Excellent. Mike Yeadon being boxed out of the 'truther' and 'health-freedom movement' is a perfect example of how limited hangouts work. It's not easy to push through the many layers of the control apparatus. And when paychecks and grants are on the line, motive often dries up.

Thank you.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Suavek

"Don't underestimate the power of stupid people who all have the same opinion."

And as Rene Guenon said, "...what has no parallel is this gigantic collective hallucination by which a whole section of humanity has come to take the vainest fantasies for incontestable realities."

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Big time kudos and thanks for this amazing collection, like a chorus lifting the fog of a very limited spectrum of debate to catch site of the rainbow as the sun appears again. Crowdsourced research is my favorite because it brings synergy and energy and challenges to thinking that's been the great gift of our Covidian experience..

First was Mike Yeadon aka Mr Sparkle to a collection of ardent fans and despite an age difference that would make him my kid brother feels like wisdom of Dumbledore listening to his explanations because in the end you understand how and why we know what we know and what we don't. Not only that Mike and all the rest share another remarkable quality by changing their views when facts change.. that's priceless because knowledge is power that multiplies when we pass it on, lucky us.

All are incredible people & polar opposite of every expert filled with certainty but there's one name that has contributed enormously to the idea that this was murder and lies for a very long time in my top tier of favorites Dr. Jay Couey who was the very first to plant these ideas in my mind ...

Dr Jay on his bike talking about coronavirus became a four year education and awakening process.. Jay was first and still one of a handful that properly identified mRNA as transfection and something he did to his mice... pretty sure shouting that at fellow faculty at Pittsburgh School of Medicine got him fired when those were the words every medical researcher should have been shouting.. we kill the mice after two weeks because the immune reaction destroys every transfected cell..

He was also first to explain why RNA cannot pandemic whatever high purity clones are grown in E.coli have a purity density that bears no resemblance to any wild RNA molecules PCR can find shadows for.. beware the petrie dish and the power ends there.. nothing they grow has replication fidelity, but lies and bad ideas can spread forever. They can CRISPR wings on a pig it won't fly!

If you've missed Jay in the line up of all stars collectively uncovering the frauds in the politics and science and foot dragging resistance. This stream is from August but has a 2020 riff that captures the spirit and science that hooked me early on and succinctly summarizes much viral mythology.


Big hugs and hat tip to all who stand up and speak out to collaborate finding the truth!! <3

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18 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs agoAuthor

Dear "Exclusion Commission" ( "Boxed out Commission"),

I'm sorry to say, but there is obviously a misunderstanding. There is no membership or anything like that in the freedom movement. A person who has become a symbol of the movement cannot be excluded from the movement by imposters and "Covid" preachers. In my opinion, the "exclusion" narrative that you suddenly injected here can never correspond to the truth. The question arises, who needs such an "exclusion narrative" and why? In truth, it is a fantastic imagination of a non-existent process This would be neither theoretically nor practically possible, because this group is too diverse and not sufficiently connected to one another. There is no such thing as "party membership". However, it is possible to disrupt the reach of a person's words by claiming that that person is "excluded" or that his or her words are of less value and therefore will receive less public attention in the future. Such a claim is effective in the propaganda field and can later negatively influence alternative media and other information channels, as a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. So what kind of film is being played here now? I hope that it does not take much thought to determine how damaging the potential consequences of such narratives are. In this particular context, such poorly chosen words can cause damage even if they are well-intentioned.

The "Covid" & "pandemic" preachers exclude themselves by making propaganda for the interests of the perpetrators. Some of them were installed from the beginning, specifically for these purposes. It is not possible to get half pregnant, and the same principle applies here: these people cannot work half for the movement and half for the perpetrators. The useful idiots do not represent a real "movement" or "resistance". In 2024, they cannot be real "truth seekers" either, only imposters. They have discredited themselves (i.e. excluded them), but at most they can keep quiet and censor the others, but never "exclude" them. Please think carefully about what you write so as not to cause damage. I sincerely ask for your forgiveness for having to delete well-intentioned comments if I think they could harm someone. MY FORGIVENESS IS SINCERE. Someone immediately added another comment to the first comment to reinforce the first. If you do not want anyone to be harmed by enemy propaganda, then you will understand and accept the deletion of your comment and hopefully forgive me for it. An information war is something different from cosy bar-room conversations. At present, the other side is shamelessly exploiting the unintentional mistakes. You will certainly understand that due to time constraints, I cannot write such long explanations every time. Your ego is VERY important, but preventing serious harm is also not insignificant. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Best wishes,


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Can someone tell me what exactly made us so sick, particularly respiratorily? I have read a lot about no XI region and it makes sense but no one can ever explain what this really was.

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