Jul 20·edited Jul 20Liked by Suavek

All 'vaccines' are only harmful injections because no illness could ever be proven to be transmissible!!!

Thus no 'vaccine' has ever been proven to be effective to prevent illness.


We should stop calling these only harmful injections 'vaccines' or at least use quotes.

https://telegra.ph/Youve-been-lied-to-by-experts-who-dont-know-any-better--the-hard-virus-truth-05-20 is fully backed by scientific experiments and papers.

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The link you provided is very informative. Thank you very much for that.

Best wishes,


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Jul 22Liked by Suavek

I agree ! We were all born with Heavenly Father's love perfect immunity and immune systems until we started corrupting it with contaminants causing imbalance thereby causing dis ease , followed by jabbing it with more toxins etc., creating more dis esse. Thank you for your comment

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

We should also stop talking about ´immune system´.

Because it can not be pointed out and there is nothing we can be immune for.


We can replace 'immune system' with 'health'.

The healthier we are the more resilient we are to unhealthy influences.


"There aren't thousands of different 'diseases', there's only one. It's called allostasis. Allostasis is the process of being in an active state of returning to homeostasis. (healthy balance)

The symptoms are not the problem, they are the answer to the problem. The symptoms are not the 'disease´, they are the body's healing response.

The human body is a self healing entity, it does not do anything wrong. The body has a remarkable capacity to heal itself, when you give it what it needs, remove what it doesn't need, and then get out of the way and let it do its thing.

Nature doesn't do disease. It's a consequence of a toxic, Western, modern, digital lifestyle.

Good health doesn't need to be over-complicated.

Get back to basics."

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