This is really great information. I really enjoyed your last interview, shocked about the ivermectin comment. Which I don't know why, with all the miss information out there. Keep it up, Thanks.

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hey, if we can't have spirited disagreements and points of difference within the 'Medical Freedom Movement' then we're no better than the hivemind covidiots!

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Author

I don't know where you see a problem. Is this article not an expression of opinion? It is definitely not a legal indictment.

Best wishes,


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Thank you for collating & aligning the jigsaw pieces.

Readers can decide if they fit or are merely coincidentally good matches to adjacent pieces.

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Author

Hello, Dr. Mike,

Your criticism is, as always, very charming. I welcome any suggestions for improvement.

Sage Hana has linked the topic of "ivermectin" with the depopulation agenda through her article title:

"Henry Kissinger's Depopulation list of Nations is Suspiciously Similar to Merck and Gates's Ivermectin "Donation" program list of Nations".

If you have read my entire compilation in the correct order and think that the topic of "depopulation agenda" does not fit in, then I would be very happy to remove all content of the topic from the article. Should I also remove what came from the Sage Hana ? The clean separation of the various topics can actually be problematic for me. I have been aware of that for a long time.

Best wishes,



If other readers would also write something about this, I would also be very happy. My articles are primarily intended to be useful for readers and not to reflect my own, hastily developed concept. I thank you in advance for any concrete suggestions.

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Aug 22Liked by Suavek

Once again Dr Mike thank you for exposing yet another massive lie! I never trusted McCullough or Malone (I don’t know Malone’s stance on ivermectin but I’d imagine if there’s money to be made he’ll be all over it!) I really enjoyed your interview with Delingpool, and hands up I’m a batshit crazy conspiracy theorist too, and I’ve been down the same rabbit holes so none of it was a shock for me apart from the ivermectin part and that’s not even a shock because as you point out when the people need a hero they shall provide one! Keep up the good work Dr Mike! Much love and respect from Northern Ireland.

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It may very well counter the effect of a poisoning though..

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Author

When a non-existent "Covid" disease is diagnosed, the actual disease remains completely unknown. Therefore, in such cases, the prescription of a drug can be considered negligent bodily harm. Only when the correct diagnosis is available can different opinions be taken into account. If a well-educated doctor, in 2024, despite the available evidence, speaks of "Covid" and "pandemic" as if they were real events, then I compare that to prostitution out of greed.

The errors in 2020 can possibly be attributed to stupidity. In 2024, I see things completely differently and am appalled by the unscrupulousness of some doctors. Between the narrative "vaccination is safe and effective" and "there was no new disease at all", there is plenty of room for the wolves in sheep's clothing to wreak havoc and profile themselves as "resistance".

There is only one truth, and that is that there was neither a "pandemic" nor "Covid". I do not believe for a second that the SARS-CoV-2 virus existed. But even if someone believes this, they would have to accept that there were no specific symptoms, that the death rate was comparable to the moderate seasonal flu, and that billions of dollars were paid to spread panic about a "deadly" virus.

Therefore, there was and continues to be no other reason to help the perpetrators spread this panic than greed for money.

I liked what Dr. Yeadon said when he wrote that he would not give an inch. In the case of cancer, for example, a different treatment basis applies, of course, because here the correct diagnosis is available. But many young people who are perfectly healthy take Ivermectin as a precaution because doctors are hiding from them that there is no "Covid" so that they can sell as much Ivermectin as possible. Because of the advertising of Ivermectin, this drug is also used for seasonal flu and ILI, which is tantamount to unnecessary poisoning in young people with healthy immune systems.

I have not written here about whether Ivermectin can successfully act as an anti-inflammatory in some cases in elderly people with weak immune systems, or whether it only alleviates the symptoms without contributing to a cure, or whether the treatment against the parasites causes more benefit than harm. The topic belongs in a completely different category and I am happy to leave these problems to the experts. However, I read how the Ivermectin preachers deliberately mix and false frame these topics, completely ignoring their "pandemic" and "Covid" propaganda in the interests of the perpetrators. In their treatment of the topic, I see only a propagandistic kind of cherry-picking, because they do not say a word about the fact that the fear of the non-existent "Covid" is pointless. Their articles are biased and one-sided because they want to sell their products based on the inflated fear of their customers. Therefore, it is very short-sighted to claim that one or another of their arguments (the cherry-picking arguments) might actually be correct, because their overall concept is based on a lie and is detrimental to the real enlightenment of the resistance.

All I can say is that any undifferentiated advertising for a drug (along the lines of "arsenic is bad and ivermectin is good") was rightly punishable before 2020.

Best wishes,


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The point to understand simply put, is while COVID did not exist as a viral disease and so taking Ivermectin for it makes no sense, a poisoning of varying intensities from varying deployment methods including injections did and does exist....so how do you know Ivermectin does not help with these symptoms...don't forget the success the Indian doctor had with anti allergy treatments early on. Ivermectin is an anti inflammatory at least. Does anyone know of research into its anti poisoning status?

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Dear Jonathan,

"Covid" does not exist at all, neither as a viral nor as a bacterial (or other) disease. The specific “Covid” symptoms are therefore not to be expected. In some cases it will be a cold and in other cases perhaps flu, ILI or pneumonia, etc. Many of these symptoms can of course still be similar. We do not know what the fraudulent PCR tests actually detect. The "Covid" pseudo-diagnosis is therefore suspected to be a variety of diseases, with chance also playing a certain role. Because there is no "Covid", there can be no medication or treatment for it. This means that each case of illness must be treated specifically, but only after the respective disease has been correctly diagnosed.

The tests are not suitable for diagnostic purposes anyway. They only serve to simulate a "pandemic". Unfortunately, I can't answer your last question, but maybe someone else knows.

Best wishes,


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