The Basics of Political Fraud – PART 2 : Dedollarization. The statements of Prof. Michael Hudson.
"And so the dollar standard is really a system of indirect taxation of foreign countries ( ... )." - Michael Hudson.
by Suavek
Medical fraud can only be understood if the topic of "blackmailing the world using the US dollar" is also sufficiently taken into account. I always enjoy reading Prof. Michael Hudson's articles, even though his statements sometimes have small blind spots. Because this is the case with most authors, I like to combine the statements of various authors. This is the only way our perspective can appear relatively complete. In the next part of this series of articles, you will be able to see that this strategy pays off and that it represents the strength of this substack. Even if this sounds like self-promotion, I actually believe that tying together different topics into well-sorted units is the main pillar of real enlightenment. Apart from Dr. Mike Yeadon and me, I don't know of any other substack that uses such an enlightenment tactic. He, too, is trying to successfully cover all facets of political-medical fraud.
Gold as the Peace Currency
By Michael
( Michael Hudson )
Monday, July 8, 2024
“( … )
MH ( Michael Hudson ) : ( … ) The dollars that China and other countries hold have their counterpart in all of the 800 military bases that the United States has all over the world. All the balance of payments deficits go basically for military spending. And so the dollar standard is really a system of indirect taxation of foreign countries through their foreign banks by having them keep their savings of their foreign currency funds, their central bank funds, to keep [give] their savings and loans to the United States to finance its military spending, to surround them with the military so that if they do anything the United States doesn’t like, like joining the BRICS Bank, America can immediately buy it.
America can immediately do to them what it’s been doing to Venezuela and Iran and other countries that it tries to wreck.
Once they’re free of the dollar, America can’t use dollar manipulation to wreck their financial markets and disturb their economy, and America has only one dimension of foreign policy.
That’s as a wrecker. It can bomb, it can assassinate, it can pull the plug and sanction companies to countries to prevent them from getting basic needs and raw materials to disrupt their supply chains. It cannot contribute to their growth. It is only a destructive force in the world today.
If you de-dollarize, you remove the single major ability of the United States to be a destructive force, just as when other countries created an alternative to the SWIFT bank clearing system that disabled America’s ability to pull the plug on computers and screw up all of their banking accounts. Other countries are trying to protect themselves from America’s ability to destroy their economy, which is the primary dimension of American foreign policy. Shocking how we’re financing our own oppression, those who live outside of America.
KF ( Karl Fitzgerald ) : So what sort of increase in US military spending will be required to maintain these military bases? How many – 800 around the world? How much higher expenditure do you think there’ll be?
MH: Well, they don’t need to have any expenditure if they simply grab all of Saudi Arabia’s savings, all of Europe’s savings. It depends. There are many ways of doing it. If you’re a robber, you don’t have to use your own money. So America is trying to get NATO to spend a lot. Germany is willing to double its spending on NATO. So America is trying to get foreign countries to pay for this. And that’s why countries like Germany exist, so that America doesn’t have to pay to destroy other countries. They have the Stockholm syndrome. They identify with the kidnappers themselves. So we can’t possibly answer that.
( … )
Full article :
Gold as a Peace Currency
Prof Michael Hudson ( & Karl Fitzgerald )
The Dumb Luck of Dollar Hegemony
Weaponizing the US Dollar
By Michael Sunday, January 12, 2025
Editor's note:
The article will be discussed in the next part of this series, so you can just skim it here. It has only been linked here for the sake of completeness because it is thematically related.
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