Very appropriate. AI is becoming the invisible fence that keeps the slaves on the plantation, and the medical system is the commissary, which ensures that people die broke. Extricating asset value is its only function.

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Dear Rogier,

That is the best conclusion I have ever read. I admire people who can fit so much meaningful information into such a short sentence. I would probably have needed half a DIN A 4 sheet of paper for that...I can learn something from you. Thank you very much !


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Dear Suavek,

Thank you for putting together as always some thought provoking, contrasting points.

I’d forgotten that I’d written that call for non scientists & non medical people to step forward to the next phase of resisting tyranny.

It’s a common assumption that those who detect crime must also fix it, yet that’s so unlikely as to be almost amusing.

The kind of characteristics required to have pulled apart this web of lies are not necessarily coincident with the kinds of characteristics necessary to resist what is coming or to galvanise others.

The example of the awakening slave is very powerful. Until it’s appreciated that your treatment is inherently unjust, there can be no beginnings of resistance.

Best wishes


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