May God in His infinite mercy bless and protect you all. And may our Lady continue to guide you .

Appreciation from Sydney downunder.

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Sure there was no "pandemic." It was totally plain to see were you a doctor or not. My own starting point in this absurd and lethal theater was: My travel experiences from over 20 yrs abroad and my passion for languages.

Ad1) The west is not somewhere a pandemic could or world ever break out. The claim is nothing short of absurd since the general level of hygiene is far too high to allow for such a thing.

Ad 2) The word PAN-DEMIC is Greek and means that ALL, EVERYWHERE WERE INFECTED.

This is an obvious lie. We saw that then, we see it now.

This about people losing their sense of smell I believe is related to the venom that was deliberately put into the witch brew called vaccines. I mean, people tend to lose their sense of smell after having been bit by a snake f.ex.

Mike, what kinds of venom were mixed into the vaxx, please?

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Back then, BEFORE mass "vaccination", the loss of smell and taste was attributed to the non-existent "Covid" disease, thereby causing mass panic. It was therefore deliberate and targeted propaganda for deceptive purposes. However, these symptoms are PROVEN to occur in all other respiratory diseases. It is no wonder that such symptoms can also occur due to damage to the immune system caused by the pseudo-vaccination.

Best wishes,


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Without credible evidence these are just opinions, claims or hypothesis well the good news is i have amassed the only evidence that can support such claims. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiryfeature?utm_source=publication-searchEvidence that most ‘truthers’ either point blank ignore/refuse ot discuss at any length as they run all sorts of stories on all sorts of topics, just not this. Huh?


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Hi, biologyphenom,

Jessica Hockett's work both provides the evidence and points out the lack of evidence on the part of the perpetrators.

I know that your work is the only important thing. After all, you are the greatest! Unfortunately, I can't get used to your repeated impertinence and denigration of other people's work. When you belittled my work back then to emphasize the importance of your work, I was just surprised. But now that you are trying the same thing again with Jessica, I wonder if you are really the enlightener you claim to be.

Everyone can believe what they want, but trying to humiliate other people to gain an advantage for themselves is something else entirely. The terrible Manchester capitalism, with its fundamental competitive spirit, is clearly still very much alive. With the reign of Margaret Thatcher it began to flourish again in the minds of many people and continues to thrive today better than ever. Personally, I think that such a philosophy is a mistake based on long-term indoctrination. Throughout history, this indoctrination has been used to present the elbow mentality as perfectly normal. In this way, for example, any brutality towards the working class could be rationalized. Ethics (including Christian ethics), on the other hand, were presented as stupid, not pro-business and therefore as something irrational and incompatible with reality. Should we all now be like wolves to each other? When I came from the former Eastern bloc to a capitalist country, I felt that excessive competition, which over time became more and more abnormal, unethical and in many cases criminal, but which in the indoctrinated minds was a sign of particularly high intelligence, like a brick that had landed with force on my head. Seen in this context, it is not surprising that the inventors of the plandemic were able to achieve so many of their criminal goals. One of the several reasons for this, in my opinion, is that people did not trust each other in 2020. The warning voices of some doctors and experts were thus ignored. Well, tough luck. By the time the enlightenment thinkers find out why their work has had so little success, it may already be too late.



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Hi, i don't seek to belittle or humiliate anyone. I also don't see myself as ''an enlightener'' either although am Scottish. https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofScotland/The-Scottish-Enlightenment/ I'm simply pointing out the very obvious and asking basic questions and of course am very passionate about the Scottish COVID inquiry as the world's only official COVID inquiry to hear directly from real people and quite frankly has exposed so much. It has been a personal frustration that it barely get's the attention it deserves among 'COVID' sceptics etc. THIS IS NOT ABOUT ME. This is about the evidence and unlike many in the 'freedom' space i don't ask for money from those that want to see it. I'm focused on promoting the most powerful truths and in that regard i don't think the evidence from Scotland can be surpassed to expose the COVID event. That's what i want discussed.

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Jessica Hockett's articles are not a collection of her "opinions." It is much, much more than that. An "opinion" does not contain evidence, but Jessica certainly provides evidence in abundance. For that, I thank her very much.

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Of course, evidence which CAN BE firmly supported by what has been revealled OFFICIALLY in Scotland so my approach is why not use that too? Denis Rancourt is another that doesn't give it much credence which is astonishing given his own findings. But it is what it is. I'm not a tyrant people can post about what they want and so can i.

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We are on the same side, passionately committed to showing others that we’ve been lied to, assaulted, injured and killed.

Just as this scam, this crime, merely a stop along a long road of destroying the modern world, consists of many components, revealing it does, too.

The Scottish Covid Enquiry is certainly unique. Much testimony is appalling to listen to.

However, I don’t agree that it alone provides sufficient evidence that there was no pandemic or new illness, that based on deliberate and planned lying, the economy was trashed, civil society crushed, medical murder committed on scale and the big one for me, a huge plot to inject billions of people with intentionally harmful chemicals.

It also doesn’t undermine powerfully enough that official information which was used to underwrite the propaganda of fear was fraudulent and deliberately so.

The Scottish Covid Enquiry unquestionably revealed that people were treated appallingly. Deaths occurred as a direct result of inappropriate treatment. Criminal conduct is exposed.

Unfortunately all this proves is the certain people behaved badly enough to warrant prosecution in my opinion. That’s not a global conspiracy, which is real and I’m determined to continue to expose it.

All the evidential threads are needed.

Best wishes


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Hi Mike, there is no desire to divide at my side nor would i want to waste time doing so but i will always speak my mind. I only ever ask promiment 'freedom' people and 'COVID' sceptics about why no comment /concern vs the Scottish inquiry given it's uniqueness etc? That is not unreasonable. People seem to freak out and run away when i do this rather than just responding.

So the following is where we disagree.

''However, I don’t agree that it alone provides sufficient evidence that there was no pandemic or new illness, that based on deliberate and planned lying, the economy was trashed, civil society crushed, medical murder committed on scale and the big one for me, a huge plot to inject billions of people with intentionally harmful chemicals.''

''It also doesn’t undermine powerfully enough that official information which was used to underwrite the propaganda of fear was fraudulent and deliberately so. ''

I believe you are stating this without looking at all the evidence accumulated? eg: Admitted at inquiry by head of care home sector residents were deteriorating within first 4 weeks of lockdown yet policies remained even intensified over the next 12-18 months. Just some of the consultation responses from real people below.

1-''‘The consant lockdowns in my mum and dad’s care homes have had disastrous consequences. My mum lost 8lbs in weight and was dehydrated and had to be hospitilised.’’

2-''‘She is 103 year of age. This past 18 months of restricted access has seen a considerable reduction in her health both physically and mentally.’’

3-''‘‘My mother and many other residents deteriorated during lockdown when they were getting no visits, feeling abandoned.’’

4-''‘‘My mother pretty much died of boredom. Basically old age was the cause of her death but this draconian measure (‘‘banged up for so long’’) was a contributing factor.’’


This one clip alone shatters the novel killer virus narrative because if MULTIPLE care home managers are unsure on ''COVID'' deaths (admittedly no testing either) yet at the same time admit their residents were being severely harmed even dying from the policies...what more do people want to hear?


If people are expecting the inquiry to come out and say oops sorry folks this is exactly what happened..x,y,z (given most of them are propagandised too) that's delusional and so what is the point of Dr.Yeadon etc? The unbelievable reality however exposed by the inquiry by what HAS been said and repeatedly DOES 100% point to what you describe especially at point-1. The other points are also then provable by default by exposing point-1. . https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiry-lets-be?utm_source=publication-search

You also can't expect to expose everything in one swoop to unaware people. I'm very confident the Scottish inquiry absolutley provides the best evidence in the world of what really happened during the lockdown and 12+ months on people clearly haven't took the time to study all the information past a brief like/repost. It's also unique in another important way as it's best placed to REACH ORDINARY PEOPLE!

There is a good reason why it's barely covered in the media= namely for all the issues you describe. eg- People would eventually join ALL the dots themselves you wouldn't need a Dr.Yeadon etc to tell them everything.


''All the evidential threads are needed.''

- Yes but one must FOCUS on the most credible evidence to turn the ship around and nowhere in the world has amassed to much OFFICIAL data at an inquiry over 1-Misattribution of 'COVID' deaths 2-Mask harms 3-Vaccine harms and excess deaths 4- Isolation harms. 5-No human rights. 6-DNACPRs and so on.


I rest my case.

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I do understand your frustration. I stand by my earlier comment. Unquestionably the SCE exposes multiple crimes, but it doesn’t even guide the watcher to <why> it’s going on.

It looks like venal incompetence at first sight. Also that people don’t give a flying one about those for whom they’re responsible, but that they’re “simply following orders”.

Frankly, I would not be surprised if what you say is right, that it’s all in there if only people will watch it.

The huge barrier is that they’re not going to watch it.

Humans have been trained to have tiny attention spans these days. For my own part, after almost five years, I find it intolerable to watch video in real time, not being able to judge if it’s going to yield crucial insights.

Each person interacts with evidence, with narratives, with clues etc. I much prefer reading because I’ve been trained over decades to parse screeds quickly. Others are the total opposite: they refuse to read and want to listen or sometimes want to watch & listen.

It may be that quite a few truth seekers / tellers are only vaguely aware of the SCE, especially if they’re elsewhere than U.K.

For my part, I get frustrated that some people who are aware that virology is a fraudulent science never even mention this. I myself don’t lead with this insight because in most cases it leads almost instantly to the drawbridge going up, but I do drop it in very often.

I have also laid out in writing & video precisely how it is that the design choices in the injections that lead to harm can only be intentional.

Again, almost nobody echoes this, even at arms length (if they don’t want to be directly associated with that opinion). I am dumbfounded by this & it leads me to lose trust in them. Ultimately I’m a team of one for reasons like this. I don’t attack people by name. That helps nobody. But as is my right as an independent I will not work with people who will not even mention these two factoids, any one of which ought to bring the ceiling in on the entire deception.

Let’s keep doing the best we each can in own way.

We’ve both outlined reasons why it’s unaccountable for others not to pick up what we each regard as “the killer information”.

In some cases, they’re doing important work which consumes almost all their internal resources.

All the best,


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Hi Mike, I don't want to go round and round but this point: ' it doesn’t even guide the watcher to <why> it’s going on. '' - It does though... by exposing prior point-1 the rest all BY DEFAULT falls into place. One thing you will know about me is i am consistent and determined. The fact is the entire MO of 'COVID' has been exposed in Scotland even down to mask harms and 'vaccines' and if people can't see that they are as blind as those that watch the mainstream media and i really can't help them because ultimately they don't want to see the truth and or just prefer to live in denial or to make excuses not to act with real actionable information or have ulterior motives. As per your prior ''it doesn't guide the use to what is going on?'' Oh c'mon. It does. CLEARLY. My new slogan to the 'awake' movement in 2025 will be #WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT TO SEE AND HEAR? Lastly, a real shame imo there is no consistent promotion/discussions of the much more serious material like the we've seen with the 'COVID vaccines' amongst the 'freedom' fighters/groups. That's a hot topic going on YEARS now but the bigger crimes now CONFIRMED vs care homes. Practically all of this is ignored. THE single biggest mistake? the 'dissidents' have made since 2020. eg-Not much of a whitewash afterall. https://x.com/geofio8/status/1870535440404771296?s=46

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Hi biologyphenom,

A fragment from one of your previous comments: "People seem to freak out and run away when i do this rather than just responding."

I suggest that we should look at the consequences of passive aggression when the advertising has already taken on a certain aggressive form. In this context, the problem may be understood a little better.

The text from your last comment : "One thing you will know about me is i am consistent and determined."

In what direction are you aiming? Have you already made an effort to get the people leading the Scottish inquiry to deal with Dr Mike Yeadon's most critical statements and publish them?

Or do you just want to do some kind of aggressive advertising, blaming and shaming several people and, between the lines, accusing them of ignoring the issue? I am not aware of such aggressive advertising methods on the part of the “Truth Community”, but I am well aware of such crude action on the part of propaganda.

Given the non-existent and purely fictitious health risk, would it not be worth considering the question of why perfectly healthy people were forced to take such poisons? Perhaps a determination directed in this direction would be more effective than your previous advertising tactics? Of course, to do this, you would have to direct your determination in the direction of the Inquiry. Have you already devoted your energy to ensuring that this investigation deals with the highly censored statements of Dr Yeadon?

Because I attach particular importance to the comments under the articles and read them carefully, I have heard several opinions that consider the Scottish inquiry to be a clever cover-up, in which the sharp criticism of the "Covid" measures is intended on the one hand to outrage people, and on the other hand to keep the last secrets of the fraud in the dark. I am talking about the deliberate shortening of human life through genetic injections, about which I published the series of articles "TOXIC BY DESIGN".

I wonder why you do not use your determination to make this expert statement by Dr Yeadon known worldwide? As for the issues not mentioned in the study, I consider the point of view "indirectly, people will be able to understand this on their own" to be a very eloquently expressed justification. However, I wonder if this statement is purely polemic and has something to do with eyewash? Dr Yeadon seems to have sent out information here, which I will comment on below (under the link).


How I personally interpret this statement by Dr Yeadon, without knowing what he actually thought when he posted this, can be expressed as follows: Let's first see whether the leaders of the Scottish investigation are prepared to report the whole truth. Only then will we be able to know whether this is a cleverly organized PsyOp and cover-up, or whether we are actually dealing with the best intentions of enlightenment. Both are possible. The experience of the investigation in Florida so far has made many people somewhat suspicious. I think that waiting to see how things develop (or don't develop) is a sensible approach at the moment. Hopefully we will soon be pleasantly surprised.

All the best,


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''Have you already made an effort to get the people leading the Scottish inquiry to deal with Dr Mike Yeadon's most critical statements and publish them?''

Unlike other 'COVID' sceptics when 'called out' i do respond constructively.

-No, but i have contacted inquiry several times with my own evidence sourced from official data with extremely positive responses. Mike may also be speaking at an upcoming event in Scotland over it all solely thanks to me putting his name forward. I figure that's probably more than what most have accomplished. NB: Everyone is welcome to submit evidence to the inquiry if you have all the answers then let them know? Oh i'm also a keen supporter of Mike despite my ban from X. Just one recent example. This is also not my account but that of a friend. https://x.com/geofio8/status/1861785842777301195?s=46

So here's another phenomenon i have witnessed (although mostly was on X not substack) that you have demonstrated very well here. Paragraph after paragraph is typed.. aimed at me and yet no such efforts are made with regards to dissecting the mountains of shocking official evidence from a public inquiry. You seem more bothered at me ''calling out'' popular COVID sceptics than people testifying their parents were basically euthanised in care homes or the eldely were given blanket DNRs under 'COVID' rules. So much energy for one thing but not the other. If you typed 9 paragraphs shocked/concerned about Scottish/UK inquiry evidence somewhere i will apologise. When posts become more about me that the actual evidence i lose interest. I don't see it as ''shaming'' people etc by asking them as popular and influencial critics of lockdown why they continue to ignore the WORLD'S ONLY official inquiry to reveal the truth to the lockdowns it also has laid out the entire MO of 'COVID' and with either no reply or a dismissive one i have every right thereafter to be a little frustrated and sceptical of their true motives in the ''freedom'' space .....atlhough tbh i am getting past that now as it's crystal clear many just will not discuss it. Ironically same MO as the mainstream media folks they purport to be against. I also should point out i have NOTHING TO GAIN from this (no money, just hassle) but sometimes i find like now i have to spend time replying to posts such as yours having to justify my postion when the evidence i am passionate about speaks for itself.

''Let's first see whether the leaders of the Scottish investigation are prepared to report the whole truth. ''

-That's extremely naive to think they're going to come and go...whoospie daisy folks...gov messed up...oops..sorry...and the 'vaccines''....errrr....Tell me though, how many witness statements and sessions have you personally watched of this ''cover-up''? I've been doing this since July 2023. The Scottish inquiry HAS reported the whole truth only a blind or ignorant man could not see that. It's a true anomaly hence the media blackout. The REAL cover up is on those that tell others it's a cover up therefore means they do not allow wider engagement with the ACTUAL EVIDENCE which is all now on record under oath. Hence often you will see me type ''awake'' (to profits) or it's a big ''awake'' club too and i sure aint in it!!

I remember replying to you previously i thought it was reasonable to inform you as ''Fraud Prevention'' relating to 'COVID' you missed the biggest official admissions of that fraud. Nothing personal. Never is. Helpful advice. I'll finish up by saying i'm Scottish i don't have ANY issue with criticism at all i just find it for me it's a waste of time as the work on inquiry proves beyond doubt which side i am batting for. Team humanity. Pro real truth. Actionable evidence to make your politicians cower and fellow citizens sit up and take notice. eg-You can't do that with a 20 minute video form some guy/gal on in the internet no matter how qualified they are without powerful supporting evidence.

Lastly, i'm not interested in a lengthy back and forth here. I've said what i have to say. Feel free to contact me in PMs if you want to ask anything about the inquiry or if you want to continue the critiques.

NB: I can't view Telegram links..don't use it.

PS- If you want to truly expose the injections and have them stopped you have to expose what led to their approval in the first place. eg- What happend in care homes. The real battle is to wake up the people. This is just a smidgen of all the evidence. Take note of the comments. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/newwhat-happened-in-scottish-care?utm_source=publication-search

I'm out.

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I'm sorry that I added this information to the article a little later ! :


About Jessica

The more detailed information about Jessica seems to be well hidden on her Substack. You can find it at the top if you scroll the top line to the right. If you read it, you will be surprised at what and how much she has done during the "Covid" scam and continues to do so today. Actually, this is immediately apparent from her Substack being full of valuable articles. However, there are more surprises to be found here :


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