100 years after our death ? Or have I failed to explain the meaning of the article title more clearly ?

Best wishes,


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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Suavek

Please see Scottish COVID inquiry. The world's ONLY official COVID inquiry to reveal what really happened during the lockdown. Mainstream and even 'alt' media have little interest in these bombshell testimonies. The popular 'medical freedom' community, silent.


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