Aug 28Liked by Suavek

Your Substack is a great help (to us "aware” ) when explaining the truth about Big pHarma, to the "unaware "…as usual, informative and artistic, in equal measure.

Thank you Suavek❤️

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Dear Helen, thank you very much too. Every time I see a comment from you, my heart is happy. Despite the artistic background, I was serious about the existence of TONED syndrome. I am curious to see whether this will be taken seriously despite the playful nature of the article. That could have actually helped in this battle of narratives. Perhaps some people will see this as a joke. Either way, I hope that the article will bring joy.

Best wishes,



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Thank you for providing a pathway for clarity. (I have listened to someone who was suggested for source on the subject— “Tim Truth”) for the treatment of flu like symptoms and, vitally since there are those who are no longer with us who didn’t receive an emergency kit including 3 x 12 mg te let’s of ivermectin, protection from an establishment which utilised protocols of often certain euthanasia “A good death” ref. Matt Hancock’s assurance, as a a prevailing plan.

Labelling people who had put in this action as “drug pushers” or “Baby killers” is where this discussion descended to very rapidly and banning those who were seeking clarification on what had seemed like an all out attack on anybody who literally provided a means of saving lives when it comes to multi-nationalised ethenasia, where before this turn it was merely recognising and adddressing the narrative of establishment propaganda built on falsehoods.

Basil Brush probably has more credibility than Tim Truth (oh how righteous sounding!), who was uspset about not being taken up on request for discussion by real people!

You can’t have it both ways, get straight before throwing people who have taken actions in war to give cover to our fellow man into the lion’s pit!

An addition for such explosive devicive manipulation via sock puppet cowardice, in social media you provide avenues of confusion and assault that a.i. bots can then be utilised for inroads whilst you present yourself as clever and being violently politically obnoxious for a good cause.

Mike Yeadon’s telegram chat has not even half the subscribers to the channels, whereas a truly helpful source of clearing the deck saving lives regardless a which means putting immense power back in the hands of individuals instead of establishment which is geneocidal, is the universal antidote videos and the discussion group thereof! Clo2, aka theuniversalantidote (.com), has well over half subscribers of the channel in their discussion and they have a bot removal entrance too!

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Dear Rob,

Specific treatments are irrelevant to the TONED argument.

No pandemic. No new disease. No virus. No contagion.

Not rational to promote any unusual, new to respiratory disease treatments.

Doing so at this point serves only to reinforce the fakery (referred to above).

A specific treatment might be totally harmless in itself.

I’m still objecting. TONED will assist the global perpetrators in trapping and killing a lot more people. I assume we’re side by side in this mission.



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It was through seeking clarification on this that I found out who I and others were being classed as “drug pusher”, everyone whom I had provided an after the “health issue” pack needed not to be subjected to the system, this I want to clarify, this has not been clarified, I’m a “drug pusher” and via “Tim Truth” I am a “baby killer”.

I moved on to Clo2 because it wipes out the need for probably 90% of doctors, because it is even more effective for precisely what I just said. I see you are honed in on “treatments”, I don’t disagree, and there are some fine points, I knew from Dr. Paul Merrick that higher doses of ivermectin could be an issue for fertility, I was never that interested in the drug to go so far but was prepared to.

The talk gets quite messy quite quickly and I hope you recognise very dominating factors surrounding it before getting into blanketing the whole thing alone. I had attempted to get clarity before but it attracted quite incoherent provocation which is what I expect from now until the distinctions are clear. For instance, making me a “drug pusher” when it is clear that I looked for and found a solution and moved on to a better solution whilst watching your valuable take and eye opening take on the narratives leading to further genocide being kept by organisational “helpful” gatekeepers for the wicked plan.

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Author

I don't understand why this matter has to be handled in such a complicated way. Ivermectin for treating flu, ILI or cancer is either a good or less good treatment, but this should be discussed among the experts. But selling or recommending Ivermectin or other drugs specifically against "Covid" is a collaboration with the perpetrators that serves them and reinforces their lie in a propaganda manner. I haven't read Tim Truth's article yet, but I'm obviously using a completely different nomenclature and perspective. Because I assume that the nomenclature is partly missing to identify and describe this problem, I simply suggested the term "TONED" and "TONED syndrome". Now I hope for a better understanding of the matter and that misunderstandings can be largely ruled out. Perhaps I can express it even more simply: There is "good Ivermectin" ( perhaps for an immunocompromised 80-year-old grandmother - the experts should clarify this among themselves ) and there is "TONED" as a collaboration with the perpetrators. Whether this is done consciously or not depends on the individual case.

I do not accuse you of ill will. I hope (just as Dr. Yeadon said) that we are on the same page.

Best wishes,


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Aug 28·edited Aug 28

Hi Suavek,

Thank you very much, I was right on your page! I still am, but if you have listened to Mike Yeadon discussing it with James Dellingpole, you might be seeking a little clarification. I did this and was hung out to dry by Mike’s telegram team admin, not before being antagonised and called a “drug pusher” and “Tim Truth’s” work was cited, if you listen to that “audio narration” you will understand that the outcome is that I belong in the class of “baby killer” and maybe you are more articulate and erudite and maybe will or will not be classed accordingly but from my perspective, to me, it looks like you are slightly more “pro” the responsible use of the drug, but as I wrote the antagonism was incoherent and was followed by self appraisal by Mike’s team assistant which Mike has not acceptably clarified.

As an aside, I have suggested that people use the *strategy of the legal referenced letter put forth which is successful in providing protection for children and was cited in national newspapers for being properly defined and the law assures that the parent has say over medical procedures for under 18 year olds in this respect. That one was regarding Graham Moore and Pjlaw’s letter of assistance. In other words I look for a solution that works, have done and continue. The results of the opening left for *descent into divisiveness has precluded me from re-emphasising yet another tried and tested solution whilst you and me are subjected to the same rabid political extremist rhetoric which ends avenues of support from one’s who seek for and acumilate the verifiable solutions with collective help from our brothers and sisters, learning and correcting.

Thank you for replying, it is great work and I greatly respect the amazing contributions of you and Mike.

I’m sure you have much worse assaults than I and most I know have *taken and I am honoured by your willingness to step up and take on the greater purpose!

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Thank you, Rob, for your kind comment. I am sorry that you have been subjected to so many attacks and that this has hindered your commitment. At the moment we all need a little thicker skin, like a rhinoceros, so that we can resist and not be discouraged. Sometimes we think the same thing, but use different expressions, which everyone understands in their own way. This means that a number of communication problems are inevitable. Since I cannot exist as a hermit, I accept some attacks and anticipate them. Perhaps that is why it does not upset me.

When I am sometimes attacked rhetorically, I think about where the hitch lies, with me or with the other person? If the trouble lies with me or somewhere in between, then I try to solve it. But if I think that the problem lies solely with the other person, then it is not my problem, so I do not let it get to me. Perhaps that is why I do not suffer so much from it. Attacks between friends are something else. If I'm not mistaken, we're all pretty thin-skinned in a close relationship.

However I suspect that theorizing is easier than experiencing an attack directly. The computer keys are always smarter than the head. Back then, I should have said that paper is smarter...

I wish you a lot of resilience and hope that you don't get discouraged.

All the best,


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(Banned)Aug 28·edited Aug 28
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Aug 28Liked by Suavek

"Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy" is a phrase first used in 1977 by Professor Sir Roy Meadow. The term was weaponised for years by this person and others, against mothers who lost children to adverse vaccine reactions and had then to suffer the accusation of murder or abuse of the child, even leading to imprisonment. Meadow had political and financial links to the vaccine industry. It was such a successful gaslighting campaign, that we now unfortunately have added that phrase to our English lexicon as if it had a respectable history and a scientific basis.

(England, C & Tomljenovic Phd, L. 2015, Vaccination Policy and the U.K. Government: The Untold Truth)

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This seems like a very interesting new rabbit hole. Thank you for this information.

Best wishes,


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Aug 28Liked by Suavek

The mothers kicked up a fuss knowing something ( vaccines / 'treatments' ) poisoned their kids, because it could never be the vaccines ( either doctors genuinely believed this or were malevolent ) suspicion fell upon / was put on the mother acting in an 'hysterical' manner, oh fresh hell ..

Obviously there would also be categories of actual intentional poisoning of kids by parent, but this would be very handy for dealing with troublesome people asking to many questions.

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Are we on 'no-virus' mode for this one?

If some type of 'kits' could be shown to improve outcomes for elderly patients ( less hospitalisation during respiratory issues 'season' ), this could be acceptable?

The current issue is that these kits are being peddled for 'covid' ( which did not cause mortality OR just doesn't exist ) not for help with 'coronaviruses the generic swarm'?

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Hello Rjj,

Thank you for your food for thought. I think that if it turns out that older patients have fewer deaths or shorter seasonal illnesses (or milder symptoms) due to any drug, that would be half the evidence that the drug's effects outweigh the risks. The second half of the evidence would be to establish that people treated with that drug do not live shorter lives than the placebo group or those who recover on their own without drug treatment.

That we have been lied to from A to Z in all areas can be proven on various grounds, both on the basis of officially accepted conventional medicine and on the basis of the Terrain Theory. If someone has to learn the terrain theory and "No Virus" first, then the evidence based on conventional medicine will be more convincing. The gap in knowledge can always be filled later. No one can know everything at once or be convinced quickly. I don't know everything either, but I can still live with it.

There were simply no waves of spread of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus and the first alleged "Covid" deaths occurred exactly at the time when the WHO declared the "pandemic" and at the same time the deadly hospital protocols became mandatory. If ivermectin has an anti-inflammatory effect, then the experts should clarify which diseases this drug can and should be used for. For good reasons, I refrain from making detailed statements. However, there was no "Covid" and the patients suffered from various diseases that were only identified as "Covid" by the fraudulent PCR tests. Only when the correct diagnosis has been made can a doctor know which drugs may alleviate the symptoms or save the patient's life. For this reason, I find it logical that all drugs that are supposed to be used against "Covid" are fraudulent. The actual effectiveness of a drug cannot be considered under such circumstances without the correct diagnosis. This is because the question "EFFECTIVE AGAINST WHAT?" cannot be answered. If a doctor determines that he should use ivermectin or another drug for a serious inflammation, then he should at least not lie that he wants to use this drug against "Covid". No drug should be used as a propaganda vehicle to reinforce the lie in the interests of the perpetrators. This creates fear of every cold and which lures people to the mRNA pseudo-"vaccination" or encourages them to take a medication as a precaution. Every chemical that we take without need, i.e. without any benefit, is known to be a poison.

Best wishes,


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Aug 29Liked by Suavek

Hard to disagree with any of that, old habits die hard !

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