The apostle preachers of the non-existent "Covid" - PART 3 : The trick of the skipped level of thinking. The "Covid" details? Ain’t got time for that…
Who is "Dr Ah Kahn Syed" really?
by Suavek
Now, in part 3 of this series of articles, I put the name "Dr. Ah Kahn Syed" in quotation marks because I don't know exactly who my conversation partner actually is. I think he is a man who defames some freedom fighters on the Internet and uses AI as a conversation aid in his replies to an extent unknown to me. I cannot imagine that he is the author of the articles published under his name. At first it was his mental attitude, his mindset, which he reveals in the comment sections of "his" articles, that made me think that for a top scientist, his statements are far too imprecise. Moreover, to date, he has not been able to answer very clear questions regarding the years 2007 (bird flu plandemic fraud), 2009/2010 (swine flu plandemic fraud), 2024 (monkeypox fraud), and now, 2025, the bird flu fraud. His answers were so imprecise that I cannot imagine that he can be the author of "his" articles. In addition, he displays a domineering manner, plus a certain aggression and cynicism, which in my opinion could rather come from a steeply hierarchically organized environment. I have outlined my conclusions, but please form your own opinion. Of course, I could be wrong. However, Dr Yeadon has already noticed that the repetitions of the suggestive word "Covid" occur strikingly often in Syed's articles. Although I cannot prove 100% that this is well-organized "Covid" propaganda, I can point out a few strange aspects. Likewise, "Dr Syed" cannot and will not prove that he is actually the author of the articles, which I consider to be first-class propaganda. "His" articles are indeed admirable. They actually open up some horizons of thought and even reveal a lot. And yet we should not forget the age-old, perhaps even the simplest saying of all, that all that glitters is not gold.
"Dr Syed's" articles are excellent for getting to know the current range of the Overton window. In this sense, I believe he fulfils a certain role as both a pioneer and as a brake on the "permitted" narrative. In this article, I primarily point out the brake that is "built in" here. Only when he openly admits all the WHO's frauds and says that no real "Covid" can be expected on this knowledge base because, like everything before, it is also a PsyOp, will I change my mind. But that will never happen. So far he is gradually adapting his narrative to the needs of the times, but continues to provide (in my opinion quite deliberately) false basic information. He would never admit that there was never a "Covid" because that is not the role intended for him.
These are just my personal thoughts. There are many such information channels that have been specifically set up to control enlightenment.
Your opinion is yours alone.
“Dr Ah Kahn Syed”, January 12, 2025 :
Thank you Suavek, although we might disagree (I'm still not sure because I'm still not sure what your argument it but I will try to understand it) I think what you have done here is transparent and I can't see any attempt to misrepresent our replies in this part 1.
I look forward to part 2.
“Dr Ah Kahn Syed”, January 12, 2025 :
Thank you for further listing your monologues here, as it was getting extremely difficult to follow on the original substack article.
My understanding from your questions (I will reframe them for my convenience rather than yours):
(1) do I (not answering for OpenVAET) consider the WHO to be a fraudulent organisation? Yes. I believe they have committed fraud in ordering the world to take measures that were not evidence based in response to a virus which they must have known was being created in a lab for this very purpose
(2) do I believe the viruses SARS, MERS, SARS2, influenza exist? Yes, because infectious clones can be made (and have been made) of them. If you prefer to call them something else other than viruses that's fine, but please define your terms.
[see e.g.]
(3) for all other answers in regards to PCR testing and the demonstrated existence of "COVID" and the consequences of this declared pandemic (not declared by me although I accept that I am the subject of your criticism) please see my very extensive and evidenced article on the subject and which answers all your questions.
If you prefer to ask more, you are welcome to but please ask one question at a time and the question should be unambiguous. You should also accept my answers when I provide them otherwise there is little point asking them. Please also do not refer to sources other than your own which are not documented.
I trust this answers your questions.
Editor's note:
This answer is for my readers. In my opinion, OpenVAET belongs to the same people, and all comments by "Dr Syed" show exactly the same mindset as comments and answers from OpenVAET. I find it all the funnier that "Dr Syed" thinks he has to say here that he does not speak for OpenVAET. Before that, however, he answered a few questions for OpenVAET.
It is also strange that my comments are called "monologues". I believe that this is not an insult, but that the AI categorized my comments as such because it could not do any better.
It looks as if someone fed the AI my texts to get the answer published above to come out. Perhaps you could please read the text above again to look out for other such clues that I have deliberately not mentioned here? There are other characteristics of a KI answer.
“Dr Ah Kahn Syed”, January 12, 2025 :
“Dr Ah Kahn Syed”
Let's try and simplify this.
(1) Do you believe that a virus exists which has various names but commonly referred to as SARS-Cov-2?
(2) Do you believe that the WHO declared there to be a "pandemic" of this virus in 2020 which then resulted in the implementation of a number of measures that affected our rights and daily lives?
(3) Do you believe that any viruses exist?
If you can answer these in the binary I might be able to understand where you are coming from. If you believe there are no binary answers to a particular question, I'm happy to accept "non-binary" as the answer.
Thank you.
Editor's note:
Yes, the binary answers are always good, lol. But it's about time I answered the questions I was asked. They will certainly not be 100% binary, and they will be misunderstood by "Dr Syed" just like everything else :
Dear “Dr Ah Kahn Syed”,
After some time to think about it and several inquiries, you answered me that you think the WHO is a fraudulent organization. I have been waiting for this for a long time. Thank you very much for that. Then I ask myself, why do you consider the SARS-CoV-2 virus to be new and dangerous to health, instead of first checking whether this disease called “Covid” even exists before getting bogged down in details? In other words, why don’t you first check whether you are working on the basis of false assumptions? And I also ask in general why people investigate so imprecisely, or why they don’t want to investigate whether “Covid” even exists?
I find the alleged “isolation story” of this “virus” in China to be very bizarre. Samples were taken from a sick man with typical symptoms of pneumonia, and the sequences of the alleged “virus” were later compiled on a computer so that the fraudulent Corman-Drosten test could be created. Why wasn't everything done in one place in one country and in one institute? So that later each side could accuse the other of the other having done sloppy work, resulting in a false test ? The liars have already thought about such a future.
In order to conceal the test fraud, the phenomenon of a "SYMPTOMLESS DISEASE" was ONLY invented in 2020. Such nonsense did not exist before. In addition, it was falsely claimed that the loss of taste and smell was typical of "Covid". This symptom occurs as a complication in (and after) many respiratory diseases. However, only a few people knew that at the time. Anyone who still believes in "Covid" at this point has my pity. I say this with humour and do not want to offend anyone.
And here are my answers to your questions:
(1) No
However, even if this virus had existed, it would be a type of cold/flu virus, and one of many that hardly anyone had previously cared about. In that sense, its non-existence, or existence, is completely unimportant. On the subject of unimportance: I agree with you on this point, although I don't believe in the existence of the virus at all. I am only concerned with the non-existence of the "Covid" disease, and I don't want this topic to be watered down by the HERE completely irrelevant topic of "viruses". Let me put it another way: I don't let myself be made an idiot by the propaganda that bombards us with admittedly actually interesting details. I assume that some scientists (probably a team) stuff their articles with such details to distract from the lack of investigation of the basic assumptions. You then post these articles, but you can't properly understand my simple questions, and when it's about swine flu or smallpox, for example, you talk about MERS or SARS. The highly paid scientists you get the articles from are obviously very far away and can't answer my questions, not true ?
And one more thing. We will lose our friends if we tell them the truth, because your "Covid" propaganda is omnipresent. If the professional divisive propagandists then accuse us of making the freedom struggle unbelievable and dividing it, then that is an Orwellian twisting of the facts. The paid "Covid" propaganda destroys the enlightenment work and makes us unbelievable, and not the other way around.
I think it is important to state that there was no "Covid" because this narrative scares a lot of people. Claiming the low, "flu-like" mortality rate (in many cases it was pneumonia) is of little use because the propaganda has already shown these people films from the intensive care units without saying that such units can always look scary. After all, these were not amusement parks. People were not informed about the deadly hospital protocols either, so the fear of the word “Covid” unfortunately remains alive.
(2) Yes.
However, this was a plot that had been planned, rehearsed and tested for over 20 years. The WHO was a tool, but not the sole perpetrator.
(3) I would like to leave this question unanswered so that the conversation does not drift into details; let's postpone this topic for another time, okay?
I suggest that we do not complicate the following question about the following “pandemics” that I have asked several times now:
The “bird flu pandemic” in 2007
The “swine flu pandemic” in 2009/2010
The “monkeypox” in 2024
The bird flu in 2024/2025
I wanted to know whether you classify these 4 medical events mentioned above as 4 clear cases of fraud or not. You have already expressed your opinion that the WHO is a fraudulent organization. I thank you for this clarification. However, instead of answering my question, you discussed the topic of “viruses” that you believe exist: SARS, MERS, SARS2 and influenza.
Will I ever get a concrete answer from you as to whether these were 4 clear cases of fraud? "Smallpox" is not the same as "MERS" and that swine flu is not the same as general influenza, but according to official information, is a subgroup of it. However, I did not want to know whether influenza was a fraud, but rather the alleged swine flu pandemic in the specific years 2009/2010. Unfortunately, you did not manage to answer this and other questions. You are welcome to try again. Can you do it?
Although “bird flu” and “swine flu” are officially based on influenza viruses (an explanation : bird flu 2007: H5N1 virus, and swine flu 2009/2010: H1N1 virus), I didn’t want to know whether you believe in these viruses or not. Once again you talk about “SARS, MERS, SARS 2 and influenza viruses” and then write that you have answered all my questions.
Therefore, I strongly assume that you are not the author of the articles you post and that you get your answers on somewhat more difficult topics from an AI and forward them to us. However, my questions were neither difficult nor "highly scientific". At first, I thought that you deliberately wanted to avoid the answer. But now I see that you are not able to understand my questions. You can only get building block texts from the AI, but not the concrete answer to my questions, especially since I have linked several simple questions together in such a way that only a human can understand the meaning of them.
If you were actually an author of these precisely written scientific articles, you would have been able to answer my simple question the first time. Yes, I assume that you are copying your answer for me from a completely inappropriate, pre-written text block, because otherwise I cannot imagine why you still do not understand my question. I DID NOT ASK YOU ABOUT VIRUSES.
But your answer was as follows:
" (2) do I believe the viruses SARS, MERS, SARS2, influenza exist? Yes, because infectious clones can be made (and have been made) of them. If you prefer to call them something else other than viruses that's fine, but please define your terms. "
End of my answer.
Thinking about it won't hurt
In one of the comments ( published in part 1 or 2 of this series ), “Dr Syen” suggested that I might be an AI. I realize that the actual addressee of this text was not me, but the other readers. However, the humorous question was legitimate. Unfortunately, it is known that only the "Covid" narrative is spread using AI. Was that a diversionary tactic?
Here is another text from "Dr. Syed". He is obviously gripped by the fear that he might misunderstand the questions that come later:
"If you prefer to ask more, you are welcome to but please ask one question at a time and the question should be unambiguous."
Source :
It is not entirely clear to me why such a brilliant scientist and author of the articles posted on Arkmedic should only accept individual questions. Were my questions unclear, not clear enough, or were they too closely linked so that the AI that I suspect the supposed “Dr Syen” uses couldn't understand ? Were my previous questions so difficult ?
The propaganda always adopts the false basic assumptions of the liars. Of course, these assumptions are never questioned, but remain visible to an attentive reader as gaps. Dr. Jonathan Engler also discovered some striking omissions, and gaps in the argumentation in an Arkmedic article. I quote:
“It is worth emphasising that there are some aspects of the above which we do not agree with, and also some notable omissions, but bear in mind this was written in late 2022 and some of this has become much clearer over the past years : ”
( Furthermore, Jonathan Engler comments : )
“There is no mention of the fact that the reported mortality statistics for Northern Italy and New York City look synthetic.
The role of prescribing drugs such as midazolam and opiates in the deaths of the elderly is not mentioned.
Likewise for the inappropriate use of invasive ventilation.
We are open-minded as to the role of clones, tending to believe that if they are involved, they had the effect of spreading the signal, not an illness.
We are not sold on the Covid era being instituted by China, though China clearly benefited economically, but then so did many international corporations and governments.
However, as the article title states, notwithstanding these differences:
It doesn't matter. “
Source :
Please note that the answer of the alleged Dr. Syed was even numbered exactly by hand. I wonder how he could have made such a stupid mistake that his answer does not fit my question? :
" (2) do I believe the viruses SARS, MERS, SARS2, influenza exist?” ( ).
My suggested answer is: someone gets confused when passing the texts to the AI and later does not check the answers received from the AI for accuracy, or sometimes everything runs automatically. Some answers, especially the rude ones that defame other scientists, probably come from a human ( soldiers ? ), but these people have serious problems with simple medical questions, so they are likely to rely heavily on AI.
"Dr Syed" appears on Substack under a pseudonym and on Twitter the name is real (?)- although he has the same name there - please see the details below. There are doctors with similar last names but slightly different first names. His disabled Twitter channel is, I suspect, fake.
Here is Syed Khan, M.D. :
Syed Khan, M.D.
Intensive Care (Critical Care)
Mankato, MN
Get Directions
Hospital and Clinic
1025 Marsh St., Mankato, MN 56001
Intensive Care (Critical Care) —507-594-4700
Training & Credentials
Government Medical College and Hospital
Internal Medicine, University of Hawaii-Honolulu
Critical Care Medicine, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education
Critical Care Medicine, American Board of Critical Care Medicine
Fellow, Royal College of Physicians
Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine
Mayo Clinic Quality Fellow, Gold Level
Neurocritical Care, United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties
Academic Appointment
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
Here is Syed Anjum Khan :
Syed Anjum Khan, Mayo Clinic Health System,
medicine in the arts; humanities; COVID-19; COVID-19 pandemic; coronavirus disease 2019
Medical Humanities | Rhetoric and Composition
We all are witnessing unprecedented pain and suffering, enduring unsurpassed tribulations. As a doctor working in an intensive care unit each day, I carry the burden of my patients and their families, my coworkers, my own family and friends. I never think about myself, the burden on my soul.
Yet I believe there will be a better tomorrow. A new day, where COVID times will be remembered with tears in our eyes yet a comfort in our smile that it’s past.
Pagination was incorrect. Page numbers have been corrected.
Recommended Citation
Khan, Syed Anjum (2021) "Corona," HCA Healthcare Journal of Medicine: Vol. 2: Iss. 6, Article 9.
DOI: 10.36518/2689-0216.1377
Available at:
Source :
And here is "our" “Dr Ah Kahn Syed” :
Here, on the now-suspended Twitter channel, he makes a specific claim that I have verified :
Source :
“Dr Ah Kahn Syed”
Medical whistleblower. Not anti-vaxx, just pro-truth. Pseudonym. MD. PhD. On the Francesoir list TG Account suspended Oct 2021
Up here he claimed to be on a list where I could only find :
“142. Syed Haider (USA)” (However, I don’t think he is the person mentioned).
Dr Ah Kahn Syed is not on this list. He did not mention on his Twitter that "Dr Ah Kahn Syed" is a pseudonym (as he did on Substack), and cannot claim that he is listed here under a different name.
Below you can see the mindset of the man who calls himself "Dr Syed" on the Internet :
Dr Mike Yeadon, August 19, 2024 :
There has never been a pandemic because they’re impossible.
“Dr Ah Kahn Syed”, August 19, 2024 :
You're getting desperate Mike. Did your pharma cartel buddies send you in?
Editor's note: I strongly suspect that this statement was meant to be very ironic or even cynical. "Syed" knew that it was not an advertisement, but a link pointing to the source :
Dr Ah Kahn Syed, January 8, 2025 :
Thanks for advertising our article.
I have answered your leading questions in the comments.
Editor's note : With all the scientists I know, no matter how colorful their characters were, I could always see that the facts, and not any psychological games, were their main interest.
Well, now for a change I'm actually doing an advertisement for the alleged doctor "Dr. Syed" :
Source :
Diane, January 12, 2025 :
Syed comes across as such a smug, arrogant ( … ) (Editor's note: The exact wording of the word is known to the editors). I'm glad I stopped reading him. He starts with a fake premise and will defend it at all costs. He disingenously conflates 'no pandemic' with 'no accountability', even though it is generally agreed the real 'pandemic' has been a great homicide, to which we want to hold everyone involved accountable.
Suavek, January 12, 2025 :
You raise an important point. I found this strange connection to accountability quite contrived and completely disingenuous. Thank you for reminding me of this point. Have a great Sunday!
by Suavek
First comes the plandemic, then the "vaccine". This sentence already contains everything essential that needs to be said. People who want to prove the opposite or something else are not looking for the truth, but are obscuring it. Anyone who has difficulty describing the past “plandemics” as a clear fraud is, from my perspective, anything but trustworthy.
"Scientific" poring over the details based on false assumptions is a cover-up tactic. This simple manoeuvre is intended to conceal the underlying truth, to forget it, and not to question it. It is like when you are in a store and have not yet decided to buy the goods, but the salesperson asks you how he should package them for you. In this way, he takes you to the second level of thinking before you have finished thinking through the first level on your own. Rummaging around in the details without checking the basic assumptions, packaged as "the science", is an age-old propaganda tactic. It can conveniently be called "skipping the levels of thinking". But that is a trick, not science.
When I ask about the past "plandemics" and ask for a clear statement, Dr Syed calls it a "pitfall". Why ? Is there something to hide that can only come to light by stumbling into a trap? From my perspective, it was a perfectly legitimate question, the answer to which could allow me to clarify the situation using clean means, at a conversational level.
My personal conclusion is that "Dr Syed" knows full well that "Covid" does not exist.
The comment below is not mine, but it is a fitting conclusion. Do you still have some time for that ? :
includeMeOut, January 1, 2025 :
When I heard about them damn fools searching for viruses in waste water (ie, in sewage) I figured it must have been a satire. Turns out the whole COVID affair is farce from root to branch. And now they are trying again with Bird flu, an ailment so deadly it does not kill the birds said to be infected. Ain’t got time for that…
“( … )
"Ain't nobody got time for that!" means ain't nobody got time for senseless ongoing PCR testing. Ain't nobody got time to keep going back and getting endless boosters. And most of all, ain't nobody got time for dealing with the 1,291 "side effects" associated with these injections from hell.
This isn't exactly an ole sayin', but it will be one day, so it makes the list.
( … ).”
Source :
Because of a text limit when sending emails, some information will be added here AFTER you have received the notification about the article. For this reason, it may be worth logging in again directly to this Substack.
For the most reliable information about the "Covid" scam and deceptions of the system, read Dr. Mike Yeadon's daily statements :
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :
Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends :
When searching for Dr. Yeadon's videos only two browsers are recommended : Yandex and Mojeek. But you can also try other, smaller browsers, too.
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.
Many statements and videos from Dr. Mike Yeadon can also be found on Suavek's Substack, which is recommended by Dr. Yeadon on the main page of his Substack.
Both links lead to Suavek`s Substack :
These fake dissidents do my head in!! Thanks for painstakingly showing us what we should beware of when analysing essays and looking for the telltale signs of A.I. content
" "Covid" because this narrative scares a lot of people."
One would think that freedom from threat was a desirable world to strive for?
Our unfettered neurobiology appears to dictate otherwise. The delicious and tormented fixation, addiction and 'thrill-chill' to threat, whether it is imaginary or genuine, demands we apply our attention and discourse around it, including the obvious acceptance of tyranny to 'control' it. We lurch from one State sponsored 'hobgoblin' to another (HL Mencken), from one hurricane to another, or indeed one allegedly contagious, imaginary self-replicating intracellular parasite to yet another.
Perhaps and in hope, our next ontological step is to transcend the biological anchoring of non-existent threat and in so doing, to withdraw the social license and mindless submission to governance by insanity?