I get crazy when people speak about "covid" as if it was real. And there is still some not normal people who go around with the mask! I keep on listening about people dying because of the jabs and those minus habens still believe in "covid".

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Hi Niki, I was also extremely annoyed when the doctors talked about Covid as a real disease. That's why I'm very happy to finally have the opportunity to rant, at least in the subtitle of the article.

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Thank you, Suavek, I’m honoured that you find utility in my occasional steams of consciousness.

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Dear Dr. Mike, thank you for voicing this important stream of consciousness. Please forgive me for simplifying your words in the title in a bit of a cheeky way.


By the way,your comment arrived suddenly as I was adding a quick note under your statement in the article.

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All disease names are bollocks. Just made up shit. That is becoming more clear by the day.

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