Why should there have been excess mortality in Bergamo but not in Germany?
In Germany, there was a noticeable under-mortality rate in 2020. Until the "vaccination" came...
Photo : A picture from the video below
The Bergamo Theatre: The staging of fear images to mentally prepare humanity for life-shortening injections.
Source :
Did the Trucks of Bergamo Carry Only One Coffin Each - and Does it Really Matter?
More evidence of a 'mediatico' means less evidence the death toll is genuine.
Jessica Hockett
and Jonathan Engler
Jan 16, 2025
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Regardless of how many coffins or bodies the trucks were or weren’t carrying, Antonio said the purpose of the parade was pure spectacle. “If they [the government] didn't want to get to be seen, and they didn't want to create fear in a population, they would just go one by one.”
In other words, assisting with a true mass casualty emergency would not involve a parade. If Army trucks were needed to manage a cataclysmic number of bodies, they could not and would not “wait” to proceed in a ceremonial fashion.
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In many ways, it doesn’t matter who or what was inside the trucks of Bergamo. Their purpose as propaganda was served and the mission accomplished. The spectre of scary, somber military vehicles stoked fear and persuaded the populace (in Italy and elsewhere) to obey orders and “take the virus seriously.” Even if the vehicles were empty, it doesn’t change the effect. The damage was done.
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All Wood House 76 articles related to the Bergamo/Lombardy COVID Event can be found on this page :
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An area that usually experiences 31 deaths a day suddenly seeing 28 days straight of deaths in the triple-digits - with a 1,000% increase from baseline to peak - needs considerable manpower to move the dead. Local or national authorities should be able to produce witnesses to and documentation of that movement, including final destinations and decedent disposition.
If deaths in a single month really were 600% above normal, not only would there be a coffin shortage, there would have been far more military assistance with handling bodies from hospitals, care homes, and personal residences. There should be all kinds of footage - including from citizens captured on smartphones - of trucks driving through the province for weeks and (as Antonio Porto suggested) moving in a manner consistent with handling an urgent and overwhelming situation. And yet there is no sign of any such thing.
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He agreed the provincial death tolls should be substantiated at the local level:
“There should be access to records in the municipalities to understand how many deaths were actually registered. Some have tried to request these data, but they never received responses. A real investigation by the public prosecutor’s office is needed to clarify all of this.”
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A story published on multiple sites in March 2021 said, “The camouflaged vehicles took away up to 70 coffins a day from the church, where they were collected after the local mortuaries filled up. The coffins were transported to cemeteries in other northern cities such as Bologna and Ferrara.” https://timesofmalta.com/article/in-bergamo-memory-of-coffin-filled-trucks-still-haunts.858817
Per our translator, in context, Antonio Porto used mediatico to mean "a spectacle for an audience" - i.e., a media event/circus or something that is put on display to "feed" the public.
Our translator explained that, unlike in the U.S. or UK (for example), there is no legal mandate in Italy for authorities to answer ordinary citizens' FOIA requests. Therefore, journalists and researchers can't rely on such mechanisms to obtain records that potentially could embarrass or expose officials.
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Full article :
Jessica Hockett, January 17, 2025 :
Another key point we continue to make is that the curve is fraudulent
It is not just about the trucks as spectre of doom etc.
Suavek, January 17, 2025 :
Jessica, all serious statisticians point out that in Bergamo the “excess mortality rate” is never followed by under-mortality curve. For me, this is not a fact that raises any doubts about the authenticity of the graphic, but rather clear evidence of fraud. Accordingly, I will link to your article later in my article and mention this evidence of fraud right at the beginning. Of course, I give this fact a VERY high priority. However, I cannot write about it as well as you.
I will also point out clearly later in a prominent place that the FOIA requests have not been incorporated into legislation in Italy. This may be why Italy was chosen as the location of the fraud.
Jessica Hockett, January 17, 2025 :
Hi. I am not aware of any serious statistician that has written about PFE and Bergamo formally - and TMK Tom Lausen is the only other person who has said Bergamo’s curve is fraudulent.
and I (PhD and serious user of statistics 😊) did here: woodhouse.substack.com/… It is one of multiple characteristics about the curve we consider a fraud signal.
There are circumstances when you would NOT expect PFE after a high-casualty event. This isn’t one of them.
Daily deaths by setting of death needed.
Yes, We Believe the Bergamo (Italy) All-Cause Death Curve is Fraudulent
Together with NYC, the Twin Peaks of Data Engineering which drove the pandemic narrative
Nov 24, 2024
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It’s our understanding that the lack of ‘pull-forward effect’ is one of the things Tom Lausen is emphasizing as a sign the death spike total is “faked” (To this he has added a number of other interesting observations about events “on the ground”, for example in a much-shared video of a coffin being moved in Bergamo in Spring 2020, it is being carried by just 2 people, which does not seem realistic at all.)
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Reacting to the graph above, one follower said :
"None of this makes sense. If it was that acutely deadly, why would the curve look like this? And if this is real, why didn't it look like this everywhere? If it's that deadly, it wouldn't drop off like that. And if it's mild, it wouldn't spike like that. ( ... )."
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Full article :
Why was there no excess mortality in Germany?
by Suavek
The graphic below was created by the German statistician Marcel Barz, and I have published it here as an image translation into English. Source ( in German ) : https://multipolar-magazin.de/artikel/destatis-uebersterblichkeit
The mortality rate graph was created at the beginning of 2024, and therefore it ends here at the end of 2023.
I recommend the German article for automatic translation to anyone interested. Apart from the fraudulent calculations of the authorities, there seems to have been a significant under-mortality rate in Germany during the alleged "pandemic". Of course, this only applies until the introduction of the pseudo-"vaccination":
How the Federal Statistical Office falsified the excess mortality figures
While the office subordinate to the Ministry of the Interior recognized noticeable excess mortality in the early days of the Corona crisis and warned the public, after the vaccination campaign there were no longer any abnormalities. However, a look at the raw data shows the opposite: a historically low number of deaths in 2020 and significantly increased values in the following two years. The high number of deaths among younger and middle-aged groups since 2021 is also explosive - about which the authorities have remained silent to this day. Multipolar did the math and asked the Federal Office. (With correction December 23rd)
MARCEL BARZ , December 13, 2023, 11 comments , PDF
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Full article ( in German ) :
Marcel Barz
Unfortunately, the most important statements from statistician Marcel Barz are on video ( in German), so I can't write everything down due to time constraints. If anyone has a program to create a transcript of the video, here is a link to a very long explanation from Marcel Barz on video. He explains EVERY DETAIL of how German statistics were manipulated. This is certainly information that can be very useful for other countries too. Perhaps someone can help here? The translation into English would be worth its weight in gold.
But the subtitles can be set :
Editor's note ( by Suavek ) :
Both Marcel Barz and the Multipolar editorial team are considered very reliable sources of information in Germany and are well known among German freedom fighters. I live in Germany myself and know that this information only inadequately reaches English-speaking countries. Above all, I sorely miss the mention of Germany as a country WITHOUT EXCESS MORTALITY in 2020 in English-language reporting.
Another point that couldn't reach the English-speaking world from Germany was the age of the average "Covid" deaths in Germany and Austria. They were 1 year older than the statistical lifespan that would be expected. Of course, they already had several comorbidities. Maybe these would not be bad questions for the FOIA in the USA?
Editor's note: This article will be expanded in the next few days. Please check back here.
For the most reliable information about the "Covid" scam and deceptions of the system, read Dr. Mike Yeadon's daily statements :
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :
Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon : https://drmikeyeadon.substack.com/
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends : https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannelChat
When searching for Dr. Yeadon's videos only two browsers are recommended : Yandex and Mojeek. But you can also try other, smaller browsers, too.
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.
Many statements and videos from Dr. Mike Yeadon can also be found on Suavek's Substack, which is recommended by Dr. Yeadon on the main page of his Substack.
Both links lead to Suavek`s Substack :
Please add mine and Dr Mike Yeadon's Substack to your recommendation list. Thank you.
Photo : https://timesofmalta.com/article/in-bergamo-memory-of-coffin-filled-trucks-still-haunts.858817
Another type of corpse transport, Germany : A Trabant converted into a funeral vehicle stands in the courtyard of the Museum for Sepulchral Culture in Kassel on August 23, 2017.
symbolic photo
I remember seeing a photo on Twitter years ago (posted by Dr Eli somebody, can't remember his name, not a medical doctor I believe) which was a hangar full of coffins of alleged covid-deceased in Bergamo. There was an identical photo beside it (exact same people standing around) that was actually of the coffins of dead migrants in Lampedusa, years before. They just changed the place name on the photo and put it out as a photo from Bergamo.