Why do many people believe in "Covid" myth ? - PART 2 : The false binaries.
With examples from Dr Mike Yeadon, Jessica Hockett and Dr Jonathan Engler.
Dr Mike Yeadon, February 22, 2025 :
Here I’ve restacked an article by Suavek (to whom thanks) about the medical practises in hospitals and in care homes which I argue constitute murder. There’s distressingly little about this from the tens of thousands of medical staff who must have suspected or actually known of these wrong doings. Humans aren’t at all as I’d thought them to be, it seems.
Best wishes
Linked : The bottom note :
Dr Mike Yeadon, February 22, 2025 :
This is a brief but solid summary of what happened to many people in countries which imposed absurd and obviously dangerous medical protocols on people in hospitals and care homes. This featured heavily in UK but not in Germany, for example, in 2020. I have the impression that the hospital treatment route was particularly heavily employed in USA, while in UK, I have the sense that the care homes treatment route predominated. This might be because the more heavily medicalised system in USA meant that they had a lot more mechanical ventilation beds per head of population than the UK had, where instead we have a large population of elderly people resident in privately managed care homes.
I also touch on my methodology to evaluation of the expected effects of the not-vaccines.
They’re reproduced in summary form here for convenience.
Please do share them. I cannot & will not merely repeat what I’ve said hundreds of times. This isn’t a profession for me & I’m inclined to shut up shop quite soon.
One thing that might persuade be to continue is seeing my words echoed. Absent that, it’s a pointless effort continuing after giving already hundreds of interviews.
Best wishes
Linked : This article.
Dr Mike Yeadon, February 21, 2025 :
A very helpful piece from Jessica Hockett and Jonathan Engler.
Best wishes
Linked :
False Binaries that 'Limit the Spectrum of Acceptable Opinion' in the COVID-19 Debate and Perpetuate Lies Told by The Powers That Be (Part 1)
If debates are "very boring" it's because the Official Narrative has not yet lost control
Jessica Hockett and Jonathan Engler
Feb 20, 2025
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Limited Spectrum of Acceptable Opinion
In his book The Common Good (1998), Noam Chomsky wrote,
“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum – even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.”
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One strategy for securing this compliance was the use of false binaries.1 A series of manufactured 'dilemmas'—either explicitly stated or subtly reinforced—emerged through directed messaging, social media algorithms, and both mainstream and alternative media. These binaries set the boundaries of ‘acceptable’ opinion, created the illusion of 'lively debate,' and provided a controlled space for critical and dissenting views to exist without truly challenging the dominant narrative.
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Full article :
Two Sides of the Same Spreading Novel Virus Story
Great example of a false binary that has dominated and directed The Narrative for five years...
Jessica Hockett
Feb 17, 2025
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As interesting as the correspondence between these two individuals might be, it’s distracting from the fact that “transmitting virus from afar” was always a lie.
Lab origin versus natural origin…leak, release, wet market, emergence from bat caves…Lancet letters and emails…
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Full article :
Dr Mike Yeadon, February 21, 2025 :
Thank you both for a fine piece and for making the results of your evaluations clear. It’s very much appreciated, sincerely.
Given no pandemic (& there’s scope I think for productive exchanges on whether any pandemics are possible) it behooves us to point out some deeply unpleasant implications, for example, what the “vaccines” were intended to do.
You are aware of my assessments, which I’d love to be wrong about.
Jessica Hockett, February 21, 2025 :
Thanks, Mike.
There's room for productive exchanges with respect to ALL pandemic-related questions. Part of our point here is not that there are only "three" sets of views about the COVID event (or any topic) but rather that debate has been and continues to be stifled in a way that ultimately serves the perpetrators. Your views have been "out of bounds" for Permitted Dissent for longer than most. Millions of people precede us and deserve our respect and gratitude.
I've taken quite a few hits (as has Jonathan) for publicly, critically evaluating the views of various experts who are well-liked among 'contrarians.' It is not easy to disagree with some of the more prominent personalities, nor is it easy to disagree with associates and colleagues. I trust you can appreciate that every time a person "puts pen to paper" and expresses a view that is at odds with "friends, Romans, and countrymen" it is an act of courage. I say this in the spirit of Proverbs 27:6, hoping you understand my meaning and take it to heart.
We'll show additional false binaries in part 2, including about the COVID shot. I look forward to the ongoing conversation and, as ever, am willing to change my mind as evidence and persuasive arguments compel me to do so.
Best, JH
Dr Mike Yeadon, February 21, 2025 :
Wonderful. The phrase “false binaries” is neater than anything I’d come up with though I realised relatively soon that “A or B?” was designed to prevent the thought “Neither A nor B!”
Doing anything other than going along to get along brings criticism, some of it so unpleasant that, when I first encountered it in 2020, I had no means to cope with it. That was the intention I’m sure. But after a while I determined that I couldn’t care less. That’s why I’m a team of one, happy occasionally to jog alongside others, but I’m better being a loner.
Jessica Hockett, February 21, 2025 :
Wish we could take credit for "false binaries" but it's a longstanding term for a logical fallacy (aka, either-or fallacy, false dichotomy, false dilemma). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_dilemma and on the standard list of fallacies that (good) teachers and debate coaches tell students to avoid.
In and of themselves, dichotomies and forced dilemmas are NOT a bad thing. All debates purposely frame issues or questions as dichotomies.(Affirmative/Negative, Yes/No, In Favor/Opposed).
It's a FALSE dilemma/dichotomy that's a problem - especially (but not only) when it's being directed or purposely encouraged by governing authorities and agencies.
"A false dilemma falsely asserts that one must choose between these two options when, in reality, there may be a wider range of choices or possibilities available. This fallacy is commonly used to manipulate or limit the options of an argument, often leading to flawed conclusions or the suppression of valid alternatives." https://helpfulprofessor.com/false-dilemma-examples/
Ernest N. Curtis, February 21, 2025 :
Thank you for a brilliant article. As a pandemic "denier" from day one, I have written many comments on various sites expressing my view and have rarely elicited much response. I had noticed that a number of others that denied the basic narrative were also largely ignored. It has been very frustrating in that regard but now I have a better understanding of why that is so. Thank you for helping me sort that out.
An example: The Scottish Inquiry :
Dr Mike Yeadon, February 21, 2025 :
BiologyPhenom has done sterling work exposing awful treatment of people in Scotland as given in evidence at the Scottish COVID Enquiry.
I do think I’ve done my bit in exposing the murder of many people in hospitals and care homes, then more people via the injections.
Unfortunately far too few others have said similar things, and the few of us who, often slow on the uptake, did comprehensively explain what was going on, were actively excluded from the conversation & not always only by government agents.
This short summary might be useful to those of you who might not have been following this in 2020/21.
Best wishes
Linked :
biologyphenom, February 21, 2025 :
''The vaccines'' were intended to do'' but they came AFTER what happened in care homes. What about what those policies were doing? The ONLY way to stop more pandemic declarations and even more novel jabs is to fully expose the events from March-June 2020 not those that came after. Talking about limitied spectrum of debate that's where this and more shines a REAL light upon events and has been rarely if ever mentioned in 'COVID sceptic' circles.
Dr Mike Yeadon, February 21, 2025 :
I gave dozens of interviews where my main thrust was that people were being murdered in hospitals and care homes.
I made several points which were never rebutted:
1. While I’m not a medical doctor, I’ve spent my entire professional life around pulmonology. So I am certain that a patient with an unobstructed airway & an intact chest wall should not be sedated, intubated and mechanically ventilated. This procedure is reserved for emergencies where a patient had stopped breathing due to brain injury, or for elective surgery such as on heart & lungs, treatment of severe trauma including to the chest and induced coma in severe burn victims. In those settings, its often life saving. In someone already breathing through an unobstructed airway, mechanical ventilation is a serious, net harm. It’s extremely unnatural and places great stress on lung tissue, which becomes oedematous and can progress to atelectasis and heart failure.
Additionally, patients on ventilators are incredibly vulnerable to whatever the medical staff are told to do. Most people so treated died. There was NO REASON to treat their patients like this.
I don’t recall a single pulmonologist saying any of this. It was left to a fellow with a PhD.
2. Midazolam is a anxiolytic drug of the benzodiazepines class. It has sedative effects at higher doses. Morphine is a major pain relieving drug of the opiate class. While it does greatly reduce pain, it has not proven possible to separate the pain relieving effects from other effects especially respiratory depression. People’s urge to breathe is reduced progressively with increasing dose. The combined effect of midazolam and morphine, given together, is to synergistically depress respiratory efforts. I predicted that an elderly person given these two drugs would be highly likely to fall asleep and then stop breathing. There was NO REASON to give them these two drugs. Doing so outside of a setting where their breathing was intensively monitored constituted murder, in my opinion. And I said so repeatedly. I don’t recall many if any doctors saying this publicly. My PhD was won in this area. I studied the impact of opiates of the fentanyl class on respiratory efforts.
No one else has been as explicit as I have been.
Since then, additional causes of death have been imposed on a mass population. You might have noticed that I’ve been rather consumed with this for a number of years. I don’t think there are better qualified people to have patiently explained why I was so concerned about the design of the injections. My training in mechanistic toxicology & decades working in teams on rational drug design meant I was quite certain that harms were inevitable and intentional. To this day, the vast majority of commentators either say nothing at all or even take a strongly contradictory position, without providing any grounds for their stance. I could weep.
So I do not need telling what has happened. I’ve been talking about it for five years. I might as well not have bothered.
Debunking the False Binary with the Independent Media Alliance
Sep 20, 2024
by Suavek
The psychological operations often occur through a false controversy or an "Overton window," in which both "valid" sides of an argument are predetermined and presented to the public. I would like to point out, however, that this trick often involves an attempt to deliberately play the two (or more) sides off against each other.
This is not a fight we chose. But in this new world, there are only two options: either we control the narrative and can convincingly convey the truth, or the perpetrators control us. The window for influence is closing fast, but it is not yet completely closed. This makes it all the more important to report on the non-existence of "Covid". Only a well-informed citizen can defend himself against injustice and effectively protect his loved ones.
If Jessica Hockett and Jonathan Engler write another article about false binaries, it will be linked here under this article as an "UPDATE". This is intended to make it easier for readers to search for the respective topic among the now almost 300 articles and to provide an overview.
For the most reliable information about the "Covid" scam and deceptions of the system, read Dr. Mike Yeadon's daily statements :
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :
Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon : https://drmikeyeadon.substack.com/
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends : https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannelChat
When searching for Dr. Yeadon's videos, only two browsers are recommended : Yandex and Mojeek. But you can also try other, smaller browsers, too.
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.
Many statements and videos from Dr. Mike Yeadon can also be found on Suavek's Substack, which is recommended by Dr. Yeadon on the main page of his Substack.
Both links lead to Suavek`s Substack :
I don't know if this helps....
If an event saturates the media, with headlines, personal stories, updates, detailed analysis, expert opinion and government warnings...then I can be sure that the event is fake. COVID had to be fake. Reality never gets that kind of treatment.
A similar logic can be applied to personalities. So I don't have to worry about whether Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk or Andrew Tate are mere confections. They have to be.
Well, Jack Nicholson summed it up very nicely with "You can't handle the truth!" Fauci would have been proud to see that part of the movie and could have written a similar script (which he did)testifying before congress; just imagine : "Senator(s) you don't understand the science!" "I follow the science!" " I am the science!" of course, what he is really saying is that based in reality the "truth" has nothing to do with it because we can't trust the collective stupidity of the masses to make such important decisions such as those involving life and death; and therein lies the origin of ALL false binaries and duplicity based in the lie that TRUTH can't stand on its own and lead us to wherever it should (however uncomfortable or unprofitable that may be for some of us!) and don't forget the human hubris wanting to be the "new gods" of science while only becoming modern day Frankenscientists for whom truth in the scientific method means nothing; we now live in the pseudo-reality or matrix of false duplicity (the new normal), only it's anything but normal; the false binary began long before the Covid scamdemic and even before Platonic DUALISM and can be seen in Gen.3:5 when the "you will be like God"option entered the story, soon followed by that self-delusional lie that mankind was the measure of all things.